This website has this great piece about the myths of so-called "conspiracy theories", detailing the various different techniques the mainstream media and die-hard pro-establishment hacks love to use when covering theses issues.
It goes in to how the "they?re tinfoil hat-wearers and we?re not" mentality is used to attack anyone who has researched cover-ups and how outlandish ideas are juxtaposed together with perfectly rational conclusions and legitimate research.
I recommend you read it because it basically reinforces my position, ten fold.
The purpose of this article is to redress a number of general myths concerning so-called 'conspiracy theories', repeated by media organisations and other self-proclaimed guardians of the orthodoxy, as well as people who have been erroneously convinced that conspiracy theories are intellectual aberrations rather than the acknowledgment of a common historical and social phenomenon.If this still doesn't float your boat, then turn away now and hide your red (
This document does not claim that every event is the product of a conspiracy. It remains true, however, that conspiracies are far more common than admitted by the establishment. Whether conspiracy or coincidence was involved, we believe that the matter should be arbitrated by evidence rather than falsehoods on the alleged motives or state of minds of alternative researchers.

Zombie Elvis ate my hamburger! - Ant