Created 16 years ago2008-09-09 08:43:28 UTC by
No . I was reffering to speeds greater than 50.000 km/hThat's nothing.
striker... 50km/h is slow... even for a car.Lol he wrote 50.000 km/h = 50000 km/h
Q: Black holes and matter
If you are able to generate even small black holes, will they suck up matter? Do full-sized black holes draw in invisible matter also? You have an exciting project and I wish you a lot of luck in the operation of your new hardware. (Merlin)
A: It's just possible that we could create mini-black holes, although this would require at least that there are extra dimensions in our Universe, for which we have no evidence!
If, however, we did, then the little black holes would bear no relation at all to the black holes created when stars collapse. They would evaporate away very quickly via a process called Hawking radiation (unless we have no understanding at all of quantum theory).
Even if they don't, they would be so very tiny that matter would never get close enough to them to be sucked in! Big black holes do suck matter in, and should also emit Hawking radiation, although they emit it much more slowly and so live for a very long time (much more than the current age of the Universe). (BC)
Lol he wrote 50.000 km/h = 50000 km/hI don't know much, but i know you're talking out your arse.
French LanguageDamn you, assbackwards French.
French and English have the same punctuation marks, but some of their uses are significantly different.
The major difference in using the period is when writing numbers. Either a period or a space will be used to separate the thousands. 22,222,222 (English) = 22.222.222 or 22 222 222 (French). Also, in French, the period is not used after abbreviations or measurement: 22 m (meters); 22 min (minutes).
Main article: Decimal separator
In many European languages, commas are used as decimal separators. The only English-speaking country which uses this convention is South Africa. Thus, 1,5 V means one and one-half volts.
Another method of writing numbers is the international system writing style.[9] They write the number fifteen million as 15 000 000. The only punctuation mark is the decimal mark; a period in English text, a comma in all other European languages. Using this convention, twelve thousand fifty-one dollars, seven cents, and 5 mills, would be written in symbols as $12 051.075 in English text, but $12 051,075 in text of any other European language.
In many places, English writers often put commas between each group of three digits. They would write the number fifteen million as 15,000,000. A number with a decimal does not use commas in the fractional portion. Thus, twelve thousand fifty-one dollars, seven cents, 5 mills is written in symbols as $12,051.075.
Many European languages use the exact opposite convention, and the above quantities are written as 15.000.000 and $12.051,075.[10]
all non-english speaking countries
In many European languagesSince when does "many European languages" mean "all languages besides English"?
I don't know much, but i know you're talking out your arse.This and Spike's and Luke's comments only demonstrates you like trolling and you can derail with ease from the subject .
50k = 50000
50,000 = 50000
50.000 = 50
touch?An orgasm for my ears.
Texas Hardon ColliderTexans love their Hard-On Colliders.
Area 51 is fiction.Well, Tosse....I guess this satellite photo of Area 51 showing what amounts to, the world's longest runway must be a fake then. Man, it's incredible how something this big that can be seen from orbit, somehow does not exists.