TF2 or FF? Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Created 17 years ago2007-09-09 05:46:14 UTC by FresheD FresheD

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 21:56:52 UTC Post #234131
Forever Fortress looks gay. And the chaingun looks like it was pulled from doom 3 with that whole ammo count screen and style. gay.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 23:56:40 UTC Post #234139
Again, realism in a TF game = BIG MISTAKE.

Also, sure TF2 is removing grenades, but hey, in some ways that's a good thing - no more engies leaving EMPs in their ammo bags after you kill them, no more grenade spamming spawn, etc.

Conc jumping will be missed, but the scout is now capable of getting around without the need for it.

Basically things balance out.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 06:58:41 UTC Post #234149
Saw- what the hell is wrong with an ammo screen?

There will be a dip in players with the release of TF2, but once people get bored with it, it'll be back to FF.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 07:30:46 UTC Post #234150
And you're basing that prediction on what exactly? No Source mod has taken off and sustained a huge player base.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 07:40:39 UTC Post #234151
My personal opinion. The way TF2 is designed, I don't think it will hold player's interests for very long. But that's just me. Everyone seems to go for TF2 just because it looks like a Pixar cartoon. I know for almost a fact that if FF had used the same art style, everyone would be, "FF, because it has that awesome art style."
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 08:59:54 UTC Post #234155
You really think people want TF2 just for the new graphic look? Ow cmon, you can't seriously be thinking that now can you?

I want TF2 because Valve actually did something about class roles. The Medic in TFC and FF is a flag getter, but seriously, a Medic (Read the fucking name plz..) is supposed to be the healer in TF, which isn't the case in TFC and FF. I think these are good changes.

I want TF2 because Valve defined the characters.
I want to kill someone with the Heavy and scream 'CRY SOME MORE!!' and do a victory dance..

I want TF2 because not every class has a crowbar as melee weapon. I want TF2 for the new game modes, instead of just constantly get a flag and cap it.

AND YES, ofcourse, I want TF2 because of the awesome new graphics. They fit the games unrealistic frag fest..

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 09:42:45 UTC Post #234157
Exactly, the Medic has always been an offense class, but from my experience, which is a lot, they also healed- A LOT. Now you do realize, that no one will even play the medic, because they will grow very bored of just healing people? That's the mentality Valve has taken; the way they have changed everything, people will get very bored very fast.

So "kthxbye!" up my ass, I'll have my own opinions.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 09:52:16 UTC Post #234159
Valve has used the new art style to promote better gameplay. They've chosen a very cinematic approach to the character design (the silouhette theory) which allows you to clearly identify all the different classes even with the fast paced gameplay. This is something that's missing in TFC and FF.

TF2 seems to push forward the concept of the team, moreso than TFC ever did. And the art style is rippin'.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 09:55:57 UTC Post #234160
they are both video games. neither are realistic. Stop crying.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 10:34:37 UTC Post #234167
Who's arguing about realism?

Judging by the media - I'd go with TF2. It's just so not HL2 for a change. Every single Source mod (with an exception or two) had at least 1/3 of the already overused and fuck-boring default eastern european models and textures. TF2 is something fresh and I love that. And besides - it looks much more fun(nier) and polished than FF.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 11:02:26 UTC Post #234171
Every single Source mod (with an exception or two) had at least 1/3 of the already overused and fuck-boring default eastern european models and textures. TF2 is something fresh and I love that.
Amen to that. It's new, and it's bold. Seems only fair that the gameplay should be tweaked/perfected to match it.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 11:34:56 UTC Post #234174
TF2 seems to push forward the concept of the team, moreso than TFC ever did. And the art style is rippin'.
Every single Source mod (with an exception or two) had at least 1/3 of the already overused and fuck-boring default eastern european models and textures. TF2 is something fresh and I love that.
Exactly, the Medic has always been an offense class, but from my experience, which is a lot, they also healed- A LOT. Now you do realize, that no one will even play the medic, because they will grow very bored of just healing people? That's the mentality Valve has taken; the way they have changed everything, people will get very bored very fast.
When are you fucking going to open your eyes and see that not everyone wants a clone of TFC that FF attempt to be!

From the way you're sounding, change is a bad thing and I strongly disagree with that. And don't give me that 'It's my opinion' crap, I know it is, and I fully respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I can't argue and disagree can I now?

Once again, the medic should do what it supposed to do, heal, because well...he's a medic....duh! Sure, in TFC the medic healed but his main focus was to get the flag. If a soldier was attacking against defense, the medic would take advantage of that and snitch the flag away while the soldier was getting fragged. He wouldn't go and heal the soldier, but in TF2 he will, because he'd simply die if he went alone, besides, he can actually heal from distance now and go invunerable, spam taunts and gogo boom boom headshot! Maybe you think healing is boring, who knows, maybe you're right, but in certain games, I actually prefered healing people over killing people.

But then again, we'll have to wait and see till TF2 comes out, sadly I won't be able to play the beta on monday, so i'll have to wait a month.

To each his own, if you like the way FF is, then fine, play FF, while i'll enjoy myself fragging people in TF2. ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 11:48:39 UTC Post #234175
I take back everything I said about being sorry to skeetz. He is, in fact, an idiot.

Skeetz, you have no facts to base your predictions on, so just stop talking.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:14:22 UTC Post #234183
Valve worked SO HARD on TF2. Read any press release and you will see they put a ton of planning into every last detail - character development, level design, etc.

To take some wannabe mod and say it's better, and tossing Valve's, what, 8 years of work in the dust...well... should burn in hell for that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:27:30 UTC Post #234208
That's fanboyism. They didn't work hard for 8 years... they pretty much abandoned it until about 2 1/2 years ago. Sure, that's still hard work, but so is FF. And if you say I should burn in hell over it, you, sir, have problems. It's a fucking computer game, get your priorities straight.

The only good thing I see in TF2 is an art style that is pretty sweet. But it's not original, games have been using it as far back as 1998-99, with Jet Grind Radio/Jet Set Radio (I suppose you are all going to call me a Sega fanboy now...)

Also, the custom maps suck?!?!? Have you seen what the FF community has been up to? Several awesome maps have already been finished by them, they just have to get their entities set up. Oh, and that's another thing, FF uses LUA for map scripting (I admit, not new completely, but I think it's the first mod besides Garry's mod to use it...if there is another mod besides Garry's mod and FF that uses it, point it out, please.) The possibilities will be endless. There are already several sweet ideas being thrown in. Oh, and I personally don't feel like having every map command point based, like TF2. I prefer varied map play, and FF will deliver on that. Go visit their forums, and see for yourself. Badlands is being worked, on Warpath, Murderball... I myself plan to make a soccer map, even having the teams named after the Italian and French teams, via LUA.

Again, I'll think what I what I want to think, you can't change my opinion. Too bad, cry me a fucking river.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:31:07 UTC Post #234211
lol, 8 years of work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 15:38:20 UTC Post #234215
Yea, in case you didn't notice, TF2 was originally announced in 1998-1999... it pretty much started the genre of Battlefield like games.

Best footage I could find on YouTube.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:47:06 UTC Post #234245
What, you gave up on our discussion about the Medic? :

I think i'll end trying to argue with you Skeetz, you seem to put a block in front of your face and go 'OMG PEOPLE ONLY WANTS TF2 FOR THEIR ART STYLE THEY ARENT MAKING TFC COPY LOL LOL NUBS!' while I gave your several other reasons why a lot of people want TF2.

I early said I respect your opinion, well, I now lost that respect. You just can't seem to give me valid arguments to stand by your opinion. I'm not even trying to change your opinion, i'm just giving valid arguments why people want TF2, but you only seem to think people want TF2 for the graphics. You gotta know, that the guys who made the first TF on quake joined valve to make TFC on the HL1 engine, the TFC you so dearly loved, these same guys now made TF2, i'm sure they kept the basic elements that TFC is about. You really don't think Valve doesn't care about gameplay do you? Valve made HL1, HL1DM, HL2, HL2DM, TFC, DMC... all great games with great gameplay.

Btw, who stated custom made maps suck?
Every mod has good custom made maps, seriously..
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:12:42 UTC Post #234251
That's fanboyism.
oh, the irony.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:12:52 UTC Post #234252
For the last time, FF isn't a TFC copy. It's a mix of all the old TF games, I'm not the only one saying so.

Second, I still am going to give TF2 a try.

Look, while I respect your opinion, that doesn't change the fact I'm gonna express mine; it's human nature man. My arguments ARE valid; just because you say they are not doesn't mean they are not.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:17:15 UTC Post #234253
Again, I'll think what I what I want to think, you can't change my opinion. Too bad, cry me a fucking river.
Good idea. Lets leave it at skeetz not knowing what he's talking about, and everyone else being right.

I mean, cmon skeetz. After you saying all that, with no proof of anything to back it up, even dave could come in here and sound a hell of a lot smarter.

Lets see the good ol' "This thread has been closed by a moderator."
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:23:07 UTC Post #234254
I agree with on the last part, this should be locked. But I do know what I am talking about- I have played TF games since late 99.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:24:33 UTC Post #234256
And you haven't played a single round of TF2, so how can you say that TFC and FF play better?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:33:04 UTC Post #234257
Zing! WC won the thread. Game over.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:40:23 UTC Post #234258
I am making a prediction. I am not going to formulate my final final opinion until I actually play TF2.

Look, I am not intentionally trying to be a dick, it's just as soon as I said, "Oh, I want FF more, here's why," everyone started going up at me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 21:14:51 UTC Post #234284
You said it like you could predict the future, and, with the exception of David Blaine, no one can.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 21:29:18 UTC Post #234287
Chriss Angel did it better, bitch.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 21:31:11 UTC Post #234289
Chriss Angel's a fucking faggot. And if I ever see him in public, I plan to roll him over with a steam roller to prove how fucking fake he is.

But that has nothing to do with FF or TF2.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-16 06:49:09 UTC Post #234313
You keep going on and on about It's my opinion, I am right, you can't stop me from spreading my opinion, but seriously, opinions are never right or wrong. I'm not trying to stop your opinion anyways, I'm just telling mine and discussion yours. Nothing wrong with that..
But I do know what I am talking about- I have played TF games since late 99
Ow cmon, that sentence alone clearly points out you want a TF game that is almost the same as the others. Some people just don't..

You don't like change, TF2 has no concs, so its wrong, the medic isn't offense like in the other TF games, so its wrong, TF2 hasn't got the same weapons as in the other TF games, so its wrong.

I rest my case.


Seriously, lets stop this discussion now and let this thread be, I wanna hear everyones opinion about TF2 when they played it. :glad:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 11:42:38 UTC Post #234525
Bump't. Beta's been out for a while and I'm sure most of the folks who pre-uploaded it have already tried it. So, post your opinions, and if this becomes a flamefest like it did before, it'll be closed for real.

Personally - I won't be trying the beta. Just figured that if I'm getting the box after all - might as well as get the real retail thing, not the e-version. :>
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 11:55:33 UTC Post #234527
Chriss Angel's a fucking faggot. And if I ever see him in public, I plan to roll him over with a steam roller to prove how fucking fake he is.
I think someone needs to watch David Blaine Part 2 and experience the cheezits :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 15:23:53 UTC Post #234535
TF2 is fucking awesome.

Although, when it comes down to it, it's not exactly the same, a lot of the things have changed, but in my opinion it's for better.

Bravo, Valve.

A few screenies:

First 2 are with full graphics. Third one is from online play where I had to turn off the bells and whistles like AA and HDR.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 15:35:50 UTC Post #234536
Its completely diferent from TFC... and good in every possible way. I love how useful the medic and scout is now. Rock on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 22:05:09 UTC Post #234553
TF2 is awesome fun. Moreso if you avoid the shitty public servers.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-19 23:03:33 UTC Post #234559
Indeed, it's quite a bit of fun.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:36:33 UTC Post #234929
Yes, I feel like reviving this. It's Monday night and I'm still not over the fact it's Monday. I feel like causing misery and woe.


That's another problem. Look at TFC. That game was incredibly flexible, all in its entities and stuff in the map editor Valve implemented. Now in FF they are too uncreative and don't care about making mapping easy for their fanbase, and as such they make it LUA based when they could just use entities.

Extremely flexible entities are cooler than having to write in LUA just to make up for everything Valve's games had that FF lacked.

...oh, and the HWGuy sucks. He's not fat (old TFC model) or muscular (new TFC model). He's just a guy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 21:41:12 UTC Post #234931
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 22:01:40 UTC Post #234934
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-25 14:01:29 UTC Post #234995
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-25 16:11:18 UTC Post #235010
That's pretty awesome.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-28 05:10:25 UTC Post #235146
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