Changelevel Help Created 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:30:59 UTC by Ag3nt-X Ag3nt-X

Created 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:30:59 UTC by Ag3nt-X Ag3nt-X

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:30:59 UTC Post #232060
I have some doubts about changelevel, I can make them but I dunno about somethings.

Does the landmark must be in the same position in the 2 maps?.

How I can make a changelevel with a landmark in different position from the first map, without the player spawning out of the map?.

For example me and some friends made some maps, They're completly different and there's no relationship each other, but all of them have a changelevel and a landmark linked to a hub map, The hub map have changelevel for all the other maps, but the landmarks isn't in the same position... When in the hub the player choice a map, he spawns out of the map... How I can fix that?.

I hope you understand my english sucks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:35:02 UTC Post #232061
They're completly different and there's no relationship each other
Then you have to make sure there IS some relationship. For example, if the player leaves a map by stepping on a teleport pad, the landmark could be placed on top of that pad, and on top of a similar teleport pad in the destination map. You wouldn't really have any problems that way.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:39:27 UTC Post #232062
The only relationship they have is the landmark they have the same name and a trigger_changelevel targetting to the hub map. But landmarks are placed in completly different position in each map. When the player use the hub to change the level he spawns out of the map. Thats my problem.

Edit: I just want to do like the mod Issues did...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:44:26 UTC Post #232063
I haven't played that mod, but try my suggestion. Make sure all the mappers use a trigger_changelevel with the same size, and have them all place the landmark at the center of the trigger. There's no way the player will end out of the map if everyone follows a rule of that type.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:49:14 UTC Post #232064
I'll test that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 09:55:16 UTC Post #232065
I just want to do like the mod Issues did...
I haven't played that mod
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-14 10:14:13 UTC Post #232066
Worked. Thanks Kasperg. But the trigger wasn't going back to the hub. I fixed placing another trigger_changelevel in another place of the map. Thanks again.
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