New HL2 Mod, seeking HL1 Designers!! Created 20 years ago2004-05-10 12:44:13 UTC by RTk-Team RTk-Team

Created 20 years ago2004-05-10 12:44:13 UTC by RTk-Team RTk-Team

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 12:44:13 UTC Post #26308
Hi there,
Over at RTk we are busy cooking up a new mod for the upcoming release of HL2. A brief description of the mod:

SR 2053

In the Year of 2010 we had an occurrence in our reality that we call The Awakening. Something from our past awoke legends that were long forgotten. Creatures from our mythical history walked the earth once more, giving birth to magic. Chaos reigned as governments crumbled and Corporations grew into power. Trolls, Orcs, Dwarfs & Elf?s became once again part of our society. Even some humans show strength in an ancient magical skill. Wars are fought in new ways now, for corporations rule this world. This war is waged underground in the very shadows of our cities. And now rumors are surfacing of an even more powerful ancient Beast. Fear runs through everyone?s veins, as we all fear the worst is yet to come.
Thats right!
So, due to the game's "never-release" date. There are no official mapping tools to work with, but we are not limited. no. Valve has stated many a time how easy and compatible the map files themselves will be! So, with that said, we are on the look-out for designers up to this task. It will require patience and dedication to map for a game on a different paltform then its intended, but we intend to do just that! And we want you if you can fit the bill!

We are currently looking for level designers on the HL1 platform only, for obvious reasons. If you feel up to the task please email or hit up our forums and make yourself known.
Thx for your time.

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:28:32 UTC Post #26329
Feel up to what task? I mean, what's the quality of your team's work? I haven't seen any screenshots on the site. An indicator of the work done so far is nice but I'd like to see some stuff.

I know of a HL mod that made some temporary levels first, just to show how good they were so they could attract talented people. Later they made the real levels...

A story or concept only doesn't convince me...
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:30:08 UTC Post #26330
Not to be harsh, but I've seen way too many mods that didn't make it, while they had such promising idea's.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 15:35:21 UTC Post #26332
just look around our own forums
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 17:15:45 UTC Post #26349
The .com domain gives me a level of hope ;)

I'll try, fo shizzle, but i'd like to see some screenies first.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 18:28:03 UTC Post #26377
hey, we just looking for people.
I would have the same concerns. But to be honest, im in this mod. And i know we aint going anywhere. (meaning the wayside)
We'll get some shots up soon, but as you know its not quite out yet..
kind of a catch-22, especially when you are trying to recruit people (so you can produce shots to get more people!)

So you all have quit mod teams? or are just working on your own stuff?
why so critical of newly joining teams? Are screenies all that you guys need?
I mean the game is not out yet.. so im kind of confused there.
We could make concept art, and we do have some, but, whos to say the mod would look anything like it?
Lastly, we're working on getting some model screenies up.. as that IS something we can show and tell.

But uh ya.. typically you join a mod, before they have screenies!!!!
unless your just a bandwagon jumper. :nuts:
we need do'ers, so i understand, its alot to ask of strangers.. hahaha

We actually do have an impressive backbone/system our team uses. Pictures, packets, everything.
But those are team resources, not open media items.
we'd like to keep our ideas if you know what i mean.

Hit us up, we aren't full of sh*t, i assure you.

thx ya'll!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-10 20:57:18 UTC Post #26405
How can you make a Half Life 2 mod, when Half Life 2 isnt even out yet.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 01:47:50 UTC Post #26413
Pretty easily. Quite a few teams doing the same.

Note: integrated your three posts, RTk-Team
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 02:42:36 UTC Post #26422
The reason why I am so critical, is that a lot, a very lot of mods start out with good idea's (or bad idea's, anyway) and never make it. My primary reason to see screenshot is to assure me you're capable of making quality work. Only then I can see it's not just an idea, it's not just another n00b team that doesn't know what it takes to make a mod.

You may know what your team is up to, outsiders may not. Assure them you have what it takes. It sounds good on your website, but that doesn't say anything to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against you and your mod but it just doesn't convince me. Can you show us some early work? Since you seem to be up there for quite a while now and have a large team already... Yes, large. CS was made by one man first. I've heard managing a team can be quite a load of work already... but then again, I've never worked really full-time in a mod team (although I am connected to one).
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 11:34:58 UTC Post #26508
sorry, probably doesn't look to good that i can't even log in when i post..

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-11 14:44:10 UTC Post #26552
I've seen your site and I've seen some of your scrap material (concept art). The maps look good for as far as I can see on those tiny screenshots, it gives a better impression than a story-only. You really should put links to your modelers sites on your mod site.

Anyway, lots of succes to your team!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-13 13:34:40 UTC Post #26792
w00t count me in!
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 17:26:45 UTC Post #30108
sure, i'll give it a try. I've been mapping for the past 3 years and i need to go somewhere with my work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-03 18:22:52 UTC Post #30115
The_4th_Stooge, E-mail me at if you want to be part of New Problem, a MOD for HL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-04 17:30:44 UTC Post #30373
Yeah, i'll do it. My e-mail isn't working quite yet. What's the mod about/What type of maps?
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