Writing... Created 17 years ago2007-09-22 10:22:35 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 17 years ago2007-09-22 10:22:35 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 10:22:35 UTC Post #234716
Here's a sample of a weird story I was working on based on my own dreams. I had the idea of memorising certain scenes from dreams and building a story with them. It's still in the rough stages - so bare with me.

Here, see what you think people:
The restaurant.

For cash, we were all given the job of reviewing different eating places around town. We had this list - it had names on it like ?Synergy? and ?Belima?s?. We walked down to ?Synergy? first. It was in an area of town that lacked people. The place was a dump. The walls were covered in sun-dried paint flakes, broken glass and heaps of dirt covered the floors. There was even a faint smell of dog shit.

?This is a restaurant?? I thought. ?We?ll probably die?.
We ordered our meals and they arrived before we could eve work out how. The food must have been good because not a single one of us remembered eating. For all we know, we may already be dead, not knowing. We headed round to the kitchen where we met the only guy in the building, the head chef, the boss, the owner of the restaurant - a surly looking man with a cloth over his shoulder. His name was Andre. He looked like he could dig his way out of prison with his bare hands. We explained to him that his beloved restaurant was a shambles, a failure, a complete disaster, and his sweat-covered face didn?t like it one bit.

?What don?t you like about it?? He growled.
There was hesitation.
?How do you expect me to pay the bills, I have a family ? I can?t afford anything else. What do you want? What do you expect? You bastards!?
Andre squared up to me.
?How about I fucking punch you.?
The others tried to settle him down.
?Look,? I said.
?How do you expect to pay your bills when there are no customers??
?What do you mean, I?ll punch you!?
??Look, I?m sorry Andre, you don?t have to punch me, let me explain. You can make this place so much better. There is potential.?
?Yeah right,? I thought to myself, anything to calm this guy down.
Before we knew it the confrontation ended and we managed to leave alive, and in good shape. There was an old-looking club round the corner - we all needed a drink so we headed for it.

?What kind of club?? I ask.
?Think of models. Models.? One of the others said.
?What, you mean like cars, airplanes and boats??
?No? He laughed.
?I mean like, Pamela Anderson. You know? Models?
It was all clear now, what a relief.

We enter the place from a staircase descending downwards. Women were everywhere, good-looking women with hardly any clothes. We headed to the bar. The barman stared into space, jumping out of the trance when we got his attention.

(To be continued)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 11:01:16 UTC Post #234718
lol i liked it. ill surely read the rest when its done
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 14:01:32 UTC Post #234747
Heh, cheers mate. The rest is coming, soon...

You'll notice there aren't any names yet - the chef is called Andre because in the dream he just looked like that would be his name - a total prick. He got really angry over nothing and threatened to beat me up. The women in the dream were incredible -I wish I could go to that dream bar again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-22 14:13:23 UTC Post #234752
?I mean like, Pamela Anderson. You know? Models?
lol the mix of dreams make it great
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 11:34:24 UTC Post #234878
try to cut down on the ... damn i can't think of the the word now.. .. Like words like shit and cash etc. in german its umgangsprache. it basically means don't write the way you talk.
Also work on the tenses
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 12:54:32 UTC Post #234884
It's appropriate for this because it's first person. It's how the guy would talk.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 13:10:10 UTC Post #234888
It's kind of, but not exactly, written in the style of Bukowsky - except he woesn't even bother with correct punctuation and grammar etc. If he wants to say something - he just does. I might expand it a bit because I dont think there's enough detail about the settings.

Some of the settings I can match to places I've seen and know.

I don't even know why I'm writing all this, just seemed like a good idea at the time. It could be something I can gradually add to/change when I get bored with other stuff... I need more crazy film-like dreams!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-24 13:25:48 UTC Post #234891
I liked it. I like the style of writing.
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