Created 17 years ago2007-07-18 04:28:13 UTC by
Displacer.That's that weapon that allows you to teleport in UT right?
That's that weapon that allows you to teleport in UT right?Wait, it's called the translocator!
That's one of my fav. ones aswell, I love to teleport into someone, and make them split into thousand gits.
Pancor JackhammerI remember that from Delta Force. One helluva killing machine in close/medium range.
I remember that from Delta Force. One helluva killing machine in close/medium range.Its in a lot of things, but yeah, its a fucking beast
I think Perfect Dark had some of the greatest, remember the Black Hole Hand Grenade (It is a grenade that when is thrown creates a small black hole killing everything near it)Actually, it was called the N-Bomb, and it only disoriented targets whilst causing minor damage. You'd have to throw like 10 of them to kill someone even remotely fast, but the game would start lagging like hell with more than 1 N-Bomb active.
Someone mentioned the weapon in FEAR that burns the flesh of people, leaving only a smoldering skeleton. I remember frying a guard with that, and the one next to him ran over and said: "Are you okay?!". Good timesThe same thing happened to me
Shooting headcrabs? What the hell for? The crowbar kills any headcrab on hard with one hit... as I said, with the Gravity Gun. No wasted ammo, and it's fun to watch them attack at you and fly backwards.
Perfect dark did have some of the best weapons..What's that you say? The Pancor Jackhammer is the best weapon of all time? Why yes, I was thinking the same thing!
1. N-Bomb -- The black whole grenade
2. Laptop gun -- Converts into a sentry gun, kickass.
3. The Dragon.. -- Machine gun/Proximity mine, you would throw it and then the enemies would go to pick it up.. boom
4. The Reaper.. -- Horribly inaccurate laser spray/grinder.. sometimes usefull
5. The Farsight -- That weapon that had the x-ray view to fire/kill people through walls
6. Psychosis Gun -- The injector that could be set to "lethal injection", or you could inject enemies with something that would make them fight people for you.. usefull