How to set this up... Created 16 years ago2008-05-09 04:42:34 UTC by HLGenius HLGenius

Created 16 years ago2008-05-09 04:42:34 UTC by HLGenius HLGenius

Posted 16 years ago2008-05-09 04:46:12 UTC Post #249769
For Half-Life...I repeat for half-life
:D How do I set ny entities in this scenario:

the player accidentally pushed a button that will destroy a certain building using a c4 bomb in 60 secs. He needs to go there and defuse stop the structure from being destroyed.if he did not arrive in time the building will be destroyed. but if he defuses it in time the building will be safe...END

(I know the scenario sucks but I made it as simple as possible for you guys to understand)

the Button is a Func_button which triggers the the bomb
the building is a func_breakable
the bomb is also a func_breakable that when its broken it will trigger an env_explosion and destroy/trigger the building

How to set this thing and the other entities(if there are) up??
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 09:07:56 UTC Post #249881
Its easy:

target: mmc4

name: mmc4
Target(60sec): c4

Button2 (c4 defuse)
Target: mmkill

name: mmkill
KillTarget mmc4

name: c4
target: env_explosion
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 09:14:28 UTC Post #249882
WOW! Fianlly in 3 days i got a response thank you butt-kicker
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 00:11:59 UTC Post #250102
Another way...

Button touched = blow building in 60 secs
name = "bomb_button"
delay = 60 secs
target = c4 bomb

C4 Defuse button:
target = "defuse_bomb"

name = "defuse_bomb"
target = "bomb_button"
new_target = blank

Bomb doesn't detonate!!! But this also allows you to reuse the button by setting another trigger_changetarget if you want to.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 09:24:07 UTC Post #250250
Thanks too HotDog
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