Steam install fails Created 17 years ago2007-06-10 15:28:45 UTC by mycokerewards mycokerewards

Created 17 years ago2007-06-10 15:28:45 UTC by mycokerewards mycokerewards

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-10 15:28:45 UTC Post #224851
I'm trying to install Steam to my d: drive. I AM logged on
as administrator.

When I try to install to D:steam, it gives the error during installation:


When I try to install to d:program filessteam, it gives this error:


I searched and filled out a support request on steam-powered, and are awaiting a response...

I can't install to the default directory on the C drieve, because I don't have enough space. Steam installed just fine to the D partition on my other computer...

Anyone else had this trouble, or can think of an alternate installation ideas?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-10 15:42:41 UTC Post #224853
I dont know what u mean. like make another administrator user account?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-10 20:22:36 UTC Post #224865
I AM logged on as administrator.
Learn to read.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-10 20:38:40 UTC Post #224866
Permissions in Windows are a bitch, especially in a domain environment. Are you in one? :P

Anyway, make sure you're in the right group (administrators) with the right privileges (administrator) and it should work. Tried creating the directory before you install? :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-11 17:20:56 UTC Post #224960
Um, I don't know what a domain environment is, so I'm guessing "no"?! = )

There is only one account on this computer, and it's the "Anlimited Administrator" (there are no guest or other accounts). I searched for more options under "User Accounts" but found none.

Maybe if I can't get It to work I can install it to my external hard drive?! : P

Oh and yes, I tried creating the directory and various subdirectories all with similar results. : (

Thanks for trying everyone and the qwick responces!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-11 18:02:49 UTC Post #224966



Did you happen to mess with any regs lately? This happened when i borked something up on my old machine.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-11 18:10:11 UTC Post #224967
I deleted the steam registry entry as the steam-powered instructions. I hope those are only really bad mispellings oversights ,and my computer isn't dying or I'm not getting Parkinson's or some brain disease! : O
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-11 18:41:21 UTC Post #224968
Did your D drive start life inside a different PC?

If so, I very likely have the answer you need.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-11 18:54:06 UTC Post #224969
no, but I just rememberd a piece of pertinent information that I left out.

When I first tried to install steam to the D drive, I simply changed the install destination to "D:". (I thought the installation would automatically create the "Steam" subdirectory, but it did not.)

Needless to say, I didn't want all the Valve files in my bare D drive, so i uninstalled it from that location, and ever since, it won't work to any other subdirectory.

I should also mention that upon uninstalling, the uninstallation inexplicably deleted some of my shortcuts originating from other unrelated programs on the d drive, but the programs themselves work fine.

Jeez, did I screw my filesystem or somthing?! : O
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-13 15:30:17 UTC Post #225137
Hmmm. Strange.

It may still be worth trying what I was going to suggest, in case the Steam un-install had some unexpected effects on your permissions. But, no guarantees it'll work. Can't hurt though.

Part 1:

1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Go to the Tools menu and select Folder Options
3. In Folder Options, go to the View tab.
4. In the list at the bottom of the View tab, find the entry called "Use Simple Filesharing (recommended)" and make sure it is unticked.

Part 2:

1. Go back to Windows Explorer
2. Right click on the root of your D drive (in the left hand column) and select 'Properties'
3. Go to the Security tab, and click on the Advanced button
4. On the Advanced window, go to the Owner tab.
5. Make sure the account that you use to log onto windows is listed as the current owner of the drive.

If it is - then that's how it should be, and I've just wasted your time. Sorry.

If not, then you need to make your account the owner. Make sure you click the box at the bottom which is labelled "Replace Owner on Subcontainers and Objects" too.

Cross those fingers!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 18:38:37 UTC Post #226200

I'll try it and get back to you if it works! As you might expect, steam-powered's less-than-rapid/useful responce was something like "you
have an issue with your windows installation"... LOL!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-08 04:19:15 UTC Post #227888
K, sorry I took so long to try these things!

I don't have ""Use Simple Filesharing (recommended)" and make sure it is unticked" available as an option.

When I right-click D: and properties, there is no "security" tab...

Maybe these are clues as to what's wrong with my XP permissions?! Thanks for all the detailed heop Playbus!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-08 05:01:47 UTC Post #227893
Luke, you fail at correcting people. Environment is right.

As for the issue at hand at haven't a clue. If it was me I would have got frustrated and re-installed windows by now. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-08 05:12:08 UTC Post #227895
Yeah, I probabley should have done that a while ago lol! =)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-18 18:14:30 UTC Post #229501
@ mycokerewards
May I ask you whether you have solved your problem? If yes. How did you do that. I got the same message even logged in as administrator.

It is funny installing steam on C: works but not on different partition such as D:.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-18 18:34:19 UTC Post #229504
I had exactly the same problem as mycokerewards.
First Steam was installed on C: when I recognised that there is not enough space.
Then tried to install Steam on D: and Steam is not that clever to add a separate folder, hence all Steam-Files were on D:.
My solution was go to properties on D: drive. -> tab Security -> add SYSTEM group and ADMINISTRATORS with full access.
Then it workes.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-18 18:58:53 UTC Post #229505
Not only did you double post (use the edit button), but I'm pretty sure this mycokerewards guy is gone by now. He last logged in a week ago. The thread has been inactive for even longer.
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