Sprites Created 17 years ago2008-02-16 14:52:41 UTC by Skals Skals

Created 17 years ago2008-02-16 14:52:41 UTC by Skals Skals

Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 14:52:41 UTC Post #245763
User posted image
You see this? theres a sprite at that tower.
For some reason i cant see it in game. its turned on and stuff.

Is it because its too far away? and if thats the reason, how can i let it be seen from this distance. please help.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 14:58:21 UTC Post #245764
If it is "inside" a brush then you won't see it ingame. Make sure that the center origin of the sprite is not obstructed by brush geometry.
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 15:04:56 UTC Post #245765
Oh... well it is.... but it has to be, to make the effect that i want :(

Edit: it still doesnt work. i took the sprite outside the building....
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 15:14:16 UTC Post #245766
What are its properties?
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:02:06 UTC Post #245767
Name: Blank
Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X): 0 0 0
Moves with: Blank
Render FX: Normal
Render mode: Glow
FX Amount(1-255): 255
FX Colour(R G B): 255 0 0
Frame rate: 10.0
Sprite Name: sprites/redglow.spr
Scale: 10
Attached to entity...: Blank
...At atachment point: 0

Starts On: Ticked
Play Once: Unchecked

(No groups)
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:07:27 UTC Post #245768
Set render FX to glow or always glow.
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:08:42 UTC Post #245769
Render Fx? Did you mix it with render mode?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:09:01 UTC Post #245770
Might be related to Flat-Life, actually. The Half-Life engine always renders sprites facing the same direction as the player, and as you're not facing the sprite in platform mode it's not showing up. Hm, I'll check it out in the code.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:10:01 UTC Post #245771
Yes chicken. Fix that. Now. Please :D

Edit: Chickenfist, theres also another problem. the game_texts dont work!!! (for somereason) please fix that.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:14:35 UTC Post #245773
That's weird :S Just tested one, and it worked. What's the properties?
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 16:26:51 UTC Post #245774
Chiken: Nvm. multimanager didnt work properly. i got it with triger_once.

Muzz: . i did what you said. no result. surely its flat-life's problem :P

Edit: Every time i recompile my map it switches the sky... i want the sky to be the cliff one and in daylight. but i dont noe the name of it.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-16 18:41:14 UTC Post #245775
Oh boy, how did you get the sprite to show up in game?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 07:21:20 UTC Post #245808
I didnt. and it didnt. im still waiting for help rofl.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-18 01:38:52 UTC Post #245870
Ok. The first thing I would suggest would be to make sure that you don't but it inside brush geometry, like muzzelflash said. Leave it out for now then when we get the sprite to show up later inside brush geometry, we'll work on making it show while its not in brush geometry first.

Your sprite properties seem fine, so I'm going to suggest that this is a custom sprite and maybe it hasn't been made properly. Upload your map with that sprite into the twhl map vault and I'll take a look at it.

This may be helpful for your sky question http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?doc=1037472496-69804100
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