PS. I'd rather not create a new thread for introducing myself but I was unable to post at the Hello thread (perhaps a mod can move this post?)
Created 15 years ago2009-03-25 00:14:34 UTC by
Is it bad that I still like the 10 year old HL1?Wash your mouth out with soap! Goldsource mapping is quite acclaimed here. Most of us are nostalgia junkies trying to get the most out of the old engine.
I got all reference from the Valve Collective ERC but it seems to be gone.See the left sidebar? Last link under the "Reference" section
a german eh?Canadian, eh?
Canadian, eh?Pie, eh?
Pie, eh?Thread de-railment, eh?
it has the same effect on all of usYe got tha right!
a german eh?Sort of. It's my name. But I like to mislead people with it
HL1 still has a LOT of juice left in it.Especially with the Spirit addon
(just for future reference >_>)
shows up when theres cake and vanishes when its all gone.He leaves in disappointment, the reason the cake is gone being that I got to it first.
and i also get "Urby" mixed up with RimrookFor some reason I do that quite frequently as well... :/
MuzzleFlash was betterI agree. At any rate, it's better than mine. Oh, well, too late to change now, my steam group's name can't be edited.