China's Tallest Building Catches Fir Created 17 years ago2007-08-15 11:19:50 UTC by DocRock DocRock

Created 17 years ago2007-08-15 11:19:50 UTC by DocRock DocRock

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 11:19:50 UTC Post #232136
Shanghai's World Financial Center, the tallest building in China upon completion, defied all known physics yesterday afternoon when it caught fire but did not collapse, a modern day miracle in light of the commonly accepted premise that since 9/11, all steel buildings that suffer limited fire damage implode within two hours.

Anyone who has visited Shanghai's Pudong district will note that the World Financial building eerily resembles the twin towers in New York that were destroyed on 9/11, which is why the sight of it catching fire yesterday would have led many to immediately fear the imminent collapse of the structure.

"According to an eyewitness, the building caught fire around 4:35 p.m., and floors above the 40th floor were shrouded with dark smoke. The fire was fierce, burning debris fell from the building. Many people fled the building in panic," reports Epoch Times.

"According to Mr. Deng, a local resident, floors above the 30th floor were engulfed in thick layers of smoke, while the top of the building was also smoking."

Officials put the time of the outbreak of the fire at 4pm and said that was extinguished by about 6pm. The south tower of the WTC burned for just 56 minutes before collapsing, while the north tower lasted around an hour and 45 minutes. According to the official transcripts of the firefighter tapes, fires in both towers were almost out immediately before the collapses

The saving grace that could have rescued the Shanghai tower from imploding may have been the fact that it was not hit by a plane, as the twin towers were on 9/11.

However, the absence of a jet strike wasn't enough to prevent WTC 7 from crumbling into its own footprint within 7 seconds later that fateful afternoon.

Residents of Shanghai should rejoice that the building defied the revised version of basic physics that officially came into effect at 9:56am on September 11, 2001, and remained standing, avoiding a potential death toll of thousands.

The population of Madrid were similarly blessed in February 2005 when the 32-story Windsor Building (pictured above) was gutted by intense fires for 28 hours but did not collapse.

Hundreds of buildings worldwide suffered major fires that gutted the entire facade of their structure before 9/11 and did not collapse, but since the twin towers behaved differently, rather than consider an alternative explanation for the collapse of the towers, experts simply decided to reverse the fundamental precepts of all known physics to make it easier for everyone to understand.

Since that time, it has been commonly accepted that limited fires in tall buildings are 99% certain to cause an almost instantaneous collapse
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 11:34:36 UTC Post #232137
trying to stir up another conspiracy theory thread?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 12:17:26 UTC Post #232140
You know, fires damage the stuff in buildings that keep them standing.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 13:26:52 UTC Post #232143
The stuff...

...pretty damn scientific there, Dave :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 13:31:49 UTC Post #232144
Not this again...
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 13:33:31 UTC Post #232145
...pretty damn scientific there, Dave
Seems like a pretty sound statement to me. :nuke:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 15:09:04 UTC Post #232148
Oh shi-the truth is revealed!

Leprechauns planted thermite bombs in the two towers in revenge for all the times we take their gold they keep near rainbows! 50 years ago, JFK joined the Leprachauns and that's how he became president, but then they got angry and that's why gasoline is so expensive!!11!11one!1!!one Heart attacks are all caused by CIA poison! OMFGTWFBBQLULZ!!1!1!onEO!1!1!!one
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 15:44:49 UTC Post #232153
It's not a joke.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 15:53:59 UTC Post #232154
I know, we need more people to open their eyes to the leprechaun threat!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:00:15 UTC Post #232155
It's satire, but not particularly good satire in my opinion.

If anything, it gives ammunition to the other side.

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:26:20 UTC Post #232158
Fucking close this thread.

DocRock, you said you were leaving. You lied. Then you came back with this lame excuse for a thread.
Since that time, it has been commonly accepted that limited fires in tall buildings are 99% certain to cause an almost instantaneous collapse
No it isn't. GTFO with your lame sarcasm. And you too Dave, stop trying to be funny about this. Every joke you've made on this subject sounds EXACTLY THE SAME, and only makes you look like more of an idiot.

How fucking hard is it for you guys to understand that we don't want this crap on TWHL? And how many threads have there already been about it? If some people didn't agree with you the first time, they aren't going to now.

You aren't helping us. You aren't "opening our eyes". You're just annoying. So leave if you have nothing better to do here.

Also, get some original research done, will you? I guess if you suck at making your own points as much as you do, you're forced to copy other's work? And if you do, at least you could be more discreet about, i.e. not copying it from an article on the front page of Prisonplanet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:30:03 UTC Post #232159
It's not worth trying to convince ignorant slaves, let it go. :combine:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:32:26 UTC Post #232160
There are slaves of conspiracy theories and there are slaves of the media. I'm happy to say I'm neither.

P.S. I'm greatly flattered by how much you seem to adore my emoticon. <3
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:42:37 UTC Post #232161
And there are grassroots libertarians, constitutionalists and true freedom lovers who don't cower in the corner because they are afraid of asking questions in case they might look 'kooky' to a dumbed-down population who care only for their trinkets, bobbles, football results, celebrity gossip (and emoticons lol) and there own self-centred, stupid image.

P.s. Yes, it rocks! The best emoticon on THWL!
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 16:45:25 UTC Post #232162
I am not in opposition to any of those things, I am in opposition to this thread and the fact that DocRock just stole a huge block of text without even linking to the source for fear people might figure out that he was incapable of making valid and solid points of his own. I am in opposition to any thread of this topic on TWHL because TWHL stands for The Whole Half-Life, and I see nothing in that name that has to do with 9/11 conspiracies.

As far as I'm concerned it's just better that this site remain free of such things, simply to hold together. All these threads are doing is breaking us apart as a community. And if you don't see that, I don't see how you can hold an intelligent conversation about something like 9/11 conspiracies.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 17:07:58 UTC Post #232164
No - I agree with what you are saying to an extent. However, if there is time for non-related small talk, there is time for all talk.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 17:12:04 UTC Post #232165
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 17:17:03 UTC Post #232166
Ah...these threads are leading nowhere.

There are only three options to choose from:

1. I don't believe in conspiracy theories at all, so - according to the conspiracy theorists here - I'm a blind slave, and I suck.

2. I only believe in some conspiracy theories - the ones, that I think can be right, and worth thinking about - and deny the others. But it doesn't matter, the reaction is the same: You're fucking blind. Enjoy your slavery.

3. I believe in all theories, no matter what huge load of bullshit they may be - and I'm saved.

Can't you see Jahzel, DocRock, that you're doing the same thing, what you're fighting against? The way I see it, you think that the truth can ONLY come from you. I don't even have a choice, to think about it. What about you're posts about the media contolling us and brainwashing? Isn't this completely the same? Everyone must have the right, to decide, what to believe in.

I agree, that you shouldn't believe everything you see / hear in the media, but you can't expect people to believe everything you say, just because you're on the other side.
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 17:23:14 UTC Post #232167
Well said Masta Killa.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 18:16:40 UTC Post #232168
Shoot up heroin in your asshole.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 19:00:44 UTC Post #232170
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:23:26 UTC Post #232173
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:26:12 UTC Post #232174
Yes you are, but not necessarily for any of the reasons discussed in this thread.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:28:22 UTC Post #232175
Hey, I heard that some of the events of September 11th, particularly the building collapse, were staged. I heard this from a website on the internet. Is this true?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:29:40 UTC Post #232176
User posted image
Hey, I heard that we went into Iraq to fight dirty terrorists. I heard this in real life on the news. Is this true?
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:37:03 UTC Post #232178
We? Btw: Your image isn't showing up.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:37:54 UTC Post #232179
You live in America too you poser.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:53:33 UTC Post #232180
Hey, I heard that some of the events of September 11th, particularly the building collapse, were staged. I heard this from a website on the internet. Is this true?
i liked that =]
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 21:58:25 UTC Post #232181
Oh great, now we have somebody who likes Dave. What's the world coming to... :(

I don't see why people put so much importance on whether stuff comes from the internet or not. In the end it doesn't matter, it's all just a source of information and can just as easily be incorrect as information from anywhere else. Actually, the only ones I've ever heard question it are old people, and they do tend to perpetuate archaic ideas like that.

Why is something automatically more valid if you've heard it in real life or from a major news source? It's just as easily, if not more, corruptible than if it originated on the internet.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:13:54 UTC Post #232186
Great, more enforced conspiracy shit.. and look, it started arguments that are completely irrelevant! Go figure!

I have half a mind to close this thread right now. Either someone starts some proper discussion (unlikely) and you stop flaming each other or it's gone.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:15:20 UTC Post #232187
Please do.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:15:30 UTC Post #232188
Just close it now. These threads suck no matter what side you're on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:16:44 UTC Post #232189
Hey, lets listen to the people who believe the universe has been ruled for millions of years by the Reptilians. These two nuts call themselves "truthers". Yeah, it's not a real word. Big deal. Look up "truthism". Are you fucking serious? 9/11 conspiracies? Reptilians?

Also, remember the "loose change" bullshit video? Yeah, this dude Maddox (he's a dick, but funny as hell) made one too.

I'm getting sick of these bullshit threads. Our government is too incompetent to invade a third-world country, let alone bring down the WTC.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:18:00 UTC Post #232191
Thankyou Strider, please do. This is exactly why I keep out of the 'General Discussion' forums now, because at the end of each and every one, it turns into a squabbling mess of insults. You all disappoint me :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:18:42 UTC Post #232192
Nobody here believes in reptilians ruling the universe, etc. That's just a joke.

Also, in before truck of fail.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:20:41 UTC Post #232193
DocRoc called himself a "truther" in the last bs thread he made, and that's seriously what they believe. And 9/11 conspiracies are right up there on the bullshit charts with Reptilians, and Scientology.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:21:19 UTC Post #232194
That settles it, then.

Bye bye bullshit.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-15 22:21:56 UTC Post #232196
User posted image
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
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