Your favorite weapon! Created 17 years ago2007-07-18 04:28:13 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Created 17 years ago2007-07-18 04:28:13 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 03:10:03 UTC Post #229550
Tranquelizer M9 from MGS2. Turn people into Pinhead hehehe :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 03:17:11 UTC Post #229551
Haha, that is funny how amazingly effective it is, but the USP just had a certain bulky feel to it that I liked.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 05:05:19 UTC Post #229552
That's that weapon that allows you to teleport in UT right?
That's one of my fav. ones aswell, I love to teleport into someone, and make them split into thousand gits. :aghast:

I personally prefer unrealistic weapons, than the regular boring CS/WW2 stuff.

(..and yeh, i'm bad in remembering weapon names. ;p)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 05:54:11 UTC Post #229558
Screw Attack - Metroid
Not really a gun but it obliterates anything.

Crowbar - Half-Life 2
I like the sound it makes when you smash a combine in the face.
Or a Headcrab at the last second.

Sniper Rifle - UT2004
Sooo many Holy-Shits and God-likes.

[borat]Very nice, I like.[/borat]

Scarab Gun - Halo 2
Destroys buildings.

Displacer - OP4
OP4 had awesome guns.

Holy Hand Grenade - Worms Armageddon

Plasma Grenade - Halo 2

RayGun - Super Smash Bros.
OK stop that's getting REALLY annoying now :biggrin:

Shotgun - Halo
The Anti-Flood.

Super Shotgun - Doom
The Anti-Everything.

All the guns from Jet Force Gemini. That game was awesome.

Crossbow - Half-Life 1 and 2
Funny physics in HL2.

All these models from DeviantArt. Some of them are more OTT than the BFG though :P

Bunker Buster - Mercenaries
What the... what a waste of mon - OH SHIT GET INTO THE CHOPPA.

I have a lot of favourites. Can't remember them all though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 06:42:45 UTC Post #229563
That's that weapon that allows you to teleport in UT right?
That's one of my fav. ones aswell, I love to teleport into someone, and make them split into thousand gits.
Wait, it's called the translocator! :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 06:49:53 UTC Post #229564
My fav weapon is a dope fish
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 10:55:55 UTC Post #229576
I hereby officially change my favorite real-world weapon to the Pancor Jackhammer, because I completely forgot about it when I first posted. Sorry Steyr Aug, all your dreams are dead(wut?).
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 11:08:30 UTC Post #229577
One fun thing to do in UT2004 is to put 8 Spider Mines on a Manta, stick a grenade onto each spider mine, and then fly past an enemy. The cluster of Spider Mines + grenades kills anything within 10 feet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 12:13:08 UTC Post #229580
My top three:

1. ASMD Shock Rifle from the first UT. (The Shock Rifle in UT2003 is just a piece of useless shit.)

2. Double-Barreled Shotgun from Quake 1

3. Rocket Launcher from Quake3 (Simple, but still kicks ass.)
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 13:02:22 UTC Post #229581
Pancor Jackhammer
I remember that from Delta Force. One helluva killing machine in close/medium range.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 13:12:05 UTC Post #229582
Oh, I forgot to mention: The Gauss Cannon and/or the tv-guided missiles from Descent 2
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 13:18:28 UTC Post #229583
I remember that from Delta Force. One helluva killing machine in close/medium range.
Its in a lot of things, but yeah, its a fucking beast :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 13:36:17 UTC Post #229585
1. Ehrgeiz from FF8 =D
2. Ripper from UT
3. Sniper Rifle from UT
4. Gravity Gun
5. Crossbow from hl2
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 13:40:48 UTC Post #229586
Gravity Gun... which gravity gun? There was one in DOOM 3 too =D (the expansion at least).
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 14:09:29 UTC Post #229588
If there was a gravity gun in Doom III(which I never finished) then it obviously sucked, because Doom III's physics were atrocious.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 14:31:19 UTC Post #229591
As i said, the expansion. And you get it right at the beginning. And it worked quite nicely.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 22:16:22 UTC Post #229627
The gravity gun in HL2 was cool! It was especially useful in Ravensholm because there was bugger all ammo and I loved picking up the circular saw blades and shooting zombies with em'. lol! Zombies won't bother you again when you slice them in half! :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 22:19:45 UTC Post #229628
Which is funny, cuz if you hit their legs, they split at the stomach AND the crab dies. If you kill any zombie with an objects with the gravity gun, no matter where it hits them, as long as the die, the crab dies.

Gravity Gun was also useful in that area as far as saving ammo goes because it had the same effect on normal and fast crabs as the pistol did (2 hits from grav gun on easy mode killed them) and it also took down poison crabs in 2 hits on easy mode. That was especially nice since it took 5 or 6 shots from the pistol. If you did gravity gun, shotgun, and a wee bit of pistol, you'd make it through ravenholm easily.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 22:24:43 UTC Post #229630
That's a good point there, mind you i bashed one to death with a paint can 'cause I lost my blade. Took about 20 hits but it killed him and the headcrab. I think if you bash a zombie to death the headcrab dies from shock or something. The supercharged gravity gun would have been fun in ravenholm, you could have caught one of those fast zombies in the air and tossed him!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 22:27:15 UTC Post #229631
if you get the to the weapon stripper, all you have to do is change maps to ravenholm, and you're grav gun is super charged. =D

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 08:28:39 UTC Post #229655
Shooting headcrabs? What the hell for? The crowbar kills any headcrab on hard with one hit.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 14:36:44 UTC Post #229707
MG50 Gunpods mounted on my trusty ME-109G/AS raping the asses of allied bombers with german lead.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 21:37:17 UTC Post #229763
It was easier to kill a headcrab with the crowbar in HL1, now they are too quick and I usually can't kill one without getting hit once. And you got to be careful with them, if one manages to land on the back of your head you die no matter how much health you have. YOU'VE BEEN ZOMBIFIED!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 22:10:07 UTC Post #229767
Really? I think it's harder to kill headcrabs in HL1 because they move faster when they jump in HL1 than in HL2. Plus, it takes 2 hits with the crowbar in HL1, so if he jumps at you and you have it out, you'll invariably be bitten, even if you hit it.

I just whip out the shotgun at shoot that fucker as he's jumping at you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 23:11:57 UTC Post #229773
The only headcrabs I waste ammo on are the black poison ones. I fucking hate those. Unlike regular headcrabs, they can actually pose a threat under certain circumstances.
I think Perfect Dark had some of the greatest, remember the Black Hole Hand Grenade (It is a grenade that when is thrown creates a small black hole killing everything near it)
Actually, it was called the N-Bomb, and it only disoriented targets whilst causing minor damage. You'd have to throw like 10 of them to kill someone even remotely fast, but the game would start lagging like hell with more than 1 N-Bomb active. :)

Someone mentioned the weapon in FEAR that burns the flesh of people, leaving only a smoldering skeleton. I remember frying a guard with that, and the one next to him ran over and said: "Are you okay?!". Good times :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 23:26:24 UTC Post #229776
I must say I had much fun using the farsight and laptop gun from perfect dark, but we all gotta admit the farsight was too fucking good. I mean for those that don't know what it is, it's an alien sniper weapon which has auto aim and can see through walls and shoots through all walls and allways kills in one shot. oO
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 23:53:30 UTC Post #229778
Someone mentioned the weapon in FEAR that burns the flesh of people, leaving only a smoldering skeleton. I remember frying a guard with that, and the one next to him ran over and said: "Are you okay?!". Good times
The same thing happened to me :D Ahh the great AI of FEAR.
But I can't rail on it, because it really was pretty damn good AI.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-20 23:56:07 UTC Post #229779
Crowbar - there's something so satisfying about this melee weapon

Crossbow in HL2

Grenades in any game
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 00:01:04 UTC Post #229780
Shooting headcrabs? What the hell for? The crowbar kills any headcrab on hard with one hit
... as I said, with the Gravity Gun. No wasted ammo, and it's fun to watch them attack at you and fly backwards.

@Hotdog: Can they really 1-hit KO you if they get you in the back of the head??

And yes, I think killing them in HL2 is ALOT easier.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 09:10:38 UTC Post #229837
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-21 13:16:24 UTC Post #229851
The energy sword from Halo 2
Portable airstrike in mercenaries
M1 Garand in any ww2 games
and for some reason MP5 with laser sight in RS:vegas
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 11:17:44 UTC Post #230114
The pistol from Halo.
The Gravity Gun from HL2.
The portable airstrike from mercenaries.
The UMP45 from R6:Vegas.
The FN P90 from real life.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 12:26:28 UTC Post #230117
BFG 9001 - Dungeon Runners (Just got it yesterday and it pwns)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-24 13:06:57 UTC Post #230120
Hydeph, what the hell does that thing fire?!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-25 00:15:27 UTC Post #230185
chicken gun from rachet and clank
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-25 01:02:17 UTC Post #230193
Perfect dark did have some of the best weapons..

1. N-Bomb -- The black whole grenade

2. Laptop gun -- Converts into a sentry gun, kickass.

3. The Dragon.. -- Machine gun/Proximity mine, you would throw it and then the enemies would go to pick it up.. boom

4. The Reaper.. -- Horribly inaccurate laser spray/grinder.. sometimes usefull

5. The Farsight -- That weapon that had the x-ray view to fire/kill people through walls

6. Psychosis Gun -- The injector that could be set to "lethal injection", or you could inject enemies with something that would make them fight people for you.. usefull

I was also a fan of the ion cannon beacon from Command and Conquer Renegades.. although that was a bit of a crappy game
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-25 02:40:49 UTC Post #230201
@saw1833: well, either it does or I got hit several times at once 'cause it happened when I had about, uhh, somewhere between 30 - 40 health. I know I wasn't in the red because the HEV suit hadn't gone off at me yet and the most damage headcrabs cause is usually 10 and I was playing on medium.

I recently played a demo of Hostile Planet on the Xbox 360 and the giant shotgun looks so COOL!!!! I mean, look at the size of that thing!! how could you even carry that thing around. :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-25 04:16:49 UTC Post #230211
Perfect dark did have some of the best weapons..

1. N-Bomb -- The black whole grenade

2. Laptop gun -- Converts into a sentry gun, kickass.

3. The Dragon.. -- Machine gun/Proximity mine, you would throw it and then the enemies would go to pick it up.. boom

4. The Reaper.. -- Horribly inaccurate laser spray/grinder.. sometimes usefull

5. The Farsight -- That weapon that had the x-ray view to fire/kill people through walls

6. Psychosis Gun -- The injector that could be set to "lethal injection", or you could inject enemies with something that would make them fight people for you.. usefull
What's that you say? The Pancor Jackhammer is the best weapon of all time? Why yes, I was thinking the same thing!
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