[UTILITY] Half-Life Launcher Created 16 years ago2008-02-10 19:15:35 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 16 years ago2008-02-10 19:15:35 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-13 23:08:27 UTC Post #245609
A similar program for Source and Source mods would be nice.
That is a planned feature.
Care to make a Source version?

I'm looking forward to the Source features. Downloading the HL version now even though i've only got about 3 custom maps/mods installed, heh.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-14 01:25:29 UTC Post #245613
For a situation like this, there can be only one correct course of action:

The Epic Badge Of Win
User posted image
Please accept this humble token of appreciation. : )

The splash screen and console still loads visibly (is it supposed to), but other than that, works great! I can pick maps from all my mods! :badass:

Now make a version that runs the game without loading up the steam (force offline mode, whether you have internets or no), and I'll have your babies = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-14 17:20:56 UTC Post #245640
Thanks Captain Terror, that actually makes me wanne add more features, fix more bugs (if reported) and of course a prowed feeling. Harr. laughing - :lol:

And yes, Source maps and mods spport will eventually be added.
The splash screen and console still loads visibly (is it supposed to),
In WON or Steam HL? Probably WON, because i use the -dev and -console parameters for WON. I might remove that, but it doesn't matter anyway as long as the selected mod and map load correctly.
I might also add an option to manually add commands and params, -dev -console for example.
There's plenty of room for improvements.

One other thing: "Half-Life Launcher" isn't really an original title, so if any of you can think of any cool names for the app, ill choose the one that fits the purpose of the application best and ill be using that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-14 18:34:34 UTC Post #245653
Me use steam; I just don't liek looking at the splash, but not a big deal at all, I could just change the splash screen to pure black, right?! :P

You might make the mapnames double-clickable if it's not too hard... I keep doubleclicking them, looking away to relax for a second, and noticing nothing happens! Or even a "start map" button.

"manually add commands and params, -dev -console "

Yeah, or even better do toggle switches for -sv_cheats 1 -dev, -console, or just automatically load them by default (what would it hurt).


-MuzzleLoader (HAHAHAHA)
-Muzzleflash's FML (fast map loader)
-Muzzleflash's UPCFML (Uh, pretty cool fast map loader) = )
-HLML (Half-Life Map Launcher)
-MuzzleFlash's Initiate Level Utility

If you want me to keep going I'll continue for pages... : P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-14 19:06:22 UTC Post #245656
You might make the mapnames double-clickable if it's not too hard... I keep doubleclicking them, looking away to relax for a second, and noticing nothing happens! Or even a "start map" button.
So you want three different ways of starting a map:
  • By hitting enter
  • By clicking a button
  • By doubleclicking a mapname
Anything else? :P I like the doubleclicking so im adding that. There will be no button.
Yeah, or even better do toggle switches for -sv_cheats 1 -dev, -console, or just automatically load them by default (what would it hurt).
Consider it done.

As for the application names: a little more serious perhaps, even though i kinda like
-MuzzleFlash's Initiate Level Utility

Need moar names!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 06:07:54 UTC Post #245681
I kno it's not a "viewer" per se, but I like Muzzle's Map Viewer (MMV) or MAMV (Mighty Atom's Map Viewer) lawl

: P

okey I'll try harder:

Whatever you choose to use for your name (atom or muzzles) + Prefix (Map/Level/BSP/Mod?) +

Viewer (sorry but I liek it lawl)
Start Menu

Wow, I thought I'd be able to think of moar, but I'm tapped atm... maybe later I'll come up with sum moaar.

And btw I think all 3 ways should work for map loading - enter, "Load" button and double-click-- ultra redundant and idiot proof liek windows!


Keep up the great work and thanks again for a great tool! :glad:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 06:18:06 UTC Post #245682
Whatever you choose to use for your name (atom or muzzles)
We get to pick names now? I call being Ant from now on!

Srsly tho. This looks cool. I envy your skill, mostly because I have no idea how to write a program. As soon as you get a Source version I'm all over it.

As for names, how about Half-life Quick Launch or HLQL for short? Or Quick Start?

I think "Muzzleloader" is pure genius but if you want a more "serious" name then I'm sure we can find one just as good.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 10:37:14 UTC Post #245696
Srsly tho. This looks cool. I envy your skill, mostly because I have no idea how to write a program. As soon as you get a Source version I'm all over it.
Ill tell you what: im not even a skilled programmes, i just make use of basic knowledge i get from books. Everything else is stuff i found on the Internet.

As for the name, its not a high priority thing at the moment, but keep making up names!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 11:40:18 UTC Post #245697
Muzzle's Map Portal

I WON I WON! <thunderous applause and crying women)

: P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 11:59:38 UTC Post #245698
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-15 13:21:39 UTC Post #245700
Erm... Right.

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-16 11:07:20 UTC Post #245750
Thought of a new feature, maybe have it remember the last map you loaded... I guess for that you'd need another a textbox tho... (could you just have the last map loaded come up highlighted blue in the list? that would work too)

Doesn't really need this, just another idea = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 11:51:35 UTC Post #245825
Well, at this point im not really getting anywhere with Source support. Its gonna take a little longer for me to get support for Source mods and Source games. Why?

Because the directory structure of Source is a whole lot more complex than GoldSource.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 17:29:02 UTC Post #245843
it shouldn't be. the name of the mod is in gameinfo.txt and the map folder is the same. plus there is the advantage of having nothing but mods in the sourcemods directory.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 17:37:28 UTC Post #245844
Yes, but the gameinfo.txt is in different subfolder in each Source game directory. For example:

The gameinfo.txt file for HL2 is in half-life 2hl2.
The gameinfo.txt file for Ep1is in half-life 2 episode oneepisodic.
The gameinfo.txt file for HL2 is in half-life 2 episode twoep2

Its just confusing.

Plus, i don't know how to get specific data from text file such as the gameinfo.txt, as each gameinfo.txt is different, or slightly different.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-21 12:37:53 UTC Post #246068
Half-life launcher unexpectedly stopped working. (it was working fine before today, and I've used it pretty much everyday since it came out)

No matter what "account name" I put in, or path to steam's root directory, it says:
User posted image
And what exactly is the steam root directory? C:steam? ..steamapps? ( i guess it doesn't matter because i tried every possible directory and it still gives the same error.

: '( ' '
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-21 13:01:08 UTC Post #246074
Its the folder with the Steam.exe.

IE: C:Program FilesSteam.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-21 13:17:33 UTC Post #246078
Still doesn't work, and I sure haven't changed my directory structure since then... could it be a steam update or sumthin? It's just weird that it all of the sudden stopped workin.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-22 15:22:09 UTC Post #246186
That is weird indeed.
But i have news for you:

Im learning the power of Regular Expressions, a powerfull way to provide concise and flexible means for identifying text of interest, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters.

This means that you no longer have to type in your Steam Account Name. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-22 15:53:11 UTC Post #246189
Hurry! : )

I hate opening the my maps the olde way! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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