Persona Non Grata - The first announceme Created 16 years ago2009-01-30 05:56:22 UTC by Hipolipolopigus Hipolipolopigus

Created 16 years ago2009-01-30 05:56:22 UTC by Hipolipolopigus Hipolipolopigus

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 06:02:49 UTC Post #262143
Hi everyone, Awesome site! I suppose I'll just get straight into this then;

Whilst playing, re-playing and re-re-playing the Half Life series (HL through HL2: EP2), I thought about something. What's happening to the rest of the world? We hear about other citadels in HL2: EP1, but there is no real depth into the matter. I really wanted to cover this, so I dreamt up Persona Non Grata.

The basic story outline is: There is someone of particular interest to the Combine, a girl from a small nation: New Zealand. This girl, Anne Cascada, like Eli Vance and Gordon Freeman often has visits from the mysterious GMan.

That's the basic outline, I'll post updates and status reports on my site:

Please, let me know what you all think. If you can help that'll be great!

BTW: This is my first announcement, so um.... yeah.
EDIT: The Title is too big for the TWHL titles thing. It's meant to say "Persona Non Grata - The first announcement!"
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 09:28:53 UTC Post #262146
OH so it's a mod. I read it as, you wrote a story to read which I was interested in reading but hey, pull it off and it may be a good mod.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 11:16:32 UTC Post #262147
Sounds very promising, but it's a huge project to undertake.
I wish you the best of luck
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 11:25:34 UTC Post #262148
Sounds like a good idea. One thing: If the team is deticated enough, they WILL work for free. (see Black Mesa) You may not be able to find coders, but If you don't don't worry. You don't NEED any weapons or NPCs, unless they are vital to the story.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 12:57:27 UTC Post #262149
Wow a virgin poster who found the edit button. I'm gonna pay attention to this!
Well it sounds like an awesome idea.

+ You caught my interest
++ You already have a decent website up.
+/- Like a lot of people have already said. It's a LOT of work.
Each level can take upward of 25 hours to complete, not including scripting and events. Modeling and animating is a pain. But hey, if you're looking for people to help out, i'll give it a shot.

My recommendations: Map out the whole game first, then go back and add in all the custom models, and change the levels to fit.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:32:10 UTC Post #262155
Thanks a lot guys!
OH so it's a mod. I read it as, you wrote a story to read which I was interested in reading but hey, pull it off and it may be a good mod.
Yep. It's a mod. Thus the "Maps and Mods section". I've thought A LOT about the story, seeing as I come from New Zealand, this should be heaps of fun to work on! I might even ask steam to release it as a separate game, not a mod.
Sounds very promising, but it's a huge project to undertake.
Yeah, It's gonna be huge. Might even need episodic releases.
You may not be able to find coders, but If you don't don't worry.
As for the weapons and NPC coding, I might be able to do a bit of it myself (notice how I DIDN'T put a coder in the "Looking for" section!)
Wow a virgin poster who found the edit button.
Hey! I don't just run in to things! I analyse them! And yeah, virgin poster :P.
My recommendations: Map out the whole game first, then go back and add in all the custom models, and change the levels to fit.
Thanks for the recommendations, Tetsu0. That was kinda gonna be on trial as a working process, but if you think it'll work, then IT SHALL BE OUR PROCESS!

The official site is now setup and is at!
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:34:15 UTC Post #262158
Well what happens a lot is modders want to get all the custom content finished THEN map, and when people do that, the mod dies quick. In order for people to even pay attention to it you're going to need media releases and screenshots and updates etc etc.

If you can get a steady flow of actual maps, even just areas that connect to other areas, your mod will last a lot longer. Maybe even to completion.

For instance. If you want your story to progress from the city to the sewers to the outdoors. Make a simple city map (SIMPLE!! 4 buildings at max) add the entrance to the sewers, make the sewer map, then make the outdoor map.

Once you have the skeleton, you can flesh it out. Rebuild as necessary.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:42:44 UTC Post #262159
Ah, I see. That will keep the public happy? Awesome!
BTW, what would you be interested in helping out with?
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:42:49 UTC Post #262160
so long as it's good work. People don't want to see lego buildings in source. (Just square)
Do your research, try to mimic some architecture and you'll be fine.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:44:55 UTC Post #262161
O.K then. I'll begin work on.... something! I've only got me as a definite on the Dev team ATM. And a possible 2 more, once they get back into work mode from the holidays!
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 19:57:39 UTC Post #262162
I recomend working on the maps. Maps are the lifeblood of any mod, because if done properly, they entwine all the features into the package. Plus, It's a good skill to have;
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 11:11:54 UTC Post #262181
Maps seem to take priority! Is it a good idea to scribble on bits of paper, or do a floor plan digitally?
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 12:47:00 UTC Post #262183
Do whatever is more comfortable for you. At school I'll sometimes scribble floor plans, but I always make the map a lot different from the plan, usually for the better. If having a plan already out helps you map, go for it!
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 16:35:27 UTC Post #262190
Yep! Scribbling it is! Does anybody have any advice on voice actors?
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 19:32:23 UTC Post #262193
Ask people you know. I'm willing to offer my voice. So are most people here.
If you want, you can make a ModDB page and the people who look at that might want to lend a hand as well.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 20:20:33 UTC Post #262195
Yep! Scribbling it is! Does anybody have any advice on voice actors?
My advice is to take your time on selecting actors, and then take more time. If you have any friends who happen to be actors, english majors, or public speakers, these people should be on the top of your wanted list.

Nothing ruins atmosphere like a character who sounds as if they've been pumped full of morphine and are reading lines to the player off of a script they are only vaguely interested in.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-31 23:06:42 UTC Post #262198
If you have any friends who happen to be actors, english majors, or public speakers, these people should be on the top of your wanted list.
Would English teachers count?
I'm willing to offer my voice. So are most people here.
Yay! Thanks!
If you want, you can make a ModDB page
O.K, I'll look at that. I've already got some forums and an Xfire Dev clan set up.

I've added some voice actor profiles to the list at
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 00:58:55 UTC Post #262285
Just a few questions about ModDB;
You must show a significant amount of progress, e.g. screenshots (or concepts) of models and maps that you are working on.
Won't that "significant amount of progress" take some time? I understand that this mod will take a while, but until I have some graphic artists (I know none, any help here?), this isn't really gonna happen.
The mod is unique and original and not in violation of anothers intellectual property.
Isn't the idea of another citadel the "intellectual property" of valve?

Thanks again!
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 11:39:08 UTC Post #262296
You don't need artist renderings. Even plain sketches would count.
Screenies, map layouts, plotlines, storyboards, basic stuff first. Then develop it.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 14:57:27 UTC Post #262301
O.K. Any ideas on the intellectual property? I understand that valve give permission for use of the game content(, but I'm kinda worried about legal action! Yes, I am paranoid.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 15:34:10 UTC Post #262302
This is actually well organized. Now you just need some concepts or something imagery like. You'll touch yourself later if you keep it organized and manage to do a written list rather that spur-of-the-moment sort of stuff.

So far, I'm kinda interested in seeing this completed. Although the story feels weak, but any story can be epic if you throw the right events and deliver them effectively.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 18:32:36 UTC Post #262306
I'm kinda worried about legal action! Yes, I am paranoid.
Valve is really mod friendly. As I'm sure you know, CS and DoD were once HL mods, and now they're Valve games. I'm also sure Gabe Newell once said "if you want it, mod it." I think since they're letting all sorts of HL tie in mods, even Black Mesa, be made, they won't take legal action against you.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-03 19:34:55 UTC Post #262311
I'd like to point out that creating decent levels and content comes down to experience and plain hard work - a lot of it. If you've never done it before, it's easy to underestimate the amount of work.

So, I'd say, start creating a few basic map layouts and get them up and running quickly. Get a feeling for how much work it is, try to determine what level of quality you'd like and how much resources you can spend on it.

After all, I'd be sad to see a lot of work go to waste because you took on too much from the start. Lack of motivation and proper leadership has killed many mod teams. If you want, you can do some research into that. There should still be various articles available on the subject of mod team management.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-04 00:23:50 UTC Post #262313
This is actually well organized.
This is. My workstation (bedroom), not so much.
So far, I'm kinda interested in seeing this completed. Although the story feels weak, but any story can be epic if you throw the right events and deliver them effectively.
I've had some scene ideas from the beginning, but I'm not too sure on how to script them. T_T
Valve is really mod friendly. As I'm sure you know, CS and DoD were once HL mods, and now they're Valve games. I'm also sure Gabe Newell once said "if you want it, mod it." I think since they're letting all sorts of HL tie in mods, even Black Mesa, be made, they won't take legal action against you.
Well, if that's the case...
I'd like to point out that creating decent levels and content comes down to experience and plain hard work - a lot of it. If you've never done it before, it's easy to underestimate the amount of work.
The only thing that I'm really good at is terrain. That doesn't count for much, relative to everything else though.
So, I'd say, start creating a few basic map layouts and get them up and running quickly.
So, just a room here, quick screenshot, a beach there, quick screenshot, snapshot of a new enemy etc?

Thanks again everyone!
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-06 07:40:16 UTC Post #262362
Hi again!

I've put some recruitment listings on my forums, so take a look!
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