Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Created 17 years ago2007-06-28 15:34:06 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 17 years ago2007-06-28 15:34:06 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 05:26:48 UTC Post #226976
So basically it's like "how dare you Jahzel, how dare you upset status quo".

Hey listen punk, I will continue to support the truth - and I will never, never grovel on my hands and knees as a slave to this criminal system. Call me an anarchist, (by the way, I?m not an anarchist ? and I certainly do not spread ?propaganda? or ?troll? on these forums) call me what you want - I'm a human being, and don?t appreciate seeing other human beings oblivious to what's going on.

I will always resist tyranny.

As for the reptilian stuff, is this thread meant to convince you that this world is run by space lizards? No. It isn't. Last I heard this thread was about a stupid cop pretending to be God.

...In other words, carry on worshipping these fuckheads:
User posted image
...dont be informed. Love your slavery.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 06:29:33 UTC Post #226978
You should always question authority, no matter what, I don't think anyone really disagrees with that. Thing is, you make it out to be we're denying some obvious truth that only the elevated can see, while the rest of us savour our slavery, then you call us ignorant when we question your truth. Why are you, or Prison Planet, more reliable than the media or the government, or what we see with our own eyes? I'm not saying any of your theories or world views are downright wrong, I'm saying why should we blindly believe them, when you say we should always question those in power?

Seems a bit hypocritical, especially since most of us have never seen the effect of this New World Order as you claim is already taking over.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 06:40:27 UTC Post #226979
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 08:37:19 UTC Post #226984
And second of all, the Reptilians are quite tangible--however, you simply don't have enough power to get access to them. So, unless you are a member of some royal family or an elite secret society, don't start crying like a little baby about how you can't see them. Um, news flash: Every human being on Earth is not as weak as you. There are plenty of elite people who have seen and done things that you can't even fathom.
Ironically enough, however--and this is indeed one huge irony--by you worshipping science and thinking that it will lead you to the truth, you are actually preventing the Reptilians from ever being exposed. This is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created science. Therefore, you cannot use science against them in order to expose them; that would be nonsensical.
You can see the Reptilians via meditating, using hallucinogenic drugs, and sleep paralysis. However, these are the fourth-dimensional Reptilians, not the third-dimensional ones--but more on all of this later.
[quote]"The ruling elite's deception against humanity mainly exists at a fundamental level, affecting the aspects of reality that you erroneously assume are basic truths."
They quoted themselves ^
Now, pay attention:
The Masonic U.S. One-Dollar Bill
User posted image
The dinosaurs were created by the Reptilians thousands of years ago, before one of the Reptilians' latest re-starts of civilization. The dinosaurs were used in order to scare off other alien races from coming to Earth, and also to kick out the aliens that were already living on Earth.
The Christian "Son on a Cross" Symbol (In addition to Jesus being a son/sun on a cross, note
how his arms are also spread out like a shining sun.)
User posted image
On Earth, the sun rises in the East. And, in Christianity, the resurrection (the rising) of Jesus (the son/sun) is celebrated on EASTer SUNday.
The Earth is hollow, with an inner sun and a more advanced civilization than ours. In fact, all planets are hollow and have inner
User posted image
One cannot travel to the North Pole or to the South Pole for two reasons:

1.) The North Pole and the South Pole do not exist. In their places are polar openings that lead into Inner Earth.

2.) Anyone who attempts to travel to a polar opening is eventually stopped by Outer Earth guardsmen as they near the opening.
My favourite:
The Nazi swastika is, in fact, a cubic-sun cross (that is, it is a sun cross which depicts a cubic sun
User posted image
That site's hilarious. Good find. :biggrin:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 10:32:12 UTC Post #226992
One cannot travel to the North Pole or to the South Pole for two reasons:

1.) The North Pole and the South Pole do not exist. In their places are polar openings that lead into Inner Earth.

2.) Anyone who attempts to travel to a polar opening is eventually stopped by Outer Earth guardsmen as they near the opening.
Best one.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 10:34:38 UTC Post #226993
The swastika is actually a symbol for the sun, it was used a lot by, amongst others, Christians before the second world war. I've seen the swastika inscribed on an old church bell.

The notion that Jesus Christ is really derived from sun-worshipping doesn't seem too far-off for me. I don't know about you guys, but the first part of Zeitgeist seemed pretty convincing to me (skip the initial overture, it's ridiculous). A very cool documentary.

Jahzel: Those two videos (3rd doesn't work) don't really prove anything about global conspiracies - they're just speeches about
a) an "order of the law", which indeed does sound shifty (I never liked Bush Sr.), but doesn't really say anything about a conspiracy. I doubt the goals of the UN founders include the loss of civil rights.

b) Globalisation and economic powers. He talks about free trade, a free market and investment in education, not spying on our citizens. The fact that he uses the term "new world order" doesn't prove anything except that that wording has been used by many before him, regarding completely different subjects.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 12:03:20 UTC Post #227014
Yeah, that's actually true. The cross has always been an ancient esoteric symbol of the sun. Most world religions are variations of Phoenician sun worship. In fact, the reason why most religions talk about 12 disciples, 12 tribes etc, is due to the fact that there are 12 segments in the zodiac. Each apostle represents a zodiac figure. Jesus is a symbol of the sun. His death and resurrection represents the cycle of the eclipse. The tomb stone rolling away is another obvious example of this symbology. Aztec and Mayan High Priests used to scare the population into submition by claiming that they had the power to stop the sun because they had the knowledge of the ecliptic cycle - knowledge that ordinary people were kept from. The same elite mentality can still be seen today. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER that?s why they are doing everything they can to stop you having knowledge.

Those videos are just posted to show how there is a plan to create a New World Order, it's not made up.

As for the truthism site, well, I've never been there before - and to be quite honest, it sounds pretty kooky.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 12:05:55 UTC Post #227016
Ever hear the saying "leading blind sheep to the slaughter."

When you are awake, so much more corruption is obvious, and you see how wrong things are, and you see how people just go along with it without a second thought.

When you are asleep, you don't see anything wrong with the government or the 'new world order, and you call everything a 'conspiracy theory' just so you won't be bothered by it.

If you ever do wake up, you'll really see how blinded you were, and you'll do whatever you can to try and wake other people up. You'll even go so far as to write things on mapping forums and try to tell strangers on the street about it.

You will be suprised, however, how many people ARE awake, and more and more are awakening.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 12:11:28 UTC Post #227018
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 13:14:12 UTC Post #227254
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 15:38:31 UTC Post #227268
Granted, there's a lot of policemen not doing their job properly in the US (evidently). Action should be taken against them, too.

And DocRock, shush. If all you can say to prove conspiracy theories is "Wake up, you're all blind", don't. You just sound like a doomsday prophet, and like Playbus said, you're not helping. All that achieves is alienate people even more from radical theories.

Jahzel, disbelieving theories doesn't mean we worship authority. I doubt anyone does. If you stopped insulting everyone who disagreed with your point of view, you'd probably have more success convincing people.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 17:07:08 UTC Post #227275
I agree with ZL. You people try to throw off the titles the public hand down to you like "radicals" and "conspiracy theorists" but when you act like this its not hard to see why they name you as such.

You also make ridiculous accusations. Such as "boot-lickers", which makes you seem even more radical. Please think what your going to type before you type it.

Of course, this is just gathered from my observations..
Children Arrested, Handcuffed For Riding Bikes
You mean handcuffed for riding bikes in an area where they're not supposed to be ridden.

I seriously don't understand why people throw up such a big fuss about cops simply doing their duties. Anyone with his/her head on straight can figure out that skate parks are for skaters. If people stopped being so fucking ingnorant and actually checked what they were doing was legal then you wouldn't have stupid incidents like these.

And if people don't like these laws, then taking it up against the cops isn't the way to go about changing them either. Its as if people thinks is "cool" to go up against the cops when they're simply doing they're duty, or if they make a few mistakes (which ANY human being can make). I don't know about you, but it sounds ridiculous to me.

Bottom line: Got a problem with the law? Don't blame the cops, they're simply enforcing it.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 20:33:40 UTC Post #227289
nope, I'm not gonna shush - at least not til they take my freedom of speech away, but they're already workin on shutting down free speech so I guess it won't be long til I get shushed. Then you'll be happy, aye?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 21:06:52 UTC Post #227294
It's like talking to a wall.

I don't disagree with your views and I'm not saying all conspiracy theories are bullshit - I'm saying stop acting like an asshole or you'll scare people off instead of "waking them up" as you call it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 02:21:44 UTC Post #227318
nope, I'm not gonna shush - at least not til they take my freedom of speech away, but they're already workin on shutting down free speech so I guess it won't be long til I get shushed. Then you'll be happy, aye?
Where the hell did you get that from!? You completely missed the point of what I said (which was to try a different approach, in short. Which is what ZL is also saying to you).
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 04:49:19 UTC Post #227327
Fine, be led to the FEMA camps, don't say we didn't warn you :tired:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 10:41:41 UTC Post #227342
Why fucking bother, Jahzel?
If the world's biggest corporations/powers have seekrit evil plans to make them even richer/give them more power, that involve killing lots of innocent people - who's gonna stop them? A bunch of anarchists? They're already powerful enough to deny everything the experts/media/etc. say.
If they want it to happen - it will happen, no matter if we "open our eyes" or not.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 11:26:41 UTC Post #227344
Just keep your head in the sand, you'll be fine. Just go ahead and go along with everyone and pretend that there's nothing wrong. Things will fix themselves like they always do. You'll be fine. Don't worry. Dig deeper, put your head in a little further. You'll be fine. Just relax. It's ok.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 12:00:58 UTC Post #227350
If the world's biggest corporations/powers have seekrit evil plans to make them even richer/give them more power, that involve killing lots of innocent people - who's gonna stop them? A bunch of anarchists? They're already powerful enough to deny everything the experts/media/etc. say.
If they want it to happen - it will happen, no matter if we "open our eyes" or not.
Sadly though, this is true. When the elite want to do something, even if it's totally unconstitutional, inhumane, or goes against every human rights law in the book, they'll just do it. - Mainly because they can.

When you have a population that doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground but can tell you everything about the latest Celebrity gossip or football scores, it's real easy.

Plus, you have the UN Eugenics program set to be enforced in the future whereby they want to reduce the world's population by around 85% - and you have the totally 'kept in the dark' advanced weapons systems such as the unmanned orbital payload delivery weapons in space which can literally wipe out an entire region in a split second...

Or they?ll perpetuate the ?al Qaeda? myth and start nuking major cities or using bioweapons on us, hence enforcing a total One World Government system... Or maybe even all of the above.

I'm telling you. The minute people begin to start "waking up" to what?s going on, they'll just wipe most of us out because they are too cowardly to face a new revolution.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 12:05:09 UTC Post #227351
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 12:49:03 UTC Post #227358
"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."
  • Hunter S. Thompson (R.I.P)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 14:23:44 UTC Post #227361
Fine, be led to the FEMA camps, don't say we didn't warn you
I'm honestly shocked. You still don't get what me, ZL and others have being trying to say. None of us disagree with you ideas (or whatever you want to call them) we just disagree with how you present them. Being highly aggressive in debates, arguments or whatever will only serve to annoy people and have yourselves ridiculed.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 14:24:58 UTC Post #227362
....Look at the time I posted it though :quizzical:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 17:00:54 UTC Post #227373
8:49 my time. Althought I have no idea what time it would be for you, although i suspect somewhere around midnight.

Meh, fair enough.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 23:55:56 UTC Post #227406
How would you like us to present this then?

First, you wanted us to write it in our own words. So, I did that.
Then you say we shouldn't use links to other information. Then you say what we use as our basis for information is all propoganda. And now you say the way we present the information is wrong.

Bottom line: how many different ways do you want us to plea with you to look at information, not only for your sake, but for those you know and others around you who are asleep - to look at and realize that things aren't as pretty as they seem to be.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 01:04:47 UTC Post #227408
Conspiracy Theories on the Internet - The Undeniable Truth!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 02:25:53 UTC Post #227412
First, you wanted us to write it in our own words. So, I did that.
Then you say we shouldn't use links to other information. Then you say what we use as our basis for information is all propoganda.
I didn't say those. Somebody else on this thread did I believe. The only one I wanted to see happen was the last one you listed. I only you to change how approach this topic.

Taking another quote from another thread on 9/11 conspiracies.
Pretty much the same vibe i'm getting, why are most conspiracy theorists the same? Annoying and incredibly one-sided.
This is why I'm saying change your direction, because your only pissing people off. If you want to wake people up, your going the wrong way of how you do it.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 04:35:03 UTC Post #227416
First, you wanted us to write it in our own words. So, I did that.
Then you say we shouldn't use links to other information. Then you say what we use as our basis for information is all propoganda.
Never said any of those. I'm guessing "you" would be a grossly generalised "People who don't agree with me on this forum".
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 07:39:39 UTC Post #227421
The other day I went to the skatepark and I rolled my ankle, and bruised my tailbone. I wub skateboarding.

*Posting in an epic thread (?)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 00:22:41 UTC Post #227546
When all this comes to light (and it is, but the mainstream media does not cover it), you'll look back and say to yourselves "hey those guys we called loons were right."

Crazy thing is, we never wanted you to take our word for it. All we ever did was ask you to look at what we had seen. Be kinda like someone telling you to go look outside at the shooting star or the creepy spider web on a tree limb. We tried not to force our opinions, but when you guys came across calling us fools, we couldn't call ourselves men if we would let it slide by unchallenged.

We had to defend our opinions. Because we cared. Because we wanted you to see what we had seen. But you ignored it and said there was no way it could be true.

So, I'm done here. Good luck people. Take care.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 01:15:41 UTC Post #227548
We tried not to force our opinions, but when you guys came across calling us fools, we couldn't call ourselves men if we would let it slide by unchallenged.
Just look at the first page, Doc. Playbus challenged Jazel's opinion and Jahzel's response was to call him a bootlicker. So tell me, was he only trying to present his opinion or force it? Standing up to criticism makes you more of a man than insulting those who challenge you.
We had to defend our opinions. Because we cared. Because we wanted you to see what we had seen.
Once again, insulting people is not the best way to defend an opinion.
But you ignored it and said there was no way it could be true.
In the words of several people:
...In principle, I actually agree with you on much of what you say about the state of the world.
My post wasn't to say that your theories are totally wrong...
I'm not saying any of your theories or world views are downright wrong...
I don't disagree with your views...
I don't necessarily believe in what the government feeds us...
And last of all I'd like to point out how ironic your post is. You say we unjustly called you fools, but when we merely disagreed with you you wrote a three paragraph speech calling us fools. You say we ignored what you said, but when we try to refute you practically word for word you don't listen.
Please, stop acting so damn victimized. We're only being skeptical, which is what you encouraged us to do all along, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 01:26:25 UTC Post #227549
People with better things to do: 1
Conspiracy theorists: 0
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 01:31:30 UTC Post #227550
When all this comes to light (and it is, but the mainstream media does not cover it), you'll look back and say to yourselves "hey those guys we called loons were right."
Unbelievable. Just about everyone here had some degree of agreement with you and Jahzel, but you go and write that? Even I agreed with your views. Did you actually ever read ANY of the posts here? Or did you just assume we'd all be going "O HAI U GUYS ARE GAY AN UR THORIY SUK LOLOLOL"?

I would say more about your post, but Gunter has pretty much said what I wanted to say.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 05:28:27 UTC Post #227558
And we're the short-sighted and narrow-minded ones? Really Doc, you ought to know better after hundreds of posts explaining the simplest things to you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 06:37:44 UTC Post #227567
Yes, yes, keep on ignoring the truth. But don't come crying to me, wanting to buy my tin foil protection devices when the inner earth guardsmen come after your pudding!!
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 06:54:50 UTC Post #227568
So, I'm done here. Good luck people. Take care.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 22:25:03 UTC Post #228164
Wait, what was the video about bmx riders getter arrested in skate parks? Those bikers are idiots! F***ing idiots. Why are they getting mad at the cop? The cop said take it up with the city council, Jeez, they should try something before they complain, I hope the get rapped in prison for being tards. Having a bike in a skate park is dangerous, ever been hit with a bike, it hurts. People have regulations for a reason. Man I get soo ticked with people I wish we could ship off those types of people to australia. Just have everyone leave australia, and anyone who has a problem with authority, go there, have fun do whatever.

I hate the people who are anarchist in my school. Do they really know what that is? Anarchism leads to goverment. We had anarchy, when we were cavemen, then the smart/strong one, says "Hey, I can lead these people and have a better life (who doesn't want to be the leader) for my self and everyone else. Boom! We have tribes, then it evolves to kings and queens, then to dictators, presidents, ministers. If we went back to true anarchy, anyone could kill anyone without any repercussions, then vigilante groups would form, then some guy would say," Hey, I can put things back in order and provide saftey and have a better life." Then it would all start over again!

p.s. -I am not calling anyone an anarchist, but the people in the video remind me so much of people in my school. And I hate seeing people hate cops for A: Just being cops. and B: Doing their job. It wasn't like the kids went to city hall and complained, no they did something illegal, retards! People like that have proven natural selection wrong, they should have died way long ago, by forgetting to breath.

p.s.s. - Sorry for the long rant, People make me so mad sometimes.

Oh, one more thing, my views on goverment, -Goverment is a way for the smart (physically mentally) help (guide, control) the weak (stupid people), by anymeans (I am all for a sorta-hivemind type of goverment, (but that is a different discussion)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 09:18:39 UTC Post #228207

"Oh dear" - (From Worms)
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