Rooms (mini co-op project) Created 16 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 16 years ago2008-12-29 22:45:57 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-09 21:07:34 UTC Post #266433
I do use steam.
And I wish I could use steam. Damn updates, I can't download them before the steam updater crashes.
...Admittedly, only to certain extents. I use my brothers account.
Get your own, it's free! :D (I used my brother's too for a while)
Okay, I played through the coop quite a few times, now it's time for the bug report:
  • I got stuck in SpaG's room, near the barrels. Either clip that hole so people don't fall in it, make the crates and barrels movable, or add a crate there.
  • Nefarious's room seems to have been run without VIS or something, bad flashlighting.
  • ZeebaG's room has nulled places you can see the void in at the end hall.
  • Level changes are inconsistent in lighting at places, and the doors never close before the change, and if you look backwards it kills emersion.
Also, for some reason, (maybe due to my recent HL relocation) the console stopped working. (It works again for normal HL and all the mods I've tried)
Hopefully there aren't many more errors, if any.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-10 03:45:38 UTC Post #266762
spag's: nver noticed that but i can add clipping.
Nefarious's: it's compiled with full vis, as are all the rest of the rooms
Zeeba's: room was a nightmare to even get to compile. It's poorly optimized and large swaths of textures were scaled 1 and below 1, causing long compiles and max patches errors. I'm not putting any more time into that map, but zeeba can modify it if he wants to.
Level changes are inconsistent in lighting at places and the doors never close before the change...
Did my best to make the lighting match. as for the doors not closing if you look backwards, tough-fucking shit. :|

Did you test it in steam or in WON, and also, did you run it in minimod format or copy the mod contents to your valve folder? I get all sorts of crazy bugs running it in mod format, but none if it's run out of the valve folder...
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-10 04:56:08 UTC Post #266766
I forgot whose room it was (it's the room with the iris like door), but it has a bug. You can see the door move through the "ceiling" (forgot to resize the brush perhaps?).
Also, my room has some weird lighting issues.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-10 07:38:25 UTC Post #266769
spag's: nver noticed that but i can add clipping.
Just a box would work. It's underneath the catwalk, a hole in the 'wall' of storage stuff.
Did you test it in steam or in WON, and also, did you run it in minimod format or copy the mod contents to your valve folder? I get all sorts of crazy bugs running it in mod format, but none if it's run out of the valve folder...
WON minimod.
Nefarious's: it's compiled with full vis, as are all the rest of the rooms
Well something's wrong with it, And if you jump into the pool and fire a gun, half the time the gun impact effects will happen right in front of you, like you're in the void of a full compiled map.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-10 20:21:00 UTC Post #266785
Spag: what lighting issues? Pleez let me know and i'll try to fix them. Is that light in the elevator supposed to be blinking? And yeah i know about that bug in zeeebas map, it's been addressed and will not be there in the next release.
WON minimod
If you don't mind try steam minimod and see if you see the same problems, or if some of them are better/worse using steam. I couldn't find any stuck spots in spag's elevator, but your right about nefarious's map inside the pool, not that i really know what to do about it. Suggestions?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-10 22:22:37 UTC Post #266789
Well something's wrong with it, And if you jump into the pool and fire a gun, half the time the gun impact effects will happen right in front of you, like you're in the void of a full compiled map.
I haven't seen any guns that you can pick up...

That room is really buggy somehow. The lighting is particularly odd.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-11 06:54:54 UTC Post #266807
If you don't mind try steam minimod and see if you see the same problems, or if some of them are better/worse using steam.
Out of the option for me, I'm afraid. :(
I couldn't find any stuck spots in spag's elevator
It's not in the elevator, it's under the catwalk, between some barrels and crates. You can go in, but not out.
I haven't seen any guns that you can pick up...
They've all been removed, but impulse 101 still works.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 01:03:36 UTC Post #266830
Well yeah but I supposed they're not there for a reason. But I know there IS one I've seen, near the beginning... heh heh heh.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 04:27:08 UTC Post #266832
User posted image
Those are quite weird.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 16:59:37 UTC Post #266849
yeah that is super weird, tho i never noticed it before. I have started to weird lighting glitches compiling with the latest official release of the 64-bit ZHLT. Like with raver's map, if i compile with the x64 tools, i get some weird shadows. by his exit door. if I use the 32-bit tools, the glitch disappears.

So, for the next full compile/release i'll compile the whole thing with the 32-bit tools and see if it fixes some of the other visual glitches like in nefarious's map.. It IS a shame if the 64-bit tools are the culprit tho... the 32-bit ones take about 1/3 longer to compile if i remember correctly...


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-12 22:17:56 UTC Post #266861
I don't remember seeing those deeeeep shadows...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 15:39:30 UTC Post #267748

Finally getting around to fleshing out the intro map(s), and i'm almost to the point where i have enough content for you authors to check out and comment on. Authors interested in viewing/testing/contributing to the intro sequences for this project pleez lemme know in this thread or by pm, and i'll send you a seekrit link check out (soonish).

Actually, all the authors should probably view the content when it's ready, because there are some personal things you'll need to submit like a photo/avatar, plus some other personalizations. The framework will also be there to have author commentary by text, audio, or both, though i don't have the specifics laid down yet on word/time limits or anything yet.

There are some other things in the works too, but we can all talk about that when everyone's viewed the framework.

Finally, unless we decide to add any more major stuff, will can expect the official release of Rooms fairly soon, maybe by the end of this month.

NOTE: people with works-in-progress out there still don't fear, i'll still be willing to add your entries if you don't have them in by the official release time, and i'll always be willing to add new submissions.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 15:50:00 UTC Post #267750
Actually, all the authors should probably view the content when it's ready, because there are some personal things you'll need to submit like a photo/avatar, plus some other personalizations. The framework will also be there to have author commentary by text, audio, or both, though i don't have the specifics laid down yet on word/time limits or anything yet.
Will the commentary be optional, like a switch or console command? Because I think it should be.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 16:02:40 UTC Post #267751
I'm not sure exactly how we're going to implement it, but the way it's set up now it will be togglable from the intro map, like a dvd menu. as a lesser alternative, we could always just add a little speaker ikon at the beginning of each map where you could toggle it on or off. (or we could do both)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 16:25:05 UTC Post #267752
Intro map sounds good. So, just a bunch of trigger_onces/multiples with "comentary_on" as a master, or something like that? Nice... But it'd have to trigger a multi_manager to turn it off and on again so you don't trigger something while you're reading something else...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 16:45:35 UTC Post #267753
yeah, could get buggy, and it should definitely only play once. could also make it a limited radius at the beginning of the map so it wouldn't an issue if you started the next map's commentary before the previous one was finished.

if all else fails i'm just putting a speaker/commentary hologram at the beginning of each map, and clicking it will play the commentary once, end.


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:06:07 UTC Post #267754
Commentaries on our rooms? Yes, please.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:28:27 UTC Post #267755
I'm finishing school in about three weeks (my exams are starting on Wednesday), so I won't be able to contribute just yet. I still have to put in some ambience, and I've fixed up the computers (can't remember if I uploaded the updates though), but other than that my map's probably done.

And what about having something like the a button in the intro that, when pressed, makes other buttons appear in the rooms, so each commentary can be played multiple times?
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:32:15 UTC Post #267756
This idea intruiges me...env_render and masters for comentaries, eh?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:35:36 UTC Post #267758
That actually sounds great. we could use that convention for other things tooo... :badass:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:37:57 UTC Post #267759
But I know there IS one I've seen, near the beginning... heh heh heh.
Wait, I just realized this... Is it in the second room? I left one in there as an easter egg, but it's gone from the newest version.
That actually sounds great. we could use that convention for other things tooo...
Like my ahem non existant Xencan? Which reminds me, I should get to work on that room.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 17:38:28 UTC Post #267760
the newest version of your map is not in the current release, sorry. = (
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-01 18:44:35 UTC Post #267765
I know, It's in the next. But my mapvault entry has it...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-02 10:56:10 UTC Post #267815
How I wish I had time to finish my damned room. But it's exam season so I won't be able to within the next week or two. If it's officially released without my entry... oh well. I'll have to bear with it and make it faster the next time around. The scale model / intro + end maps idea is still up?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-02 15:04:06 UTC Post #267832
there's no rush. submit it after the offical release if you want and it will be added to the newest official version.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-04 06:57:59 UTC Post #267924
Update on my second room: It's almost done, but I can't test it due to technical difficulties. Meaning the hammer compiller messed it up again and it crashes the game on worldspawn. And the compilator decided to try and read it's batch file from my old HL directory.
Good news, it uses a lot of rooms content, so there is'nt a place where the textures look out of place! I hope.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-05 18:41:09 UTC Post #267999
send me a link to it by pm and i'll try compiling it if you like. Pleez confirm you are using the latest compile tools (i'm sure you are but i have to ask).
Meaning the hammer compiller messed it up again and
golly i hope that was a typo and you are really using or nem's batch compiler at the very least, but you really should be using Muzz's Compilator to compile your maps. It's the easiest to configure and use imo.

After using compilator, i would NEVER go back to hammer compiling, not even small maps or anything. Compilator makes it easy to configure every switch, paramater, and option for every stage of compile with no hassles/bugs or other assorted bullshit that comes with using hammer compile.

Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-05 20:40:08 UTC Post #268004
I always use compilator for the final compile, but I usually can't be bothered to do it when I'm just testing stuff.
I'll upload the latest version and send you a PM of stuff that needs fixing.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 14:39:46 UTC Post #268071
Well your map compiled fine for me (besides the missing textures) using compilator and running on steam. (i don't currently have won installed on my machine to test becuase it doesn't like my x64).

Here's screenshots and try running this bsp on yours for shits. (i'm including the .rmf with an updated info_texlights. maybe your .rmf was corrupted you could try recompiling this one?)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-08 16:06:08 UTC Post #268077
Yeah, I'll get right on that.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-10 18:24:29 UTC Post #268180
KK! beta versions of the first 2 intro maps are ready. These will only be available to rooms authors, and will be released to the public when the official finished version is done. (authors pm me and i'll send you the link. feel free to share the link with other rooms authors)

rooms_intro00 is working pretty much exactly how i want it too, but of course more will be added, at the very least a nice custom sky, and the feeling you're driving in a car or walking down a highway before the sequence begins. Pleez feel free to add your suggestions to the mix in here or by pm.

rooms_intro01 is working fine for the most part, except when you changelevel from the first map, you become frozen, not even being able to noclip out, so you MUST load this second map seperately for the time-being.

When this map first starts, hit the big red button to open the menu console.

The menu sysetem is working how i want, but i wish there was a better way to choose menu items besides shooting at them. Also there will be AT LEAST one level of submenus for each menu item, but possibly more(adding submenus quickly makes the whole arrangement a lot more "busy").

This loading map is still very raw and i'm not sure what it should look like for the final version, so pleez give me your comments and suggestions. I originally wanted it to look like a first person hammer editor of sorts, but we can make it anything we want as a "skin".

Final note for the second map, i'm looking forward for someone to figure out the landmarking problem if possible, and recommending improvements for the menu system, and everything/anything else.

thanks for your time carry on!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-10 19:11:19 UTC Post #268181
I couldn't grab the pistol/ammo that opened up after activating the menu. Also, the menu didn't take me anywhere.

If you don't like having the player shoot the menu, you could try using a mortar and have the player scroll through the menu. Perhaps have the menu be the mortar interface, and have a big "GO!" button that trigger it. Then somewhere else, the mortar could bomb a button that triggers whatever the player has selected.

Edit: Please don't let the player die if they fall off the platform. That's just irritating.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-10 19:21:07 UTC Post #268182
couldn't grab pistol/ammo
crap i should have thought to tell you. you have to use the "use" button to pick up the pistol/ammo. If i just put ordinary items there, the the player is able to pick them up before the panel disappears. (current way uses game player equip and invis button) HOpefully this will all be moot and will use the mortar system.

I was also hoping maybe we could incorporate the way you can call artillery in dod by pointing your crosshairs at a target and hitting the binded key, that's where the artillery falls. anyone know if we could transplant the code from a dod mod?
menu didn't take me there
yeah there are no submenus yet, this is just the frame work.
die if they fall off the platform
kk i'll clip it = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-13 16:34:05 UTC Post #268255
New link for rooms_intro_beta... this entry is only slightly updated from the first one, but it will be permalink now and passworded.

pm for password or ask another room author.

I'm working on the game_counters and renders for the menus system now. If anyone has some brainstorming on how best to structure these things, feel free to chime in at any time.. = )


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-15 12:28:37 UTC Post #268284
Why oh why? I had to move into a new place last week and I'm two weeks late with uni homework, I shouldn't even be reading here. I still have three weeks of this before I can do anything else... :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-16 17:41:51 UTC Post #268311
'tis ok it will be a while still before the "final" release is ready, and, i say "final" because i will always be willing to accept a new entry to the rooms project, even after the official release... so DON'T WORRY and focus on your assignments! (there will always be time to join later if you want)

Daubster/Atom: i'm sending you a link to the beta intro maps, cuz i would really like your feedback on how we can improve on the entity setups, and possibly troubleshoot the landmarking problem from the first to second intro map. If you can take some time to check them out, i'd be very grateful.. = )

I'm working on a improved version with submenus, involving game_counters, game_counter_resets, and superman... hopefully i'll be able to update the permalink i'm sending you before i have to go to work... (this whole thing would be done if work wasn't so damn busy right now...


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-16 18:30:12 UTC Post #268314
Maybe make the menu react to damage a bit faster, like instantly? Looks kinda weird how it lags a bit and then changes the background.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-16 19:22:21 UTC Post #268317
Yeah i've changed the the delays afaik all too 0.01, but there is still a noticable delay, and also a problem with registering the right number of hits if you "select" your next choice too quickly... bugs bugs and moar...


edit: hey i found the "delay before reset" on the shootable buttons was still set to "3" when i could of sworn i set it to 0.01... works MUCH BETTER thanks for bringin it up SpaG!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-16 21:07:01 UTC Post #268321
Intro rooms look epic. A few suggestions:
1. make the first map bigger. Add a cliff behind the [censored to protect suprise] to obscure the skybox-ground seam, and make the road keep going out of sight.
2. add a text in the begining of the second map saying "Main Menu" or something to that effect.
3. Perhaps add slowly rotating contrubuter avatars around the main menu plaza, make it even more like a DVD menu.
Good work, btw.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 06:49:23 UTC Post #268325
So... does this menu actually work in this beta? And what are those two red arrows pointing at the pyramid and that translucent furniture?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 07:19:49 UTC Post #268326
I cant even load the map ... HL1 crashes when I try to load the intromap00 ...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 07:36:44 UTC Post #268328
I beleive the arrows were mentioned before. Some sort of compile thing to see if everything worked correctly..
I could be wrong, because i really have no clue which arrows you're talking about.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 07:57:18 UTC Post #268329
The translucent furniture is just there to be cool, I think... But it could use less carts and maybe a computer or TV.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 11:56:50 UTC Post #268330
Also, make a clip brush or something, to prevent the player from falling from the platform.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 13:27:49 UTC Post #268331
I couldn't get intromap00 to load either. I'll post the error that I receive when I get home. And why not try making the menu itself look connected to the computer, like making a holographic projector or something, unless it's there to add to the surreal feel of the map.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 15:46:33 UTC Post #268332
HL1 crashes when I try to load the intromap00
really? you guise are talking about the first map(with the bulletin board), right, and not the level change to the second map? (the level change from the first to second maps is still buggered and i can't figure out why, but it loads from the console)

I can't think what would be in the first map to cause a crash, i'll check all the entities and stuff to see if i can find a problem. How many people actually got the first map with the bulletin board to load?

Jeff: thanks for suggestions. most of the stuff you mentioned will be addressed soon, not least of which i'm going to hunt for a nice custom sky or try creating one--i've been researching different methods to create custom cubemaps--, and i like your ideas for the menu page. = )

Muzz: yeah, they don't perform any purpose atm, Tetsu0 was correct about their origin. the trancelucent furniture is meant to be a prefab dump, because originally, the map was meant to look like it was inside the hammer editor... I don't know if i'll keep this theme or what, but we'll see. (it still needs a lot of work i know.. = ))

Spag: yup that's taken care of now in the newest version. Update today soonish with that and some other changes/improvements.

TJB: That's an intriguing idea. do you mean like adding a holo-emmiter device at the front of the console, and use some volumetric light and fade textures?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 16:06:52 UTC Post #268333
About the change, is the camera deactivated before the change? That may be a problem. Also, make sure that the player is not stuck in the floor afterwards.
When you improve the first map, make the goldsource logo bigger, too. I can see the sky from under it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 16:12:14 UTC Post #268335
you mean kill the camera before the level change? yeah i guess it wouldn't even be a problem since it will have faded to black by then. ILL TRY IT


Jeff, did rooms_intro00 play for you without crash?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 16:35:52 UTC Post #268337
It ran fine for me because i played the map via the Rooms minimod (remember we have that? You should be using it!)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-17 16:36:50 UTC Post #268338
Oh, yeah. It just did'nt look as good as it could have. Or should have, by your standards. :)
But I have WON, I bet everyone else is using steam HL.
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