Help needed to build a Stargate System Created 16 years ago2007-07-07 19:32:47 UTC by Srt StoneDog Srt StoneDog

Created 16 years ago2007-07-07 19:32:47 UTC by Srt StoneDog Srt StoneDog

Posted 16 years ago2007-07-07 19:32:47 UTC Post #227836
Hello all I would really like some help with a stargate. Ive built a one way, one trip only stargate before but it look poo..
so im asking for everyones help to build a stargate that looks as real as the TV show.

give me your ideas
its mainly entities im unsure whats the best way of doing it i want the bubble that burst out.

any help will do

cheers Sgt StoneDog
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-08 11:00:34 UTC Post #227931
Well do you have the brushwork looking good? If the brushes don't look good, no amount of bubbly entities will make it look good!
The way I tend to see that sort of effect acheived is with sprites on a func_traintrack if I aint mistaken.

Maybe post your last attempt and we can help you improve?
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