Compiling Problem... Created 15 years ago2009-03-07 23:03:16 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Created 15 years ago2009-03-07 23:03:16 UTC by esmajor esmajor

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-07 23:03:16 UTC Post #263938
I am making a version of flatgrass from scratch....

Same X & Y size as flatgrass, Z size is about 1024 shorter.
16 info_player_start's dead center on the ground piece
1 light_environment dead center of it all in the air
2 fence-textured brushes in one corner to designate a "deathmatch" area

Several brushes in opposite corner (prop_dynamic) as a jail (for NewAdmin Purposes)

5 "skybox" brushes making up the cube for the outer edges of the map.

I start compiling with all settings on normal (bsp, vis, rad)

It gets stuck on "Portal Flow"...

1....2....3....4....5.. <---- that's how far it gets and then it freezes.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 02:56:19 UTC Post #263942
Have you tried without vis?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 10:57:40 UTC Post #263945
Would the map still run if I did it that way?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 16:10:41 UTC Post #263951
I left out vis, and it hen got stuck on the rad part.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-08 16:17:57 UTC Post #263953
Damn, I'm stumped then, the portal part of the compiling is just vis's way of optimizing the map.

EDIT: remake of flatgrass?

If it's a huge ass map, then rad or vis getting stuck is normal, it takes about 2 mins to compile my map.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-10 18:28:54 UTC Post #264062
Sorry, should have mentioned it was a remake of GMOD's default map, gm_flatgrass
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-10 18:37:22 UTC Post #264064
Give it an hour to compile, if it does'nt make any progress at all from where you leave it, then It may be a freeze up.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-10 18:39:24 UTC Post #264065
What Jeff said, especially if you system isn't top-notch.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-10 18:52:03 UTC Post #264066
If the map has detail objects like detailed brushwork and/or models, disable shadowing on some of the models, and turn detail brushes into func_details or func_brush with shadows off. This is of course not recommended for final compiles, but at least the map compiles much faster if you just want to test it. Increasing the lightmapscale will also make the compile process finish much quicker.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-10 18:52:23 UTC Post #264067
Exactly, like i had said before, it takes 2 mins to compile my map, and you can see this map Here
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-11 00:43:07 UTC Post #264070
I have an enormous map that had the same problem, so I just set vis to fast and it compiles fine and runs with reasonable performance. Of course, I'm gonna go back and do some vis optimization in hope of allowing a full vis compile. In addition, I did have to rescale some lightmaps to make the rad compile complete in a reasonable timeframe.
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