Posted 16 years ago2009-01-21 09:22:46 UTCPost #261788
I used to love playing physic maps before the new update messed them up. They used to be things like houses or structures that collapsed in many different ways from the press of a bunch of buttons and it was generally fun to mess around like trying to survive and stuff.
Me and Hunter also used to build boats in Hammer and then make them float in Gmod and have pirate fights.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-21 13:20:18 UTCPost #261791
Haha, I think one of my first experiences with source mapping was a GMOD map. I reckon I made this volcano thing that shot chairs, a brush based train and some gravity field. Ah, random times.. random times.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-21 18:57:02 UTCPost #261807
I'll have you know, The Hunter can make anything into a hilarious adventure. One minute your bungeeing from a bridge in an advisor pod, the next your being chased down Highway 17 by an entire platoon of combine forces.
An that was literally over the space of a few minutes. Not to mention him finding a way into the void and then acting like L4D's AI director. Dropping in random enemies to prevent me from escaping.