coders needed! Created 16 years ago2008-02-02 03:51:33 UTC by thehalflifedude thehalflifedude

Created 16 years ago2008-02-02 03:51:33 UTC by thehalflifedude thehalflifedude

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 03:51:33 UTC Post #244805
i need some coders for my new mod : (oh, i've allready told you people a million times, do i have to tell you again?) "hl2" mod for hl1. heres everything i've gotton done without codeing so far: dead floor turret:
User posted image
combine soldier:
User posted image
and, lastly, the city scanner:
User posted image
EDIT: here's the combine dispenser:
User posted image
also, i know, that's very little added, but i had to start from scratch yesterday and i'm still adding alot of more things. so, can i get any help on this mod, or are all of you going to be selfish and mean by telling me that i'm lazy ad nobodys going to help me? if you ARE going to say that, go say it to a wall.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 04:34:32 UTC Post #244806
This is still not enough to show us dude. If you started from scratch yesterday you shouldn't have anything to show yet, and you really don't.

It's not enough to show us that you've converted three models. We need to see mapping, first and foremost. That's what's important. We need to see that you have the story down. We need to see the mod, not one day's work.

Tell me to say it to a wall and everything, but I'm serious. I'm not trying to be mean at all. I'm not going to mock you or anything, I'm just telling you that you aren't on the right track yet. You should do some mapping, and take your time at it. Post occasional screenshots and we can give you tips and stuff. If you need people who can code and model, then show us some maps. I can't stress that enough, at this point you should be taking your time and really just mapping.

Before everything else, you need to be able to understand what criticism is. I'm not being mean, not calling you lazy, I'm helping.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 15:25:36 UTC Post #244830
oh, i understand that. i just don't like the "do it yourself, you lazy idiot!" kind of posts. i also need a new mapper. (the city 17 map i made lagged down to 1 fps) i just gather all the sounds models and music. ect. (sysop still hasn't answered my pm. : )
you need people who can code and model
well, i don't really need a modeler, since all i have to do is convert the model, but i guess i could get one.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 15:37:31 UTC Post #244831
the city 17 map i made lagged down to 1 fps
that'd be because the 1997 Goldsource engine is not designed for the large environments of HL2.

This mod failed before it even began, because it's simply not possible to make anything remotely similar to HL2 in the HL1 engine.

You can't get the physics required for half the puzzles,
You can't map the huge expanses,
You can't have proper drivable vehicles,
You can't use nearly as detailed brushwork or models or textures.

The old engine has limits. You can't break them to the extremes you're planning.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 15:44:42 UTC Post #244832
acually that's because the textures it was rendering was scaled too small. it would be too hard for mee to get the textures the right size without lagging the map.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 15:53:00 UTC Post #244833
and you choose to completely ignore the 4 very valid points i made?

suit yourself, but nobody is going to help you on a doomed project.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 16:12:36 UTC Post #244834
the city 17 map i made lagged down to 1 fps
And yet you would rather show us 3 converted models that you've not made yourself than show us your 'map'. For all we know, that doesn't exist.

Show us that map. Even if it is at 1fps you can negotiate it into a single screenshot. I'm sure we all want to know how good your 'mapping talents' are.
do it yourself, you lazy idiot!
At least do something for yourself. You've yet to show us anything that you have actually done. None of us want to join a mod in which the leader does nothing but give us orders. That's a mod doomed to fail.

Good mods that work like that at least have a chain of command going, and at least the mod leader does something. Find something useful you can do, and we might join you.

Even then, we aren't going to join you for a "HL2 in HL mod". The engine simply can't handle it. It's an idea that's already pre-destined to not work, and it seems everyone here knows it except you. If you find something that you can make yourself useful with, try to organize a small group of people. Come up with an original mod like everyone else and contribute something original to the table.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 16:16:41 UTC Post #244835
I'm don't know coding (yet ! ) but I know everything is possible hunter.

If some coders would agree to participate at this MOD , thehalflifedude could build a Half-Life2 for old computers :lol:

All the physics and stuff like that . It would be some kind of an upgraded "Spirit" . But for that is neccesary serious coding .

Here's what I mean : All the puzzles , systems , weapons , characters and stuff like that would be ported to half-life 1 . The graphics would only be nasty , that's all .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 16:17:54 UTC Post #244836
Oh, and directly copying/converting HL2 models is illegal. You'll be shut down the instance valve hears about it. Ill report it myself, hell.

And, if you actually get us that screenshot without whining, I will give you some honest criticism. It's what you've needed this whole time. If it turns out to be that you've directly copied HL2 brushwork of city 17, i'm going to explode.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:05:56 UTC Post #244837
everything is possible hunter.
lovely if it was true, but alas, it's not.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:08:24 UTC Post #244838
Why the hell would anyone want to play HL2 in HL1 anyway.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:18:25 UTC Post #244839
Why the hell would anyone want to play HL2 in HL1 anyway.
er... because the're machine isn't fast enough to run source possibly?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:22:44 UTC Post #244840
And I'm sure they'd wanna play your shitty mod instead.

In b4 truck of fail.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:29:33 UTC Post #244841
No, because you'd still need a good modern computer to play such complex maps in such a dated engine. The r_speeds would be so far through the roof, you might as well have just bought Half-Life 2 in the first place. And plus, they'd probably realize that some amateur's mod couldn't possibly capture the eloquence and ingenuity of the original game.

Not only that, somebody's already partially done this. They recreated a large part of the citadel, and even though it looked amazing by GoldSrc standards, it looked like crap compared to the Half-Life 2 version. I didn't play it, and I wouldn't play this... mostly because I know yours wouldn't come close to the quality of that map.

I might be able to understand this mod in 2004, when people were still struggling to get their computer up to speed to play Half-Life 2, but come on. It's four years later, and a bone stock low end Dell bought two years ago could play Half-Life 2 just fine.

And for the record, I don't think this is a totally insane idea. I've considered doing it myself, for the challenge and for personal gratification, but I'd never expect anyone else to be thrilled about it. I also came to the realization that things like the Gravity Gun and the vehicles would be so far out of reach that it wouldn't be worth it to create the whole thing all the way through. But you know, if you poured all your energy into remaking a really memorable chapter without the Gravity Gun, that might be sort of fun, and it would showcase what the GoldSrc engine CAN still do.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:46:35 UTC Post #244842
er... because the're machine isn't fast enough to run source possibly?
Yeah.. uh, what srry said.
A good and experienced modder like yourself should know that, don't you think?

Now instead of posting useless replies, show us that map of yours.
If not? Just, don't bother replying at all.
Good day to you sir
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 17:48:09 UTC Post #244843
nevermind. nobodys going to help me here. nobodys going even going to say hi to me in a nice way, nobody here is even nice.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:02:20 UTC Post #244844
I hate to say it, but this mod has failure written all over it. :pwned:
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:16:37 UTC Post #244847
nobodys going even going to say hi to me in a nice way, nobody here is even nice.
Say hi to you in a nice way? What on earth are you talking about? That doesn't even make sense.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:19:37 UTC Post #244848
well, lets see here, hmm... how many times have i got a friendly greeting? hmm... oh! that's right! never.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:23:14 UTC Post #244849
well, lets see here, hmm... how many times has anyone got a friendly greeting? hmm... oh! that's right! never.
Fix'd. I've never seen anybody get a friendly greeting on any forum. This isn't real life, people don't walk up and say "HI HOW YA DOING?!?!" And that's not even bringing up the fact that you've been a complete pain in the ass from the get go. We responded to your calls for help the exact same way we have been responding to them for years, but for some reason you just wouldn't let it go.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:26:59 UTC Post #244851
well, i finally got somebody to join my mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:28:27 UTC Post #244852
Hey halflifedude!
How are you doing?

No, seriously, I don't care.
Get out and puhlease never return.
You've got a second chance, and you blew it.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:28:32 UTC Post #244853
Well, good for you halflifedude. Try not to take advantage of his kindness, and maybe this guy will stick with you for a while!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:34:17 UTC Post #244854
So no screenshot?

4 posts since then and no mention of anything I've said.

It's worse than I thought.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:40:52 UTC Post #244856
Posted on 02 Feb 08, 21:26
by thehalflifedude
Posted on 02 Feb 08, 21:34
by TheGrimReafer
You really are expecting miracles, eh Grim? ;)

Oh, and I just read this:
i just gather all the sounds models and music. ect.
Wow, you really are a magnificent mod leader halflifedude. You've got the file organization skills to pay the bills.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 18:51:59 UTC Post #244857
Notice that mapping was not mentioned in that quote
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 19:50:37 UTC Post #244860
I love how my post was everything you need to hear, and yet you didn't even reply. Then you complain about people not being nice.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:01:25 UTC Post #244862
i could just cry at the size of my team. 3 people making a mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:06:32 UTC Post #244863
You need proof of his mapping skills?

Say no more... I mean, if he can make a door stay open, this Mod is gonna be just awesome!!

Seriously, didn't you take the hint the first time that no-one likes you and wants to help. Go map for Halo, i'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:10:17 UTC Post #244864
that's an exaple map, not a map that's going to be used in my game.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:10:50 UTC Post #244866
Why haven't this thread been closed yet?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:11:15 UTC Post #244867
They might even say hi.

Now enough of this already.
I just can't resist replying to this stupid load of crap.
This is what makes TWHL slightly shitty nowdays
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:15:33 UTC Post #244870
ok. Listen. This is your final chance for redemption, thehalflifedude.

All i want you to do is calmly, coherently and honestly answer ALL of the following questions. It's not difficult, and it could potentially make a huge difference.

1. Why do you think people will want "HL2" in an outdated engine rather than the actual game? Keeping in mind that "they don't have a powerful enough PC" isn't an answer. See why earlier in this thread.

2. Why don't you just make maps/mods for Source if it inspires you so much?

3. Why do you completely ignore requests for screenshots of this map of yours?

4. Why do you completely ignore simple facts like:

? The engine can't support physics, which is a requirement for pretty much every single puzzle in HL2.

? The engine can't support vehicles like in HL2, which pretty much removes any chance of including 2 of the largest sections of HL2.

? The engine can't support the vast locations, both interior and exterior.

? The engine can't support all the high-poly models of HL2.

5. Why are you being so hostile to everyone? You say we're all mean here, but that's only because you completely disregard our good advice.

6. Half-Life 2 took 6 years to develop. Are you going to take that long?

7. What can you actually do? Aside from stealing other people's content?
ok? I'm not being mean. I'm not being unreasonable.
Just answer these questions and maybe people will take you seriously.
At the moment they won't because you are completely and utterly ignoring everything they're saying.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:24:43 UTC Post #244872
I HATE the term "Coder" with a passion. Please use the term "Programmer". A coder, is a person who simply just does the syntax based part of programming. The actually typing/"coding" it in for the computer to understand. A programmer however, is someone who actually designs the application/program with the use of algorithms. You will need more then just "Coders" for this. And the entire half-life framework will need to be reprogrammed for this.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:30:34 UTC Post #244873
Please thehalflifedude, we are telling you from experience, it can't be done.

The working space you get in source is way bigger than what you get in hl1. There are some limitations you cant change like the number of models per map (400), the number of brushes and entities you can have in a map....

And yes, hl1 runs on old machines, but it gets tired very quickly. It can't handle to much at once other wise it will lag. Unlike hl2, it has high requirements (not really), but once it has those, its very smart and can deal with alot at once. And it has technology that hl1 doesn't have like mip mapping (i think) and LOD technology that helps it perform.

Where not saying you're not skilled enough, it just can't be done in this engine.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 21:42:08 UTC Post #244875
Where not saying you're not skilled enough
Yes we are.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-03 01:14:02 UTC Post #244895
You really are expecting miracles, eh Grim?
Well, I figured the whole 4 posts thing since then made me 'sure' he might've read it. 4 posts in two minutes is pretty beastly.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-03 06:40:01 UTC Post #244909
This isn't going anywhere. At all.

Be it not the best way of handling this, but please stop posting here if you feel like giving halflifedude a lesson on how not to be ignorant. If he thinks bitching like a stubborn 7-yr-old will get him a team - let it be.

So, unless you have comments on the media, want to apply for a position in the mod or feel like greeting a complete ass in a polite way, go right ahead.
Otherwise - simply stop. It's his loss in the end anyway.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 01:10:32 UTC Post #245000
Find something useful you can do, and we might join you.
oh, i guess spending 3 weeks just convert the freakin python by getting all the sounds models and everything else is just considered nothing to you, huh? open your eyes and LOOK AT WHAT YOU CAN SEE before you start arguing.i may not be doing the coding or mapping, but i still do something.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 01:31:03 UTC Post #245003
considered nothing to you
Yep, pretty much nothing. What you're doing's easy. If it's hard to you, you dont deserve to run a mod. you've only started to do it.. it just takes a routine, that's all. For all we know, you havn't even converted sounds. There's no proof at all.

If you want my respect, make the models and/or sounds yourself. If you cant, figure it out. You're young. It's no excuse for you to convert models/sounds and expect us to bow down to you in a 300 style XerXes throne.

3 weeks is slow. A model a week, wow -_-.
i may not be doing the coding or mapping
No mapping hrm? Ill bet you havn't mapped any of that "laggy down to 1fps" c17 map of yours? What a disgrace -- stop talking big. To get a map down that low means two things:

1. You're an insanely good mapper. (You aren't)
2. You copied source brushwork. (So hard -_-)

I guess I dont get a screenshot, oh well.
but i still do something.
No, you copy other peoples high quality created work and squander off to TWHL to try to gain respect.

Look at the observer model you copied over.. It doesn't even have his little moving limbs on it. And, it cannot fly. You've got an incomplete brick that sits there and accomplishes nothing but make me mad.

I'm sorry if this rant of mine 'upsets' anyone (Sorry Dauby/Ant/Strider).. But I feel I have the right to defend my opinion.
Edit: Oh my:

Does that look familiar? Written by our very own Aaron_da_killa. Makes me wonder if there's any connection although I cant point one out directly.

Nice work Aaron ;o

(Yes, I'm aware it was released 2 days ago.)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 02:37:36 UTC Post #245004
Well. I started something like your Mod a loooong time ago, It was called Invasion 106, now it is a dead project, I didn't stoped because of the limited old Engine, Really, I made some HL2-Esque maps with the max of 1000 R_Speeds, I stoped because I just don't wanted to get in trouble with legal issues. For who those say HL1 engine doesn't support HL2 complex maps, here's some proof that it can handle HL2, just better than HL2, those maps have max of 800 R_Speeds and a P3 500 mhz with some 64 mb video card would get 30 Fps or more.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Lol yes, its Goldsource.
Those screenshots are from a mod I'm working as a mapper, it still in active development, we just got 2 new coders showing screenshots like that, and now 3 mappers came on the team too.
The mod's name and development place I'll not reveal now. For people who will say that its illegal, Its not, we got a free way to get our content, it look like your HL2, but its not. You'll understand some day.

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 03:41:05 UTC Post #245006
Wow. That looks awesome. THAT's what you need to show us to get us interested in a mod. Damn. I still don't really see the point in a hl2 to hl1 conversion, but damn does it look pretty.

thehalflifedude, take notes.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 04:15:37 UTC Post #245007
I had a good time reading this thread :) ...Many good laugh's...

Seriously, thehalflifedude, I'd probably ban you if I could. You're being rude.
Sure, sure, a lot of people are being rude in this thread, but you started it by being a complete ass by responding with igonrance and anger to advice and critisism. So really, eat your keybord.

But in his defens, TWHL doesn't have a filter to prevent new members from posting threads with "Im making a mod, mod, I need a coder, coder etc. etc." in them. A filter like that would make TWHL 60% less flameable!

But on the other hand, what would TWHL be without baking noobs in the pizza oven? Im serious, flaming people got to be 85,7% of what goes on here, so without it, TWHL would probably quiet down pretty bad or even die. It's a pain in the ass but God it's fun!

So I say, let the dude work on his mod. It only has three possible endings:
1. He fails and we will find amusement in that.
2. He creates a shitty mod, we will laugh at it and find amusement in that.
3. He (his team-members) creates an awesome mod, we love it and find amusement in that.

The 3rd ain't very likely but still, it could happen...

cheers! :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 04:18:08 UTC Post #245008
Grim: There is a connection, and I know from a very reliable source and can point it out directly.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 10:14:36 UTC Post #245009
Who would've thought,

Awesome mape Ag3nt-X, thehalflifedude should take notes.

thehalflifedude -- Learn to map. Even if your maps suck at first, you have to keep practicing it. You've got to get better somehow. Releasing a door that stays open does not make a difference. You can be the most awesome entity guy in the world and not get taken by a mod simply because your brushwork is crap. Aim to get fluent with hammer in order to make good looking environments.

Artistic skill > Converting copyrighted material

I'm still willing to change my mind about you, just suck up your pride and admit you cant make this mod of yours. Anyone experienced will tell you that it's not possible.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 10:35:35 UTC Post #245011
Nice screenshots but too high poly models, and of course you will work like 20 years before it's finished. So if you like to make HL2 for HL1 why don't you just make some of the chapters and not the hole game?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 10:40:22 UTC Post #245012
Agent-x, that really does look good, but it's besides the point.

It still looks bad compared to actual HL2, it still lacks complex physics, It still can't support high-poly models (look at the barrel ffs), it still can't support vehicles, and while you can make hl2-esque maps, you can't make locations nearly as vast as the HL2 versions.

Face facts. HL2 can not be remade in Goldsource.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 11:13:28 UTC Post #245013
Make your own models dude! Low pol versions of the HL2 models. Then it's 10% more possible. But you still need physics and a better engine to pull this off!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 11:49:28 UTC Post #245015
It cannot be remade exactly, but it can certainly be remade within the limitations of the engine, to an extent.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-05 12:30:18 UTC Post #245018
I dunno if it cannot be remade in HL1, I'm just mapping for it (I'm not leader), I didn't even took those screenshots, I don't have all that shitload of models and such, I'm playing with normal hl1 models.
About high poly stuff and so on, I dunno if its lag the game I don't have them, If it does I agree with making our own models, but I'm just one of the five mappers of that mod, modelling isn't my job.
Also Hunter, I think those things you said is pretty possibly to do, we got 2 programmers and the mod have simple physics now, not the same of HL2 but if people had money to buy Havok's source code I think that its possible to implement it on Goldsource.
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