BF2 is full of the sweetest gaming moments.
Very true. So it's a shame that the online gameplay experience is shit. LAN is great, though.
But yeah..
BF21. I was playing with 2 other people at Microplay. I know them both, and we were just mucking about. So one of them drops out of his plane into the water, and starts hollering for help. So me and the other guy both rush to assist in helicopters. We both turn in opposite directions and end up facing each other, about 5 meters appart directly over this guy in the water, who gets a huge explosion right over his head as we both die trying to save him. He then proceeded to swim to shore

2. Commander vehicle drops onto Carriers, driving them off the end and then jumping out into a waiting, hovering helicopter piloted by a trusted friend.
3. knife fights on top of a crane.
HL11. The tram. I mean come on. How many of you can honestly say you weren't awed in the late 1990s by the sheer brilliance of your surroundings as you travel through Black Mesa's transit network heading inbound to Sector C.
2. Seeing the scientist getting dragged through the window by the monster_tentacle. That terrified me, and gave me a huge grin at the same time.
3. Realising that my bullets were having no effect on the gargantua.
4. Watching the 45 minute speed run and just laughing the whole way through, seeing all the little flaws in HL that are taken advantage of.
5. Playing my first home-made map. Everyone here must know that feeling.
6. Getting lost in 'On a Rail'
HL21. Leaving the trainstation. Even on the lowest graphics settings possible, and at a framerate of like, 9fps, i was completely awestruck. Thank god i got rid of my old PC ^_^
2. PHYSICS!!! I spent about 20 minutes in that damned playpark!
3. G-man returns. It just made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
4. The time when you're crossing the railway bridge by car, which you have just spent the past 30-40 minutes carefully climbing under, and then hearing the honk of the oncoming train and JUST making it by the skin of your teeth.
5. The airboat chase already mentioned. Epic.
6. Diving the airboat off the side of the dam, floating surreally through the clouds, and just before you hit the water, the loading graphic pops up and everything freezes for a minute ^_^
7. Using the gravity gun in Ravenholm & Highway 17.
Operation Flashpoint1. Learning that losing your entire squad to a botched ambush is not the way to win the game, and proceeding to
really think about tactics properly to win, rather than going in and spraying bullets everywhere.
2. Reading death-quotes like "war is not nice" - Barbara Bush
3. Learning that there are like, 70 pilotable vehicles.
4. The motorbike ride at the start, like HL1's tram.
Note that none of these were in any particular order.
Oh, and Metal Gear Solid 1 (PS1) absolutely pwns MGS2 and 3. Seriously.