Research: Surveillance-based map(s)? Created 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:41:17 UTC by chrispy chrispy

Created 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:41:17 UTC by chrispy chrispy

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:41:17 UTC Post #231356
OK, I am planning a series of related maps all based around a simple, and as far as I can tell, original idea.
I plan on incorperating surveillance elements into maps. More specifically, 2 medium-sized rooms will be included in the map, one per team. One member of each team is given access to the room, which contains screens and controls to control various surveillance cameras placed around the map. They can then alert their team mates to enemy tactics.
Obviously, cameras will not cover every inch of the map, and the operator will only be able to view one camera at a time, which will require high-level tactics of both parties.

As a proof-of-concept, I plan to incorperate these elements into an existing map, probably cs_office. After I have tried this out on the public, I will do a couple more modified maps, and then start making my own.

My question: would you play/enjoy these maps?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:49:16 UTC Post #231357
Might be interesting if done right.

Could be cool to see multiple teams entering, and the surveillance guy not picking them up, ect.

I'd like to see an example, so I say go for a working test for people to try out. :o
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-05 23:52:01 UTC Post #231358
That would add a whole new edge to stealth and operations.

Make visible camera brushes/models too? So you can have a realistic knowledge of where to be careful at? =)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 10:08:43 UTC Post #231387
Oh of course saw, I made a camera prefab last night.
The camera's rotate, beyond the operators control, just osciallting. This allows for good players to evade detection.

I also thought about placing the surveillance rooms in an accessible but hard-to-reach places, so the surveillance guy can actually be killed, or the opponents surveillance room comprimised.

Finally, one last concept was that of an 'override switch', which each team may use once, which disables enemy cameras for a small period of time to allow an unmonitored tactical assault.

OK, Im going for it!
Which map do people want to see this in? It can be CS:S, HL:DM or even Gmod if you want.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 10:49:52 UTC Post #231389
I'm pretty sure you can only get away with one monitor.

You can have numerous camera's but only one monitor (per map)

Which kinda screws with both teams having a monitor.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 11:49:18 UTC Post #231391
Ah thats a point... oh crap!
Well you can have loadsa monitors, but they both have to show the same thing... hmm! Ill have to think about this one!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 11:51:13 UTC Post #231392
Well you can have loadsa monitors, but they both have to show the same thing

Drove me nuts on one particular map, that did. Before I found out.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 12:05:24 UTC Post #231393
Maybe, have one control room that the players have to fight to get? Then the door locks so the other team can't get in? Might be a little hard to get to work, though, considering that CS rounds are so short.

By the way; awesome idea!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 12:07:52 UTC Post #231394
Mayby only the "defending" team use them?
So on bomb maps it would be counter terrorists and on hostage maps terrorists.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 13:54:17 UTC Post #231404
My only concern is if the player is 'locked' in the room. What happens is he is the only one left. He can't be killed if the other team can't get him. Perhaps similar to Assault in CS 1.6 you could have a van with a monitor...

I was thinking of a pass to somehow have multiple cameras and the only way I see is the old fashioned way with a view_control and a trigger button that when pressed changes the players view to that for 5 seconds or more.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 15:33:22 UTC Post #231419
but don't all the screens have to show the same thing?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-06 17:01:44 UTC Post #231429
Exactly my problem DragonFly!
I think one room that is either defined as being for one team, or a room that teams fight over.
Ill look into it though.
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