Created 16 years ago2008-10-03 14:20:48 UTC by
Looks extra shittyCorrect Luke is correct. for the backup link, Habboi. Gee, I wonder why the movie's website removed the video trailer that was linking from.....could it have been the massive amount of "two thumbs down" they were getting from the public? I agree with Urbanebula when he said that they could have gone the CG way of doing the movie, at least this way they could have used the original voice cast from the anime. I can see this movie not coming out in theaters and instead it be released direct to DVD as a "B" movie.
Since your link is dead now.
Dragonball, in my opinion, is better than Dragonball ZDisagree.
This movie failed epically as soon as it was announced.Agree.
Thanks for the backup link, Habboi. GeeGee, it sure is boring around here...