Posted 20 years ago2004-04-07 11:07:44 UTCPost #21591
In my map there is somekind of "overlightning" because every room's walls kinda "shines" ....??Why is that? The "shining" would be ok but it seems to be causing lagging so I want to get it off! There are just normal env_lights somewhere usually in the middle of the rooms :
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-08 06:40:23 UTCPost #21724
Read the Hammer Help File on LEAK finding. There are several ways to locate LEAK's, everyone seems to prefer a different method. There is NO really easy way. If you still can't find it Post the map in the Problem Map's section of the Vault and someone might look at it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-09 01:53:05 UTCPost #21818
If I have a leak, I find that it's convenient to enable the pointfile and noclip so that I can fly around the level looking for it. You can find out how to do that in the help file.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-09 08:43:34 UTCPost #21839
Play your map, bring down the console and type /pointfile ! This should make loads of little particles. Also, to make it more visible, type /particles 1000000 (dunno if that is the command though). Then, type /noclip and fly around following the dots. Once you have found it, locate it in Hammer and solve it!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-12 14:13:15 UTCPost #22272
Light_environment emits light from the sky. Light_spot can either emit light from the sky, or create a light that only lights up the area below it. Light produces a kinda crap lighting effect. Texlights produce a much more realistic lighting effect.