HL2: Bitter Divergence.
Part 1
The high pitch ringing of the entryway airlock alarm cut through the deathly silence of the silos tunnel network. There was a slight pattering noise, quite a way off. The patter became a rumble and very slowly mounted up to a roar. It was the sound of the footsteps of a hundred rebels, running as fast as they could towards the entryway, the lights lining the tunnel shaking as they thundered by. They were all breathing rapidly with the weight of their gear pulling them down. The breath turned to mist in the icy atmosphere as the resistance gasped for air through congested red noses.
?Hurry!? shouted Staves from within the crowd, pushing the members in front as they steadied their pace. ?We can?t let the Merge into the facility!?
Inside the airlock, 20 Merge grunts, decked out in snow white camouflage, were packed in tight, like sardines in a can. The Merge was a variation of the metro cops, a sort of Combine SWAT team. They were at the stage above the ranks of the metro cops but still not among the Combine soldiers. They were still predominantly human, having emotions and the sensations of pleasure and pain. However they remained just beyond the point of no return. Slight biological modification meant that while they were capable of disobeying orders, they knew it was in their best interests to comply. The leader of the group had a green stripe running up the sides of his helmet and body armour. His gloved hand reached out and brushed the ice off of the keypad and punched in code. The console beeped and the door remained secure.
?Bravo report.? The radio crackled into life. ?Report your status, over.?
?This is Johansson reporting in.? The leader responded, still tinkering with the keypad on the wall. ?Entry point located and bypassed. I am attempting to bypass the second door.?
?Good. You?re right on schedule.?
On the opposite side of the door the rebels were setting up. They had overturned transport trolleys and stacked up wooden pallets in preparation a few days earlier, having defended against the Merge for 3 months already. A few of the members present were newcomers, still dressed in standard issue citizen jumpsuits. The veterans looked worse, with torn clothing and battle scars. Every so often a Merge grunt would fall with his armour intact and that would then be snatched up by a fighter in a second. Staves had a full set, none of which matched one another. On top of his faded and battered jumpsuit he had a black City 19 metro cop vest and his legs and arms were protected by combine pads of various origin, size and colour.
?Twenty in the airlock!? shouted Peterson, as he hammered away at the security console, jumping from camera to camera, searching the perimeter. ?Holy shit!? he cried ?We?ve got about fifty more outside and two drop ships inbound.?
?Ok people,? Staves climbed up onto a stack of crates and spoke with a tone only he could pull off, motivating each and every rebel in the room. ?This is the big one. You will listen to your squad leaders, Quinn and Becker. They will listen to me. I?m right here with you, and I will see to it that every single one of you will perform to your utmost capabilities. Now let?s kick some ass!?
Make a choice. Vote A B or C.
D doesn't really count.
A) W00t! Another masterpiece from Urbeh, write more! (I write, you read)
B) See above and add "Yeah, and make it a multiple choice one!" (I write, you read and make a choice.)
C) WTF is this shit!? (I don't write)
D) Mmmm...chicken (I go and eat chicken, then I come back and wait for a proper answer.)