Thats great, Striker, but this is supposed to be a thread for REAL photo's, not screenshots/comics.
Therefore, i deleted it.
Created 17 years ago2007-08-06 23:50:34 UTC by
what.That's exactly what I was going to ask
Thats great, Striker, but this is supposed to be a thread for REAL photo's, not screenshots/comics.If I make a "Comic Photos" Thread , somebody will delete my thread . If Hunter or Madcow or you muzzleflash does that , nobody will delete their thread .
Thankyou Sweden for producing the best metal on the planet.Americans and Germans are better :).
Quite like the 1st one. Thought it's a tile wall for a second.Thanks.
nice use of depth of field in the second one, though it looks a bit sudden. Shoop'd?+1 macro lense and a slight bit of shooping, yeah. The background was already blurred, but a little jarring, so I tried to even it out. It is pretty sudden, I might fix that up.
How's this look?Sexy.
Mine's bigger.Good luck finding a woman big enough