TF2 or FF? Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC Post #233724
TF2 (Team Fortress 2) and FF (Fortress Forever) are both getting really close to release, so I thought a thread about it would be nice. There is a thread about this, but it's 1 year old and I thought starting over would be better, now that we got to see more media and we all have new opinions.

I used to go for FF, but i'm going for TF2 now.
I like the comical pixar look, and it seems Valve actually worked on class balancing, which I think is a good thing, because I mean cmon... the pyro for example was worthless in TFC. Also, in TF2, you have no grenades (Atleast, that's what i've been hearing everywhere).
I think this is a good thing because I was really getting sick of not being able to exit my base in Dustbowl because of the grenade spam, to name something. TF2 looks like it'll be a unique experience and well... I want to fire sasha!!

I'll still try FF, but in my opinion, it seems like a TFC clone.
I really like TFC, but I don't want clone of it. Nothing has been done at class balancing in FF, and personally, FF looks way to HL2-ish. TFC used a lot of HL1 textures, but TFC always looked different from HL1.

Still, I can't wait to play them both.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 06:09:23 UTC Post #233725
TF2 all the way! I might try FF sometime later, but yes, it does look far too much like HL2.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 08:12:32 UTC Post #233727
TF2. Simple.

Although I don't agree on you that FF is a clone of TFC.
They have changed a lot and put in some of their own ideas too.
Looks fun, but TF2 looks much more fun. :>
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 08:18:58 UTC Post #233728
FF looked good in its early stages. But now it looks really ugly, tbh, and they'll be releasing to a dead community because they took too long to release.

TF2 all the way.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 10:15:18 UTC Post #233731
TF2. Only to win again. Eh FresheD? : D
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 12:23:17 UTC Post #233735
TF2, because every time I think of it, I have to masturbate.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 12:39:19 UTC Post #233737
TF2. Only to win again. Eh FresheD? : D
Hehe, we need to do some TWHL games when TF2 comes out tbh. :glad:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 12:41:56 UTC Post #233738
I think Muzzle is planning to setup a server <3
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 13:04:43 UTC Post #233741
Im not interested in TFC so thats a no. Sorry.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 13:05:37 UTC Post #233742
I need moar ram.

Well I know SOMEONE said that he/she would set up a TF2 server.
Who was it then?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 13:11:21 UTC Post #233743
Im not interested in TFC so thats a no. Sorry.
TF2 isn't a TFC clone. You should consider it! :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 14:43:05 UTC Post #233753
Definitely looking forward more to TF2. FF took a more serious approach to the game, and that doesn't really fit with TFC's nature.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 15:33:00 UTC Post #233762
Well I know SOMEONE said that he/she would set up a TF2 server.
Maddymoo! After all these years - you forgot.. :<

I'll probably be setting up a TF2 server when I get my leet interwebs.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 19:04:29 UTC Post #233781

IGN uploaded some vids of the spy gameplay.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 22:17:07 UTC Post #233787

Most people who like FF more only like it because it's coming out before TF2.

The remainder are in favor of FF because they're like "lol wtf wuz valve thinking wit da cartoon grafix in TF2 dey f*cking idiots".

Anyone who thinks the cartooniness in TF2 sucks is the REAL "f*cking idiots".

FF is aiming for realism. Realism in TF series = bad.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 09:27:24 UTC Post #233809
Yeh, totally agree. Besides, FF hasn't done much class balancing tbh.
...and I want to burn people with mah flamethrowah!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 10:57:09 UTC Post #233813

You know my memory is weak, after all these years! ;)
I will play on your server everyday daub, promise.

Also, is it true that the bazooka now kills with one shot?
Cuz, it was kinda useless in TFC
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 15:19:17 UTC Post #233822
FF, because they are not fucking with the god damned formula like Valve. Everything us serious TF players (conc jumping, etc.) has been put to waste for good. TF2's going to fail once people realize its just like DoD.

And for the record, I do like TF2's art style- that's it.

They took out grenades, made it so a spy can take a HWGuy head on. See, I bet most of you people have never played TF seriously, from what I am reading (Of course, I could be wrong, and if I am, I am absolutely stunned.). The people who actually played and stayed with the game are being betrayed completely.

It' simply a shame, the veteran players are being steered away, and the new people will say "Oh. this is a nice style, but DoD is realistic and nearly exactly the same, so I'll play that instead." TF2 will probably kill the series.

Oh, and FresheD, if you actually read up on FF, you would see they have done class balancing, as a matter of fact, the Pyro was one of the favored offense classes by the Beta testers. Please check your facts before you post.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 15:29:47 UTC Post #233823
Skeetz is dumb. All in favor? I.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 15:35:29 UTC Post #233824
Why so, because I don't agree with you?

You can like TF2 all you want, and yes, it was a reason I pre-ordered Orange Box. But that was before Valve made these horrid changes to the formula. They also took a shortcut by taking out grenades, instead of redesign the system, if they really thought they were bad.

I like TF2's art style quite a bit, but that seems to be why everyone loves it- "The art style is so original for an FPS!!!"- yes, but doesn't automatically make it a good TF game. Not to mention it took Valve about ten years.

That's just my first impression of the game; my final opinion isn't until I play it. But either way, since it took over ten years for an official sequel, and no one outside of the Half-Life or Quake communities knows what it is, Valve most likely ruined the only chance for TF to become popular again.

Who the hell knows, maybe it will become popular again. but even if it does, it's not the same feel.

Besides the fact, there's also a chance they'll start patching it so it's like the original TF formula, if new people don't start getting into it, and they realize the only way to save it is for veterans to play.

Of course, Gamestop lost my reservation, but I'll just buy an extra copy on the tenth.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 15:41:15 UTC Post #233825
I actually have a friend who had a chance to beta test said game, and he said it's many more times as good than what the old TF was.

Yes, it took 10 years for an official sequel. However, that's just because it's all from source engine, which itself took awhile to make. The egg comes first, then the chicken.

Grenades isn't THAT big of a deal for me. I think it was all done to make balancing the characters easier, which I'm gonna love. I've always wanted to be a pyro, as freshed said, but it was such a cheap class because it wasn't easy to use.

And you can't say no one knows about it. They're putting this thing on everything, including consoles. I'm sure when it comes down to the final weeks, there'll be some advertising, that is, if Valve's smart.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 15:45:06 UTC Post #233826
your argument isn't valid on several levels. you say that you preordered the orange box for TF2, but BEFORE you realized that they were changing the style of the game. they announced the changes AGES ago, like, 18 months. and i know for a fact that they didn't have preorders available then, because nobody had even heard of the orange box back then.

you say that it'll kill the series...dont consider it a series. i played TFC for a fair while and the classes are unbalanced, and grenade spam means you can hardly play at all. valve, who are one of the best multiplayer developers in the world, worked on it and they seem to have fixed these and many other problems. of course, you wont know until you play it.

and what are you going on about TF2 being like DOD? they aren't similar in the slightest, and you haven't even been able to play TF2 yet, so stop making assumptions just because you dont like a few of the fair gameplay balancing decisions that valve made. remember that these guys made TFC.

so, all in all, if you dont like it, just play TFC. simple as that.

oh, and FF looks like shit on a stick. i mean, seriously, can you say "crappy maps"?
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 16:08:18 UTC Post #233827
First of all, I thought their map work was excellent. Second, your friend beta tested TF2? I'm sure, yea right. And how can I play TFC when everyone goes to play TF2, and then leaves that.

You guys like what you like, I like what I like- liking the traditional formula doesn't make me dumb.

Oh, and I preordered TF2 more than 18 months ago, I'm sure of it. And preordered Orange Box for Episode 2 and Portal as well.

Again, who knows I may end up liking the damn thing, but I am allowed to from my own opinions on what I think it may be, I'm not saying I know it will be what i think it is.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 16:17:23 UTC Post #233828
you dont seem to realize that they announced TF2 the same time as they announced the changes? and the orange box was only announced at the start of this year.

and you can still play TFC. hell, people still play CS 1.6 after source came out.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 16:50:44 UTC Post #233829
Second, your friend beta tested TF2? I'm sure, yea right.
You're a fucking douche. He lives outside Seattle. Guess where the beta testing was done? Seattle. Guess who's uncle works for Steam? My friend.

Fuck off.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 17:02:06 UTC Post #233830
And how do I know you are not making something up? Do you know how many people say that their "x's y works for company so-and-so, and have exclusive insider info"?

And wow, telling me to fuck off? Very mature there buddy. If you want me to believe you, be respectful. Just because it's the internet does not mean you can act however you want. Maybe if you had not been calling a "fucking douche" right off the bat, I may have given your claims some reason, because then maybe you were just telling the truth, and it happened to sound like the stereotypical insider's info claim. But, alas, your behavior has given me enough to make my own judgment. If he really does have an uncle who works there, what's the guy's name?

Also, it should be noted Valve is in Bellevue, Washington, not Seattle. And I very highly doubt they would play test a beta outside their offices, unless it was an open beta, which there was not, to the public's knowledge, anyway.

Also, I thought it was your FRIEND who tested it, not his uncle...

Also, about my DOD thing... I mean it's classes, etc. were chopped up a lot... In DoD, they really stream,lined everything to make it new player oriented, and any class could take out any class. It didn't work that way in the original DoD, from my experience anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 17:35:47 UTC Post #233834
Also, it should be noted Valve is in Bellevue, Washington, not Seattle. And I very highly doubt they would play test a beta outside their offices, unless it was an open beta, which there was not, to the public's knowledge, anyway.

Also, I thought it was your FRIEND who tested it, not his uncle...
ugh. head in hands
just stop bothering to post in this thread, skeetz.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 17:52:46 UTC Post #233835
Bitch moan whine...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:15:48 UTC Post #233836
You know I read on Steam Forums that people are afraid TF2 will end up like DOD:S where the fans were really hyped for it but after an hour of playing they felt betrayed because it was really different and then they started flaming on the forums...

I know I'll love it. After watching the vids it is how I imagined it would be. Very good Valve.

Oh also Planet Half-Life reviewed FF:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:27:58 UTC Post #233837
On steam news a while back, there was an article on how if your in the Seattle area, you can sign up to beta test.

Can't find it now, but if you're too arrogant to believe me, that's all on you. I don't have to prove anything to you, even if you wanted to be a dick still.

By the way, because I'm on the internet, doesn't mean I act a certain way. I'd say the same thing I just typed out right to you.

Also, being on the internet doesn't make you able to act superior, either. Trying to act like you know how everything will play out.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:43:28 UTC Post #233838
Who said I was trying to act superior? All I said was I was waiting more for FF, because I liked the direction they were taking more, and you called me dumb... I certainly don't have anything to prove to you, either.

Steps to make a human being take you seriously:

Don't insult them off the bat
Don't accuse them of doing/saying something they didn't
Accept that people, whatever side they are on, are entitled to their own opinion.

And see what I mean about the DoD thing? Look what happened there. I do believe Valve is very talented, but they do make mistakes. They aren't invincible.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:49:22 UTC Post #233840
Just because it's the internet does not mean you can act however you want.
But of course you can!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:51:40 UTC Post #233841
I didn't even say anything to Luke, he's the one who called me dumb because I expressed my opinion.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:54:08 UTC Post #233842
He didn't call you dumb because you expressed your opinion, he called you dumb because that's what he thought of your opinion.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:56:13 UTC Post #233843
Luke said:Skeetz is dumb. All in favor? I.
I can obviously see how he was calling just me idea, and not me myself, dumb. Very obvious, indeed. :roll:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:58:09 UTC Post #233844
Good job missing my point.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:00:18 UTC Post #233846
Because your point is moot. If he thought my opinion was dumb, he should have said "I disagree, changing the formula a bit isn't necessarily a bad idea." Instead, he flat out insulted me. That's not the ideal way to debate your opinion with someone else.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:02:01 UTC Post #233847
He obviously just doesn't type things like you. Very obvious indeed. I laugh when people get highly offended on the internet, it's ridiculous.

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:04:15 UTC Post #233848

Also, I do see you have one good point, so let me correct my third to last post:

He called me dumb because he thought my opinion was wrong, yes. Still, that's no reason to flat out insult somebody.

Oh, so it's okay to call someone a douche, dick, and tell them to fuck off, because it's the internet?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:06:19 UTC Post #233849
So who fucking cares? What do you want, an apology over the internet? Jesus Christ...

Is it okay? Yes, it is okay.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:09:37 UTC Post #233850
The point is that if Luke had not made that first post, this entire bitch slap exchange could have been avoided.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:10:29 UTC Post #233851
I never said I want an apology, did I? I just want to stop arguing over the internet, because frankly in this case, as in most, both sides (including me) have ended up looking like retards. It's basically both sides ending up trying to prove they are the more intelligent being, and frankly, it's pointless. This is why I try to stay out of such arguments. Unfortunately, I got sucked straight into this one.

So let's just drop the damn subject, and get this thread back on track.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:11:42 UTC Post #233852
I like to call it "Luke's super duper cock slap supreme".
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:12:19 UTC Post #233853
Luke can do whatever the hell he wants, and you can too. Nobody's going to think Luke is highly witty and intelligent because he called you stupid. He obviously isn't worried about how he appears when he presents his opinion, but you can go about being that way if you like, that's your choice. There's no code he has to go by when debating something.

This whole thing is just so insignificant... Please, please shut the hell up.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:14:24 UTC Post #233855
High five, srry. Kablam!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:15:03 UTC Post #233856
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:15:14 UTC Post #233857

Yea, I have never had anything against you Luke, nor do I want to. I personally don't like to have grudges with people over the internet... especially over something as trivial as this. It's pointless.

So yea, I would prefer to regret this took place, agreed?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:17:03 UTC Post #233858
Hey, it's not your fault I'm a douche. Let's blame society on that one.

High five for Skeetz, too. Kablam!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:19:16 UTC Post #233860
High-fives Luke BAM! :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 21:33:46 UTC Post #233870
I'm glad you sorted this all out, reading back made me want to Kablam! this thread into oblivion.

I just read that FF review and all the screens looked incredibly dull, I swear it use to look better. They've gone and uggo'd it up. :
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
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