What the F**K are you talking about. Created 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:15:13 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:15:13 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:15:13 UTC Post #229967

Had an Idea!

All is not well! I apologise in advance.

Post a quote from a conversation you've had online so that others can take guesses at what you were talking about. Could be funny. Could die after 2 posts.
[ URBλNEBULλ ] Demonic Puppy Games says:
I prefer to do it by hand.

FunkyHippo says:
Same here, I prefer hand.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:16:46 UTC Post #229968
Urbanebula: My thread is awesome!
Luke: It sucks.
Urbanebula: You're right. Tell a mod to close it.
Shoutbox quote. It's real. And I'm not lying.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:23:27 UTC Post #229971
I don't remember saying that.

But hey, its there in writing so it must be true!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 19:58:57 UTC Post #229975
23:30 ZombieLoffe> first you might think "he's not really a dick, everyone just dislikes him and says "he's a dick"
ZombieLoffe>	But then you read his posts
23:31 ZombieLoffe> and you know for sure
ZombieLoffe>	in your soul
ZombieLoffe>	he'a jew ass dick nigger

<<?$4[ A ][ X ][ E ][ L ]?$1>> - [<3 Amy] says:
Shes too shy... She immediately thinks that becuase im inviting her to stay the night at my house, im gunna shag the shit outta her
<<?$4[ A ][ X ][ E ][ L ]?$1>> - [<3 Amy] says:
I mean, I'll try, but shes not supposed to know that
  • Hunteh Engage - λ - EPIC FAIL says:
Type your phone number in msn! It blocks it now :o
Look: ** ** ***

[c=4] David [/c] says:
  • Hunteh Engage - λ - EPIC FAIL says:
  • Hunteh Engage - λ - Yes you did! You invaded Poland! says:
i cant get off the 14 year old cock-sucking numa megaloop!
Urbanebula :-: Oh Jesus. I laughed so hard my eye came out .( says:
Transfer of "pwned 07.rtf" is complete.

Prof. Hughbert Lloydsworth says:
that choochoo person doesn't seem very friendly
Tiffany says:
whats pen0r
-[David] [<3 Natasia]- says:
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
gimme a hint
-[David] [<3 Natasia]- says:
it starts with P
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
-[David] [<3 Natasia]- says:
Tiffany says:
Tiffany says:
-[David] [<3 Natasia]- says:

(She continues like this for quite a while. )
Tiffany says:
show me a picture of a pen0r
  • Hunteh Engage - λ - says:
get david to. i'm busy
katie says:
whats minge..im so confused
Tiffany says:
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:03:17 UTC Post #229976
<world_crafter>I'm masturbating.
This one's tricky since I only gave you two words to guess what I'm talking about. Don't feel stupid if it takes you a while.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:07:06 UTC Post #229977
heres one, you will never guess it:

The Hunter: "i love this guy ^_^

Obviously has a real passion for mapping :)"
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:08:41 UTC Post #229978
Hunter said that as a comment in someone's map that he hates now. I forget who.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:52:36 UTC Post #229980
It was Dave932932.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:54:37 UTC Post #229981
"<RaveAddict> frankly those kind of jokes make my dick floppy"

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:57:58 UTC Post #229983
I thought his dick was always floppy?
23:30 ZombieLoffe> first you might think "he's not really a dick, everyone just dislikes him and says "he's a dick"
ZombieLoffe> But then you read his posts
23:31 ZombieLoffe> and you know for sure
ZombieLoffe> in your soul
ZombieLoffe> he'a jew ass dick nigger
That could be so many people here.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-22 20:59:08 UTC Post #229984
Elon Yariv
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 03:51:47 UTC Post #230034
I lol'd at my own quote.
[12:22:20] <@Ant> Wow, she's only 7 years older than me.
[12:21:46] <@Ant> And I wuv Portman
[12:22:34] <@Hugh> what, does she looks 30? :/
[12:22:48] <@Ant> Well no :P
[12:23:10] <@Ant> I just always think there's a huge age gap between me and ladies I like
[12:23:38] <@Hugh> 7 years IS a huge age gap, at least at your age
[12:23:52] <@Hugh> I wouldn't go out with a 27-year old, unless she was super-duper-DUPER
[12:24:07] <@Hugh> or just OK. I'm not picky
[pre] your quotes for extra quoted-ness.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:09:26 UTC Post #230035
[16:03] * Strideh (~playdateo@ppp150-101-147-18.lns1.per1.internode.on.net) has joined #twhl
[16:03] <Mervin> Strideh, the following messages have been left for you:
[16:03] <Mervin> Recieved on Saturday, 14 July 2007, 11:11 GMT from Ant: Damn fucking straight
[16:03] <Mervin> Recieved on Saturday, 14 July 2007, 11:41 GMT from dewdle: is it a matrix foobar?
[16:04] <Strideh> !tell dewdle wtf mang
[16:04] * kol is now known as yuri
[16:04] <Strideh> Man, i'm aso fuckign fucxked rugght noiw
[16:04] <Strideh> i can't ecven type rigt
[16:04] <Strideh> fucking alcohold..
[16:04] <Strideh> whereds rabid.
[16:05] <yuri> bahhahaaa I can't type very well too, but that's due to shitty keyboard
[16:05] <Strideh> lewl ilove beiung drunl
[16:06] <yuri> beer... the bad side of it is, it's giving you ESTROGEN
[16:06] <Strideh> !tell rabidmonkey'BFops il;ove alcohole 
[16:06] <yuri> I'm not kidding
[16:06] <yuri> maybe stick to vodka or whiskey
[16:06] <Caboobs> Drunk Strideh is druuunk, lol
[16:07] <Strideh> ok, serops;ly masn, this is the first ime i've  beeen p[roper fucked in a liong time..
[16:07] <Caboobs> And you celebrate by coming on IRC?
[16:07] <Caboobs> Go and get some bitches or seomthing
[16:08] <yuri> whaaa? don't fuck ladies while you are drunk, because they'll end up having retarded kids
[16:08] <Strideh> nah man i9t's like 4 o clock and everb one is alseep.
[16:09] <Strideh> man, i can't evben jkkeeep m,y head staringht.
[16:09] <Caboobs> Passed out ladies = RAAAAPE!!!
[16:09] <Strideh> hahasdagtaahahah/
[16:09] <Strideh> man kan you guys understand me?/?
[16:09] <Caboobs> Slightly
[16:10] <Strideh> haha sotry anout tyhis
[16:10] <yuri> passed out ladies = take into your basement ;)
[16:10] <Strideh> fuck. my sppellng is terrib;e
[16:10] <Strideh> manthis is  fun tho
[16:11] <Strideh> fucjing whole botttttle jim beam and shit
[16:11] * Daubster (~daubster1@ has joined #twhl
[16:11] <Strideh> DAUBSTEr
[16:11] <Strideh> how3s it goinn
[16:11] <Caboobs> Hay Daub
[16:11] <Caboobs> Whole bottle yourself? Daaamn.
[16:12] <Daubster> How are you gentlemen<i>!!</i>
[16:12] <Strideh> yeah man, mopst've a bottle ..
[16:12] <Strideh> im spo fucking shakey n shit
[16:12] <Strideh> funn ythig is il know i;; tegret this
[16:12] <Strideh> regret 
[16:13] <Caboobs> btw I'm logging this, so you get to see it later when you're sober
[16:13] <Caboobs> :D
[16:13] <Strideh> :D !
[16:13] <Daubster> *reads Strideh's journal
[16:13] <Strideh> Man, i love oyou all so mcuh
[16:13] <Strideh> your realll so fuckign awwsome
[16:13] <yuri> thanks
[16:13] <Daubster> ^^
[16:13] <Caboobs> <3
[16:13] <Strideh> ll no tproble,m
[16:14] <Daubster> What'd ya drink?
[16:14] <Strideh> man, is my tezxt xm,comiung oput right/?
[16:14] <Strideh> Jim beam dxaubster.
[16:14] <Daubster> Looks alright to me
[16:14] <Daubster> Ooh
[16:14] <yuri> wtf is jim bea 
[16:14] <Strideh> Coolios.
[16:14] <Strideh> Jime beam.
[16:14] <Strideh> Kentucky straight bourbain wuswkey
[16:14] <Strideh> wishkey
[16:15] <Strideh> whisjey
[16:15] <yuri> giid choice
[16:15] <Strideh> or somethign
[16:15] <yuri> *good
[16:15] <Strideh> man.. o lvoe this shit
[16:15] <Strideh> RABID!
[16:15] <Strideh> !!!
[16:15] <Strideh> I lvoe ta man,
[16:15] <yuri> hey Daubster, I'm in Ukraine and beer there is pure shit... almost like sour piss
[16:16] <Caboobs> As opposed to sweet piss
[16:16] <Daubster> Never tried any Ukranian beer..
[16:16] <Daubster> Lithuanian beer ftw ;>
[16:16] <yuri> I've tried Baltika - taste = meh
[16:17] <Daubster> Baltika? Ooh
[16:17] <Daubster> Tried that
[16:17] <Daubster> Cheap :>
[16:17] <Strideh> msa i hjpe my friend picsk me up coaas this reallly hot choisk is staluying ast his house
[16:17] <Strideh> iw ant tso do stuff to her ey.
[16:17] <yuri> I'm not a big fan of beer tbh
[16:17] <yuri> in fact, I hate beer
[16:18] <Strideh> D:
[16:18] <Caboobs> Stick it in her pooper for great justice Strideh
[16:18] <Daubster> fuck, I should be having a beer/drink. Got paied yesterday ;<
[16:18] <Strideh> jim beam is the stihit.
[16:18] <Strideh> i woill cabppse , just ocs oyu said so.
[16:18] <Daubster> paid*
[16:18] <Caboobs> yay
[16:18] <Daubster> ^^
[16:18] <Strideh> Daibsetr. o javhaven't beenm drun in montjs
[16:18] <Strideh> months
[16:19] <Strideh> ;liek nine months ors soo
[16:19] <Daubster> Never been on irc while drunk :>
[16:19] <Daubster> Heh
[16:19] <yuri> aaaaaaaanyways... sleep
[16:19] <yuri> c-ya
[16:19] <Caboobs> nn
[16:19] <Daubster> Night, yuri
[16:19] <Strideh> is gpp d fun
[16:19] <Strideh> night uyuri
[16:19] * yuri is now known as kol
[16:19] * kol (~[kol]@60-226-105-89.dsl.lviv.farlep.net) Quit (Quit)
[16:19] <Strideh> night lkosl
[16:20] <Strideh> sop you'r e really loggin this??
[16:20] <Caboobs> Yeah
[16:20] <Caboobs> I log everything
[16:20] <Strideh> man i'm a look a fool tomeorrow ://
[16:21] <Caboobs> Probably :D
[16:21] <Strideh> ohj we;;ll ive jad a gppd noght
[16:21] <Daubster> More like an average drunk person ;P
[16:21] <Strideh> :D!
[16:21] <Strideh> WHeters ant ia wannt astick it in him
[16:21] <Daubster> In his pooper?
[16:21] <RabidMonkey`BFOps> :o
[16:21] <Strideh> no omg
[16:21] <Caboobs> Oh shi- Rabid
[16:22] <Strideh> RAbifseh you durnk>
[16:22] <Daubster> Hi Rabid
[16:22] <Strideh> ???
[16:22] <RabidMonkey`BFOps> I'm not drunk :P
[16:22] <RabidMonkey`BFOps> its like 2 in the afternoon
[16:22] <Strideh> OMG This is unkoikelyt
[16:22] <Strideh> liekly
[16:22] * RabidMonkey`BFOps is now known as RabidMonkey
[16:22] <Strideh> Oh well, ot itoughy it'd be cool if ou iand i woer e bioth drink
[16:22] <Strideh> i locve it when ur dunk
[16:23] <Caboobs> He gets to take advantage of you
[16:23] <Daubster> Hahah.. Just read nigger.txt
[16:23] <Caboobs> Heh
[16:23] <Strideh> is that the log/s?
[16:23] <Daubster> Yeah
[16:23] <Strideh> of the use fo the n-woerD?
[16:23] <Strideh> man thiat si hilaruos
[16:24] * TheGrimReafer (~dementedc@r74-193-94-250.parscmta01.parstx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net) has joined #twhl
[16:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +v TheGrimReafer
[16:24] <Daubster> Lo Grim
[16:24] <Strideh> Grim ! oL love jhyou!
[16:24] <Strideh> man i'm ficked
[16:24] <Strideh> maytbe i hsoudl sleep
[16:24] <RabidMonkey> !users
[16:24] <Daubster> Don't
[16:24] <Strideh> D;
[16:24] <TheGrimReafer> hello =0
[16:24] <Strideh> O't' spmly 4: 25 imn thje mornig
[16:25] <Daubster> At least enjoy it before the hungover ;]
[16:25] <Strideh> only
[16:25] <Strideh> :P
[16:25] <Strideh> MAn, i s my engl;ishj really that bad?
[16:25] <Caboobs> Yes :P
[16:25] <Strideh> Fuck man thsi is terible
[16:25] <Daubster> You've made every possible typo by now ;D
[16:26] <Strideh> I wanna go rihfnmd my mates house this howat chick is ther
[16:26] <TheGrimReafer> he's really drunk?
[16:26] <Daubster> Probz
[16:26] <Strideh> grium : WASZUP
[16:26] <Strideh> ma i louk lilek a fucking nnob
[16:26] <Strideh> nob
[16:26] <Strideh> noob
[16:27] <Strideh> that sit
[16:28] <Strideh> stil got liek a third a bootle of jhb here
[16:29] <Strideh> beamm ruiles
Session Close: Sat Jul 14 16:29:10 2007
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:09:46 UTC Post #230036
This threads like our own bash.org only with bigger idiots.

EDIT: God damn you, Caboose.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:10:41 UTC Post #230037
<Strideh> WHeters ant ia wannt astick it in him
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:17:04 UTC Post #230038
[16:26] <Strideh> I wanna go rihfnmd my mates house this howat chick is ther
[16:25] <Strideh> MAn, i s my engl;ishj really that bad?
[16:25] <Strideh> Fuck man thsi is terible
Moar JB on IRC pl0x! ;>
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:18:11 UTC Post #230039
Leave me alone. :(
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:23:09 UTC Post #230040
HAHA. I would look for some awesome strideh quotes too, but i'm too lazy. Just keep posting them :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 04:29:00 UTC Post #230041
Bah, here's the whole thing: http://pastebin.com/m377d2092

Have your fun while I'm busy dying a little inside. ;(
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 05:06:32 UTC Post #230044
Strider won the thread.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 08:23:18 UTC Post #230045
And to think that i missed that epic moment for five minutes...
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 11:34:34 UTC Post #230047
The object of the thread was to post stuff so that others would have to guess what it is that you're talking about. i can get better IRC quotes of bash.org
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-23 20:58:51 UTC Post #230063
p0lyamorous926: ill be in charge of the placement from here on out
?????: :-D
p0lyamorous926: :-P
?????: yes
?????: haha
?????: ill trust you to that
p0lyamorous926: oh geez
It's a tough one, i'll admit, but the thread is about guessing wtf we're talking about so guess away
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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