Smoke??? Created 16 years ago2007-11-27 19:37:55 UTC by AMK AMK

Created 16 years ago2007-11-27 19:37:55 UTC by AMK AMK

Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 19:37:55 UTC Post #239300
Hey guys and chicks how do i make smoke, is there an env or do i have to make it out from a env_beam and how??
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 19:39:43 UTC Post #239301
sep.. you could use sprites or an env_beam going from the ground up... up to you man...
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 20:09:55 UTC Post #239302
more info plz :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 20:42:09 UTC Post #239304
To get the best smoke effect in a HL Singleplayer map I'd say get Spirit and use an env_particle entity and use the blacksmoke preset.

Otherwise create a few env_sprites going upwards in a line, using the scale property make them bigger the higher they are.

The get the name of the sprite (.spr) file that you want to use het sprite_explorer here and search the pak0.pak file in the Valve folder.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-27 22:43:44 UTC Post #239307
Unbreakable's method is best.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-28 10:18:42 UTC Post #239324
what about a cycler_wreakage
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-28 10:43:31 UTC Post #239327
i tryed to do it with the ev_beam how but the movmant is to fast can i slow it down??

and how can i make smoke with a cycler_wreakage

ps. my answers are probable at a little wierd times cuz im at a gmt +1 timezone :) :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-28 10:48:33 UTC Post #239328
cycler_wreckages just emit smoke, some fire..
and.. thats basically it..

You're gonna need the latest FGD
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-28 10:51:49 UTC Post #239329
Using a couple of env_sprites with a smoke sprite gives you the best results. Just make sure that you make each of the smoke sprites bigger when its further away from the source (a hole in a pipe or something).

As for the cycler_wreckage, placing it in your map is enough, it'll automatically spawn black smoke ingame. Not sure if it can be customized though.
Posted 16 years ago2007-11-28 12:19:54 UTC Post #239334
I just used to use cycler_wreckage when I mapped CZ. It's easy. Put it somewhere and you're done. Plenty of black smoke!
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