Project Name: Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank
Team Name: Lucid Thought Productions
Webpage: www.lucidthoughts.net/dreamscape
Trailer: dailymotion | youtube
Requirements: Half-Life 2 and Steam
Contact: igor.todorovski@gmail.com or create a thread in the Join the Team forum
Join the Team
Level Designer (2 vacancies)
- You will help our team by starting a new map or by finishing an incomplete map.
- Experience in optimizing maps is an asset.
- You will be required to send us an example of your work if you want to be considered.
- Experience in optimizing HL2 maps is necessary. You will use this experience to speed up some of our completed maps.
- You will be required to send us an example of your work if you want to be considered.
- You will go through each map and give it a consistent look. At the same time, you will enhance the visual quality of each map by creating realistic lighting and applying textures effectively.
- You will be required to send us a .bsp of your best map if you want to be considered for this position.
Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank makes use of Half-Life 2's Source engine. The Source engine is continually updated, which makes this project ever-evolving. The project has customized almost every aspect in Half-Life 2, with a brand new gui, a new camera, a new style of gameplay, and more.
Background info
Dreamscape is a 3rd-person single-player game. Dreamscape also has many RPG elements such as a fully-featured dialogue system, a buy and sell menu, a customize a player feature and more.
The game takes place in the mind of Virgil Coltreese, a lawyer in the city of Chicago.
Prior to the events of the Dreamscape mod, Virgil's brother, Romero, was murdered by a group of mobsters known as the Carollas. The Carollas were seeking revenge on Virgil, but had mistaken Romero for Virgil on the night of the murder.
The murder of Romero caused such shock in Virgil that he began having many nightmares and visions of the future. Dreamscape: Pin Point Blank takes place in one of these visions. Whether they represent reality or not is something you will find out as you play the game.
- Completely 3rd-person with adjustable zoom.
- 10 engaging and fully interactive levels, each with primary and secondary objectives.
- An interactive easy to edit XML-based Dialogue System.
- Maintain healthy sanity levels, or have your vision affected.
- Pin Point system, location-specific damage, which affects your accuracy, running speed, etc. All of which is curable by using the various items in the game.
- Slomo action at the cost of sanity.
- Various graphical additions, such as Relief Mapping and HDR.
- Various stealth kills, which reward you by increasing your sanity.
- Buy and Sell items with other friendly/neutral NPCs.
- Change your character's look, via the customize a player screen.
- A patcher/loader that makes it easy to get new updates and test out the game.
- Several new weapons, including a flamethrower, incendiary grenade, and rocket launcher.
- Stealth gameplay: Dragging dead bodies, Hiding inside objects, and faking death.
Technical Director