Really frustrating problem!!!!! Created 20 years ago2004-04-15 11:56:09 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Created 20 years ago2004-04-15 11:56:09 UTC by Dark Phoenix Dark Phoenix

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-15 11:56:09 UTC Post #22626
Heres the scenario:
1. map 1 - Run around then when your ready to move on click the button. Button causes level change to map 2.
2. map 2 - Pitch black room, where text comes up giving some story. change_level activated, on to map 3.
3. map 3 - inside a helicopter with your buddies, you cant move. Buddies do some talking, then helicopter gets attacked (hope doesnt sound too familiar!), fade out.... change level.... I dont need to go on its map 3 that has the problem.

My models of my buddies in the chopter after the level change arent affected by light ie. they are bright white. But there isnt a leak because when i run just map 3 the buddies are affected by light. So what could be happening in the level change to make it do this? Would it be better to put map 2 and 3 together and instead of a level change have a teleport? I dont like using teleports because ive actually never used them and they sound kinda complicated?

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-15 12:03:46 UTC Post #22627
Im not at all sure, but make sure the models are not touching the walls of the copter.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-15 12:48:04 UTC Post #22633
they are but everything theyre touching is func_illusionary, so it all works. I just think its weird how when you run it of the compile it works perfectly, then you play all my levels together and it goes all queer.

I might try the teleport idea, i dunno where to start!
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-16 00:06:00 UTC Post #22709
Make sure the ZHLT light flag is set to opaque, otherwise they don't block light.
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