For my mod, it is one of my goals to try and have in game music, obviously it simply makes the game more dramatic when used correctly. The problem is for Spirit of Half Life Versions 1.4 - 1.7, (the only spirit of half life mods that have built in ambient_fmodstream) each have their own respective errors, at least for me.
Spirit 1.4 has a simple error of not being able to load the library for the client dll, even when replaced with another dll just to try and make the game work, it has a simple startup error that provides no explenation and the program just crashes.
Spirit 1.5 has weapon related errors, most likely due to the reason that the ZIP file did not give me proper weapon models, or something...
If anyone can solve one of these problems, or provide me with a regular client DLL with ambient_fmodstream or some other means of having in game mp3 music play, it would be greatly appretiated, forgive my bad spelling and grammar.