Hello all, I am having a bit of trouble. I coded a new weapon in the good old Half-Life SDK 2.3 and everything compiles no problem. Everything works great in game but I am wondering if I have a leak or a function problem that I just can't track down. I am new to the SDK and have limited experience with it's structure.
Anyhow the problem is ... when I fire the weapon everything works great and then the fire sound begins to loop over and over. It will stop if I switch weapons and then fire the new weapon. I did do my own custom gun shot sound but I triple checked it's format and it is correct. I've scoured my code and the code to a few other guns to check against them but all looks great. I even thought maybe the sound was a bit to long but the Pythons firing sound is longer.
Anybody else even had this problem or is there a wizz out there who might just know. Thanks in advance