It can load a map in singleplayer or deathmatch mode (by checking the checkbox).
Its not really that original, but i find it pretty usefull and i've replaced my Half-Life desktop shortcut with this so that i can quickly select a map (download from TWHL for instance) from the list, hit enter, and HL loads with the selected map.
Loading up HL manually, going in the console, enter a map and hit enter is basically the same thing, my tool only does it faster.

Source is not supported. Maybe later.
- Mod support has been added.
- Now works with Steam Half-Life.
- Now launches Steam HL mods correctly.
- Added anti crash code.

Download Half-Life Launcher Version 1.0.3. (Requires .NET FrameWork 2.0)
WARNING! Put the executable in "Steamsteamappsaccount_namehalf-life" or face the "Could not find filesystem dll to load." error!