All's going well, eh? Created 17 years ago2007-09-14 01:00:22 UTC by srry srry

Created 17 years ago2007-09-14 01:00:22 UTC by srry srry

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 01:00:22 UTC Post #234072
So I've been thinking lately about how long I've been here, and how far I've progressed in mapping during my stay thus far, and I basically decided I'd stop coming here as much as I have been. But that isn't worth making a thread about at all, so I'm going to explain my reasons behind it, and hopefully it'll provoke a thoughtful discussion or something of the like.

To put it shortly, I have been convinced of what I've heard many times from other people here: this is a newbie mapping site. And the way I see it, that's what it works best as, and that shouldn't change at all.

During the past few months, it seems TWHL's become a rather quiet place. There have been no huge blowouts within the forums, no spam attacks, no large-scale disruption between members that have split people apart or turned them against each other, and no annoyed moderators thinking the site is absolutely doomed. It's quite good like this, isn't it?

What I attribute this to is the definite lack of any elitist troublemakers on the site in recent times. Without them, all seems to go smoothly. There seem to be quite a few new members here that look like they're going to stay, and while they're largely inexperienced, that's what holds us together, and they're the only thing that's ever kept this place together.

Just look at what happened a while back. I'm sure most of the regulars remember. Basically, a bunch of really well known people started populating TWHL, and it was a huge disaster. Newcomers were effectively shunned from the site, while turmoil erupted between everyone who managed to stay. Almost everybody (myself included) acted like a jerk, and there were constant flamings on the forums. But when it all settled down, when all the regulars started posting less frequently and beginners starting swarming in again, it was all good.

It might seem like I'm stating the obvious here, but what I think it boils down to is realizing that maybe a stricter and higher rate of moderation isn't an absolute cure for the growth of the site. Maybe instead, allowing TWHL to shrink a bit would be a sound idea. Maybe then it could resemble the "old days" (not that I can protest to personally knowing what they were like), and all would be good again.

Now, I hope this isn't taken the wrong way. I don't mean to imply that we'd be better off if all the regulars and old-timers would just get up and leave. All I'm suggesting is that perhaps if we continue sitting back as we are now, and don't let the place be ruled by individuals with too much time on their hands and a nasty temper, then we could actually get somewhere as a community.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 03:36:30 UTC Post #234075
i agree wholeheartedly. good show, old chap.

(edit: in clarification: i agree with the sentiments that TWHL is better without elitist idiots)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 04:04:57 UTC Post #234077
Erm, I don't.
Maybe then it could resemble the "old days" (not that I can protest to personally knowing what they were like)
You hit the nail on the head right there: few people that are here now even know what the old days were like. I can assure you, it was a very different atmosphere.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 07:49:58 UTC Post #234080
From what I read in the first few maps in the map vault and the journals etc it seemed quite friendly :)

I only come here because there are fellow mappers etc plus I met some nice people all around the Globe. But then there are others who love to start a riot... :nuke:

Besides not much to do on here but I can tell you it is a lot better off than Iwannamap. That place is nearly empty ;O
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 11:12:14 UTC Post #234088
TWHL teached me english, and mapping.
TWHL is a friendly place, sure there are a few r-tards here, but that's part of the internet experience and makes it a more interesting place to be.

I also think that TWHL will change dramaticly when TWHL3 is finnished

TWHL is great, and will not die as long as there are fresh tutorials on the table.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 19:20:42 UTC Post #234128
TWHL can never go back to old days. Back when Anonymous posting was allowed, and fucktards wouldn't use said postings to their advantage. Back when little immature kids weren't allowed to use the internet and be dicks anonymously.

EDIT: I may be sounding like a hypocrite, even for posting in this thread. I'm known, though it's not the best of reputations, to be a dick, an asshole, etc. Though I've gotten better, it's still there. Point me out on it, and I'll work on it. Just saying because I wasn't sure if you were suggesting I was one of the ones with a "ruling" "temper".

Back when Andy was active, when Kol was an avid mapper (not sure if he still maps or not), when Ministeve, peace and love, and many others (sorry others, can't think of anymore) were still active. EDIT: (List time! Jaardsi, dajuppi, slayer A, esmajor, bratty lord, vassy, Captain P, marlborometal, Jax, Rabidmonkey (when he posts), Xargol, Unbreakable, rowleybob, jahzel (the form of him when he's not a terrible arguer and a dick on top of that) and hazardous!. I know there's more.) You'll never achieve the old TWHL no matter what you try and do. Things change, sometimes irreversibly. Though it would be great, and I'm not sure if it was for the better or not, the site will never go back. Though I did like when it was smaller. Those were good times.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 08:56:58 UTC Post #234154
You hit the nail on the head right there: few people that are here now even know what the old days were like. I can assure you, it was a very different atmosphere.
Yeah, we were pretty awesome :heart:.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 09:44:43 UTC Post #234158
<3 Alex
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:30:12 UTC Post #234187
Espen is a pseudo elitist, and now Dave is trying to be one.
Back when Andy was active, when Kol was an avid mapper (not sure if he still maps or not), when Ministeve, peace and love, and many others (sorry others, can't think of anymore) were still active. EDIT: (List time! Jaardsi, dajuppi, slayer A, esmajor, bratty lord, vassy, Captain P, marlborometal, Jax, Rabidmonkey (when he posts), Xargol, Unbreakable, rowleybob, jahzel (the form of him when he's not a terrible arguer and a dick on top of that) and hazardous!. I know there's more.)
Huzza! A hearty bunch of friendly folk there. Good times.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:03:04 UTC Post #234191
During the past few months, it seems TWHL's become a rather quiet place. There have been no huge blowouts within the forums, no spam attacks, no large-scale disruption between members that have split people apart or turned them against each other, and no annoyed moderators thinking the site is absolutely doomed. It's quite good like this, isn't it?
There haven't been any big flame wars since Orpheus got banned.
(Correct me if I'm wrong.)
TWHL teached me english, and mapping.
Same here. But that "teached" needs to be "taught", lol.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 14:40:47 UTC Post #234195
Epic quote there, sajo! He he...

But I have to correct you. Perhaps you have heard of a lovely fellow who goes by the interbutts pseudonym of Ghetto? Now shit's calm, but 2 months ago, every thread he entered/started ended up in a flame war (The People vs. Ghetto style).
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