Your Mod's (past and present) Created 17 years ago2007-06-19 04:04:58 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 17 years ago2007-06-19 04:04:58 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 04:04:58 UTC Post #225632
Dunno why I'm making this thread. I'm pretty bored and I've been going through my threads all the way back to the dawn of all time (when I joined) and its pretty mad to see all the mods I've started and ended over the years. I was just wondering if anyone else gives in as much as I do. :

MOD The Complex - Worked on for about 3 weeks before getting bored. Then restarted 2 years later and renamed CENCOM

MOD HL: Manifestation - Started out as a demo version of The Complex and became my first 'off the wall' mod being made alongside my Girlfriend. The mod died with the relationship.

MOD HL:Crabz - Came with a competion map (still in the vault) in order to win a chance to play test the completed mod. Got lost in a nasty virus incident.

MOD Sub Zero Project - Larger mod which started during the development of HL:Crabz. Included a lot of new textures and loads of re-skins and my first edited models. Got lost in the same nasty virus incident.

MOD Brainwave - A completely original idea which was inspired by a competition called 'map something unique' but only 2 days before the closing date. Progress slowed and stopped 1 week in.

MOD HL: Outbreak - A horror mod involving a chemical plant involved with Black Mesa and a zombie outbreak. Skinned a load of models and then cancelled due to storyline issues (Basically it was shit)

MOD THE URBAN PROJECT (aka Skyline City) - Lasted about 2 months. The mods story, location and content changed about 5 times before it died.

MOD HL: Overload - My first mod based in the Black Mesa Research Facility. Put on hold due to new ideas. Then Deleted.

MOD CENCOM - The resurrection of The Complex mod that started 2 years earlier. Put on hold due to new ideas.

MOD KinetiX - Huge mod. Lots of custom content. Put on hold due to new ideas.

MOD This Tainted Place My first mod to feature nothing but custom textures. Put on hold due to new ideas.

MOD HL: Event Horizon (Texture Artist) - A Source mod. Lasted 5 months before the team fell apart.

MOD HL: OIFH Current Project which basically is awesome.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 05:47:18 UTC Post #225637
You got a lot of mods there, Urbanebula :P

MOD Xen Assault -1 My first try at 2004, with 9 playable maps. Cancelled due to bad mapping. Waste of time...

MOD Xen Assault -2 My second try at 2005, worked on it for 2 months, 5 playable maps. And new re-skins, textures, etc. Cancelled due to not really bad mapping but I thought it wasnt perfect enough. What a waste of time, it was...again.

MOD Xen Assault -3 My third try at 2005 again. Probably been working on it for 2 years now. 23 working/playable maps so far. Also it encountered a hard disk failure or something, which screwed the pc. But I managed to save the hard disk...with some of the files at least. Remade the rest of the mod files which were lost. Not going to cancel this one...I hope.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 06:25:27 UTC Post #225638
Well I guess you arn't counting mods you are involved in so. One for me.

HL: Dead Labs - Started when I was a noob, gathered a few mappers then it failed because i was a noob. Would be interesting to take it up again though and actully think it out.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 06:34:51 UTC Post #225639
Waste of time...
Surely you'd of learnt something?
I haven't made anything plausible yet but I might soon.
I'm currently learning coding, and I'm bloody frustrated with the impossibility of modelling.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 07:23:17 UTC Post #225641
I'm to inspirationless and to talentless, and on top of that, i'm really lazy, so yeh, no mods from me. I'm still working on finishing a map..

I still have the skill level I had 1-2 years ago, cuz' I lost interest in mapping and haven't mapped much since tbh.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 07:35:20 UTC Post #225642
Wow, Urb.. just.. wow. :roll:
My started and cancelled mods:

Half-Life: White Shift - my first idea for a mod back from 2005. Twas supposed to tell Kleiner's story in Black Mesa. Made 5 playable maps, stopped working on it due to lack of mapping skills and because the story was shit.

Flu! - It was supposed to be my entry to the Test Chamber compo, when all the personell in Sector C had come down with flu. I've reskinned lots of models, did some voice acting, along with one half-playable map. Didn't make it till the deadline due to lazyness and a slight lack of skills.

<no name chosen> - twas supposed to be my water compo entry. A surreal minimod, which was inspired by a song from Tool.

I've got about 5 more mods/ideas for mods, that I'd like to finish/start making one day. Won't post anything bout those yet.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 08:44:45 UTC Post #225647
Challenge - Started as a mod for HL1 in july 2004, where you basically mowed down enemies, i soon realised that sucked and, as well as moving to HL2, made a storyline following barney after HL1. then i realized i couldnt be bothered with such a strict plot and turned into a bunch of random maps strung together in a see-through 'portal storms' plot. still in development, i am currently getting free labour from other people's experiments. has a website, but not officially announced.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 10:58:30 UTC Post #225649
I never got involved with anyone else's mods, but there's one idea that won't stop bugging me.

HL - Transit - HL mod running alongside Black Mesa Incident. I only ever mapped a couple areas; The office area where a tram crashed (which failed completely because then I was a complete noob and hadn't even heard of the Arc tool and was busy using hollowed cylinders) and Transit Control with again the hollowed cylinders and a lot of leaks. Got redesigned several times, especially after I learned the limits of Hammer and the Goldsrc engine.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 11:15:58 UTC Post #225651
MOD Half-Life: Hostage Situation - Umm. yeah.. approaching its third birthday. What's fun about HS' history, is looking back at the ex-team who never made it to the finishing line (which i am confident the current team will do)
There was coldfeet, who was heavily active, then suddenly left TWHL for 2 years. He returned for a week about 2 months ago.
Mercenary, who.. well, he sucked at mapping.
Saco, who.. i dunno.. I think he just wanted to concentrate on Xen Assault.
Unbreakable, who was an asshole who decided that he wasnt working on it anymore, but failed to tell me for at least 3 months.

MAP SERIES 5 Ways To Die: The Series - Complete. The first one was appauling.. Like shockingly bad, yet i dont think any of my other maps aquired so many downloads. The puzzle-ish theme really seems to appeal to gamers. The second one sucked too. Meh. But i like the third one. I'm tempted to remake the originalsl, then release it as a Re-mastered pack or something. Think Star Wars.

MOD Half-Life: Gyradell Invasion - Inspired by Rimrook's Gyradell theme, this mod was all i worked on for.. oh, 3 months? It's not dead... But simply on hold as HS rounds the last corner.

MOD HL: Event Horizon (mapper) - A source mod that sucked balls because the leader was an idiot.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 11:49:08 UTC Post #225653
MOD 2nd Life - You play as a girl that wakes up in the Gaiden Complex, which is a part of Black Mesa designed to be deep underground and withstandable to nukes from above. Top science stuff is held down here to be protected from anything above the Gaiden Shield.

MOD Turnstile - An alternate twist on the HL story where you play as Thomas Corinth from a rival science facility developing teleporters. You get transported to an alternate world of Xen.

MOD 6D - A puzzle mod im currently working on.

MOD HL: Hostage Situation - Believe it or not, i played a really small role in something. I don't even know if im credited but i don't mind it since it was just some graphics.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 11:58:30 UTC Post #225654
of course you're credited :o
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 14:23:45 UTC Post #225661
HL2: Shadow of the Colossus - Well basically I was over my head in the amount of work it'd need. I was doing so well and the first modeller let me down and then the other wasn't good enough. I had a coder as well > _ >

Secret Mod- Meh it's a secret :o
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 14:39:54 UTC Post #225668
The Yeropol Conspiracy - I'm a mapper for this mod. Read it all on It's based on a russian facility similar to black mesa. Has lots of custom content: MDL's, coding, some tex's and my 1337 mapping skills (I wish...)
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 14:59:52 UTC Post #225673
Problem Reaction Kill - Too many new zombie mods, too little progress...
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 15:08:50 UTC Post #225681
Well, I haven't created or at least started on a very large amount of mods, but I have been part of some.

Guns and Science - My first mod, which has three of my very first maps in it.
It contained minor edits of the MP5 skin (I think) and changes to barney's and the scientists sentence lists.
Is availble on TWHL.

The Darkness - Not much was done on this one.
I made a map for it wich was basicly a complex of brushes inside a big box.
You ran around inside the complex looking for hidden weapons of mass-destruction.
I don't know why I stoped working on that mod.

SWAT - Echo 12 - The idea of my SWAT mod was presented for the public, however - nothing happened.

Opposing Shepard - Long time after my first two mods I joined a mod called Opposing Shepard.
The idea was to recreate OP4 but for source.
I left the crew after a while because I had too much stuff to do in school.

CHAOS - I joined this mod on the same time as I joined Opposing Shepard.
The leaders knew eachother and the guy from "op4 source" recommended me for this mod.
The mod was about a guy who found out that he really wasn't a guy, he was an alien. And through the game he would discover his secret abilleties as he fought those who had brainwashed him or something like that.

SWAT Echo 12 - I once again tried to get this mod running, this time with a new concept.
It almost worked.
However, I shut it down myself so that I could start on the new mod...

Blue thunder - Blue thunder was supposed to be like Echo 12 however, not SWAT.
It was supposed to be like RB6.
A special forces team who travelled around the world trying to stop a terrorist leader from detonating shit.
The mod-crew failed me... (not all of them)

I will never ever put larger amounts of time on mods which appears to have no future.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 15:46:38 UTC Post #225692
Problem Reaction Kill - Too many new zombie mods, too little progress...
I will come back, trying to do it in HL1 failed and nobody was ready for a HL2 mod on that scale at the time.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-19 16:02:16 UTC Post #225694
Heh...forgot some. These are ones that I am not in charge of but am working on.

Hostage Situation (modelling) - Still in development.

TWHLMix2 - Still digging the mines. Still being attacked by my cool new monsters. :P

Untitled Source Project (Voice Acting and Texture Art) - Not telling :P

DN:S - Learning Project for Source. Keeping quiet due to copyright issues.

Last Day in Paradise - Its been in the concept stages for nearly 5 years and I'm waiting for the right moment to get a team together and make it. It may end up being a mod for Crysis due to the physics and destructable environments but to put things in perspective its gone from Duke Nukem 3D to Quake 2 to Half-Life to Half-Life 2 and so far not one of them seems as though it would suit the theme. That's all I'm saying.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 02:51:43 UTC Post #225933
I had a mod, it was 2 levels. and sucked becasue i could never get the lever change trigger right....
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 07:01:32 UTC Post #225946
Opposing Shepard
Christ, Madcow! I hope that mod's name was temporary.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 07:44:32 UTC Post #225947
And I hope they spelled Shephard Properly. :sarcastic:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 08:26:06 UTC Post #225953
its spelt 'sheepherd'
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 09:23:08 UTC Post #225954
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 09:36:20 UTC Post #225956
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 09:56:20 UTC Post #225959
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-21 12:27:47 UTC Post #225974
I started a mod for TWHL that was basically Half-Life except it's maps was everyone's MP maps. They single player mod was gonna be "I got an idea 2" which kinda died off.

I got too lazy and never got around to getting everyone's maps, so it never got done.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 02:37:56 UTC Post #226060
I've made a few mods.

Xen Crystal - A small mod that has Gordon working for the Gman. Steals a giant crystal from the military and returns it to Xen and opens a portal to the Xen ancestors (who are very much alive). The best part of this mod was the end boss.

Jungle Justice - You play as The Phantom from the comics in an epic adventure to rescue Diana from the evil clutches of The Baron Von Sychenhowsen.

Santa's Revenge - I posted this one on TWHL at last christmas.

I am currently doing 'Santa's Revenge 2 - Xmas Meltdown' which is still a long way off and planning a singleplayer zombie mod called 'Infection #25'
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 03:18:57 UTC Post #226064
Gah, I might as well get in on this..

Ominous Reality Originally a 3 map pack, cancelled after map 1. Still in the map vault.

Renegade Hunt down a renegade sci protected by the military (surprised I didn't win an award for that story). On.. uhh... hold, I guess. Still have all the files should I decide to finish it.

Allout 3 - Some Subtitle Me trying to turn a frag-fest into a full-on mod. Died in the arse, may get revisited.

Cygni An attempted Source mod about a combine stronghold in some snowy mountains. Killed in an avalanche.

Ep 1 Map Pack Planned as a small 'alternate route' type thing, got a little done, may finish it someday.

TWHL Mix 2 Yeah.. don't know if i'll finish this, I like what i've done (which isn't much), but some of the ideas might be a little too hard for GldSrc.

HL2DM Map One I definately want to finish.

Semi-secret Remake Remaking a classic game with one other person. May contain animals.

Hundreds of abandoned maps and ideas :<
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 04:20:30 UTC Post #226067
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 04:24:02 UTC Post #226068
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 06:27:33 UTC Post #226077
Hunter: Yah, I made them change to Opposing Force: source..
Oh, and I misspelled the name yes.

But I were only in the crew for like a week.
The mod crew was poor and I could see that the mod would never finnish (and school, at least that was what I blamed).
I made them a half osprey and then I quit
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 04:48:43 UTC Post #227118

Level concept, never got off the ground

-MOD- HL2:Wrecked Ship

Project was way too ambitious, currently on the shelf, possible CPR in the future.

- Current MOD - HL:GM

Top secret! However looking for a modeler and a coder, and maybe a source team as the mod if for original (non-source) Half Life
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 14:16:33 UTC Post #227257
Meh, I guess I'll post mine if not a might late. I've never been much of a single player guy.
In order of starting date:

A mod taking place short after Half Life involving Gordon working for the Gman. The first assignment had something to do with being underwater, I don't remember. The mod was dropped after halfway through the second map.

Alien Blast
A fun mod [well it was fun back when I made it, and was 13] that constisted of nothing but a series of rooms connected by teleporters. No story, just run and gun. Each room had a bunch of one type of monster, and each room gave you a new weapon to fight them with. The mod was finished in a few days.

Alien Blast 2
A mod that tried to keep the similar, "fun" run-through-boxes-shooting-shitloads-of-enemies gameplay, but with a story and slightly more variation in the playing environment. The mod was dropped after seeing how lame it was.

Life Gear
A bold attempt to start a stealth action mod with Spirit. The story involved an evil government conspiracy to utilize their new device, the Life Gear(shitty play on Metal Gear and Half Life), which could create artificial Xen Life in favor of its creator, to acheive global superiority. Your job was, obviously, to sneak in and destroy the Life Gear. It also included a minigame that involved fighting an infinite amount of Agent Smiths and functioning bullet time. The mod started off nice, and the concept worked, but was dropped a ways in because I didn't have the kind of modelling tools I needed.

Nightmare: Its Only a Dream
A horror mod based on my old Nightmare map(see it in the vault) that tried to really capture that akward, dreamy feeling. Dropped after a gradual loss of ideas to scare people.

Half Life Shorts
5 "skits" I made while at a friends house in California for a week. Induced by being up at 5 AM. The mod was finished and released n the vault.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 14:47:55 UTC Post #227258
It's a shame really, cuz I can't play HL2 anymore - and certainly can't map or mod for it. Sux :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 15:19:14 UTC Post #227264
I had a mod planned in a txt file until it disappeared.

I guess I got too heavy on the ol' deletion finger.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 15:28:52 UTC Post #227266
I can't remember all the mods I started with m0px and people from IRC... Isotope is the only name that comes into mind, but there were others... That was more than 2 years ago, though. Black Death was one, too, not too sure. Oh well.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 15:30:52 UTC Post #227267
I never really got into a mod.
Never stuck with ideas for an extended period of time.
Mapping ADD i guess.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 21:01:08 UTC Post #227383
ok mine:

"Longest Run" Op4 mode; FAIL


UNTITLED Blue Shift mod: FAIL

"Longest Run" (try again) FAIL

UNTITLED Op4 mod: what im making at the moment

Funny Force: Im helping with making it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:00:20 UTC Post #227392
I forgot what my first mod was called, but it basically had you waking up in your suburban house hearing a big explosion next door, and then going into the house the noise came from and you see that somebody opened a portal to Xen... or something. I really didn't think it through at all, and it never did work, because the first map, set in the suburbs as I said, was so friggin' huge it wouldn't compile. I had only been mapping for about three months before I decided to make it, so I was very inexperienced and had no idea what the limits of the GoldSrc engine were. The way I'd planned it, each chapter was going to only have one map, and the maps were going to be huge. I'd written up plans for every chapter, and they were all in places like cities, neighborhoods, forests, deserts, etc. You get the idea. :zonked:

Anyway, here's a more conventional list of my failed mods (I've never completed any) in chronological order.

Into the Dark

This one was a kind of puzzle-based mod with minimal combat planned. After some scientists had discovered and entered an Egyptian tomb, there was an earthquake, and they were all trapped inside. Radio communication from them was also mysteriously cut, so you're sent in to find out what happened to them. It was a pretty average story, with you going in and finding them all killed, then having to escape from a bunch of aliens.

I got pretty far into the development of it, but I was having problems getting textures for it, and at the same time I got sidetracked on another mod...

Mission A10-11

This horribly named mod was born after playing a really shitty GoldenEye Source map, and declaring to everyone on the server that I was going to go make a Half-Life 1 map that would look way better. Well, I did that, but it turned into more than one map, and it somehow got a story.

You were to be some agent sent into a military research facility where the soldiers had turned evil and killed all the scientists working there. It seems like I had some elaborate story planned out for it, and I got pretty far into development (about five or six large maps) until I discovered a little thing called the grid. The grid allowed me to line everything up extremely well, and the textures would now fit everything perfectly. Unfortunately, I had built every one of the previous maps without using the grid, and I decided it would be far too hard to adapt to this new way of building things.

Half-Life: FUBAR (V1)

FUBAR will always stand as one of my more successful attempts at creating a mod. Whether or not it's ever completed, I can always say that I got really far into this, and have created a really professional looking (if yet unfinished) mod.

At the time I came up with the idea for this, I was really intent on making a mod based in the Half-Life universe, inside Black Mesa. All the textures were there, so all I needed was a good idea and confidence in my brushwork and entity skills.

All I was having trouble with was the character. Thinking about all the different types of people working in Black Mesa, I eventually decided that the only people who you hadn't played in mods before were the maintenance people. So that was it, you would play as a maintenance worker who woke up late one day, and went down to some dark room in the bowels of Black Mesa to fix a broken water pump. Obviously, while you were down there, the resonance cascade happens, and you end up escaping in the same way every other mod has you do.

However, I got sidetracked again, and started making another mod alongside this...

Black Hornet

This was supposed to be a very dark, gritty, and depressing Matrix-inspired mod, with worlds that were bathed in green lighting. It was also supposed to be short. Well, it might have been, but I never worked on it long enough to find out.

As another anonymous "agent" of some sort, your mission is to recover a briefcase that was stolen from an armored truck by the henchmen of a notorious crime lord. The briefcase contains a device used to open portals through to Xen. The briefcase has been tracked to an abandoned apartment building on the bad side of the city, and you're going in to get it. As is expected, the crime lord escapes with the device, and opens up the portals. Aliens start coming through the portals, you try and get to the crime lord to stop the disaster, etc. etc.

I really liked the idea of the mod, but I think I got a bit caught up with making textures for it. Anyway, it died fast.

Half-Life: FUBAR (V2)

I eventually tired of the story for the original FUBAR, and decided to wipe the slate clean and start all over. By this time, my mapping skills had improved considerably, and I felt the old maps didn't represent my current mapping level too well.

I'm still not giving away the story about this, but in the middle of making it, I was recruited onto the Hostage Situation team. I've bought web spsce for this mod, and have a half developed website for it, so it's definitely not dead... just on hold for a bit while some other things are cleared up.

Half-Life: Hostage Situation

I guess we all know the story behind this. I figured my position on the team would be pretty insignificant, but I ended up taking on more than I signed up for. Still working on it on and off.

Averted Doom

I planned for this to be a tiny little mod of maybe four maps. Like Hostage Situation, it's set in a dilapidated facility, but unlike Hostage Situation, this is in the middle of the jungle. It's a rather simple story where you're dropped from a helicopter and you just clear out some grunts from the facility.

I never got much done other than the helicopter and some textures, but I may come back to it in the future, if I get the inspiration.


Well, that was a tad long winded. ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 14:11:17 UTC Post #227475
I'm working on a mini-mod called "Binding Energy" at the moment. In the mod you will play as Gordon Freeman sent to put a series of combine outposts out of commission.
So far I plan to have four maps and some custom sounds to move the story along, it could get bigger or smaller depending on how lazy I get.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 18:37:03 UTC Post #227514
With all these ideas you'd think one would make it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 22:28:30 UTC Post #227529
With all these ideas you'd think one would make it.
The creative process is like life; full of hopes and dreams that that are too ambitious and end far too quickly.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 22:43:51 UTC Post #227531
I've never done anything in the fourms yet, but is this one for describing mods sombody has done, or given up on?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 22:46:58 UTC Post #227532
wow, yuo only have 2 forum posts, Carpocolypse
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 22:47:13 UTC Post #227533
wow, you only have 2 forum posts, Carpocolypse

Edit: Oh woops
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 23:15:12 UTC Post #227538
Yes I know, I rarly use the fourms, basicly cause either im mapping, or playing some kind of game, anywho, here's my mod ideas that were thought of and either in process or discarded.

Half-Life Funny Force - This is the mod I am currently working on with some other members of TWHL, so high hopes for that still.

Half-Life Funny Force 2 - This will be the same wacked idea as FF 1, but useing HL2 instead, idk if I will ever start this since Hammer for HL2 is just confusing and I dont really get it yet.

Half-Life Independent Force - This mod came as soon as I made my first map, I have not sumbmited the map and dont know if I should. When I thought of this mod I thought of the HL charecters.
1.Gordon Freeman - Scientist
2.Calhon - Security Guard
3.Corpral Shepard - Soldier
For Independent Force I wanted you to be sombody differnt, so for this mod, you are going to be one of the charecters that uses an HEV suit, yes Gordon uses it, but hes a scientist. The only part im still stuck on for this mod is what your main job is, what your name is, and if you should or should not still have a family.
I will only make this mod if I dont get any problems by VHE and dont grow bored of the mod, but I tend to start and end this mod.

Unthought of name - I never got an idea for the name of this mod, but you would be a Alien Grunt. Of course this would mean you only face soldiers and humans, but I thought of Opposing Force, if you were a Alien Grunt for that, then you would get even more enemys, the only problem would be keeping military weapons from you.

Another Unthought of name - This would be simlar to my idea of you being a alien grunt, but instead you would be a Shocktrooper. When I got Sven Coop and looked at it for mapping, I realized I could make the maps I always wanted, but the only problem that stood in the way was respawning after death. I could have still achived this useing Opposing Force, but you would not have the same kind of team play idea of other aliens along your side.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 06:22:15 UTC Post #227565
Unthought of name - I never got an idea for the name of this mod, but you would be a Alien Grunt. Of course this would mean you only face soldiers and humans, but I thought of Opposing Force, if you were a Alien Grunt for that, then you would get even more enemys, the only problem would be keeping military weapons from you.

Another Unthought of name - This would be simlar to my idea of you being a alien grunt, but instead you would be a Shocktrooper. When I got Sven Coop and looked at it for mapping, I realized I could make the maps I always wanted, but the only problem that stood in the way was respawning after death. I could have still achived this useing Opposing Force, but you would not have the same kind of team play idea of other aliens along your side.
Both very easy to do with the Spirit engine.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 01:37:45 UTC Post #227866
I never used Spirit, so I dont know anything about it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 01:39:46 UTC Post #227867
Go download it. You'll be amazed at the SP potential you get with Spirit.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 01:55:08 UTC Post #227869
How about after my Funny Force Mod I try it
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 04:46:49 UTC Post #227890
Your loss. :nuts:

(For the record, you can very easily carry a HL mod over to spirit.)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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