Removing spawn points Created 15 years ago2009-06-04 13:44:33 UTC by msarge msarge

Created 15 years ago2009-06-04 13:44:33 UTC by msarge msarge

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-04 13:44:33 UTC Post #267944
Hey there,

I'm making a CS map to be used with a TDM plugin and I'm trying to figure out the best way to disable or remove spawn points during a round, and then have the spawn points back to normal when the round restarts.

I'm pretty new to the more complex entities so I'm not sure if this is even possible. I was thinking of using trigger_teleports or trigger_hurts over the spawn points, but those seem to stick around after the round is over and aren't very elegant.

I was also looking into using killtarget but I don't know much about it besides that I can find it in trigger_relay. I am afraid that if I use killtarget to get rid of spawn points, they won't come back next round.

Anyway, and ideas? I am feel like I'm lost, and I'm starting to wish I never had this crazy idea for my map.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-10 23:20:40 UTC Post #268184
I did exactly this in my lab17_flood. I thought I had a notes.txt file somewhere in which I wrote up what I did to achieve the effect, but now I can't find it.

Searching, searching ... aha! :-) Here's what I wrote up to remind myself how to do it... (I apparently used it in one of my no-longer-existing necropolis levels too!) And to have them ACTIVE until triggered you just need to reverse the on/off logic...


A spawn point (info_player_deathmatch) can have a "Master" value, which can be used to specify a multisource entity. If that multisource entity is "on", the spawn point will be active; otherwise it will be inactive. To set one (or more) spawn points to be inactive until triggered, we will need:
* Our spawn point(s) with their "Master" field set to "SP_LOCK1".
* A trigger (which type of trigger, or hown many, is determined by the design of the level) with its target set to "SP_TRIGGER1".
* A multisource with the name of "SP_LOCK1", and a "Global State Master" set to "SP_ACTIVE1".
* One env_global with a name of "SP_TRIGGER1", and its "Global State to set" pointing to "SP_ACTIVE1". Assuming we want our spawn points to be activated by our triggers and to remain active from then on, we need the "Initial State" to be "Off" (and, of course, "Set Initial State" ticked) and the "Trigger Mode" to be "On". (For our spawn points to be deactivated by our triggers and to remain inactive from then on, we need the "Initial State" to be "On" and the "Trigger Mode" to be "Off".)
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-12 16:30:08 UTC Post #268223
You, sir, are my hero.
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-12 17:13:45 UTC Post #268225
1- What if you wanted the spawn points to toggle?
2- How does this have purpose in a CS map?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-12 18:29:24 UTC Post #268228
I'm making a CS map to be used with a TDM plugin and I'm trying to figure out the best way to disable or remove spawn points during a round, and then have the spawn points back to normal when the round restarts.
Turn off the TDM plugin?
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-12 21:27:32 UTC Post #268234
To toggle them, I guess you'd need two env_globals and two triggers, one to turn the global state master on, one to turn it off.

Unless env_global has a "Toggle State" option? Without looking, I'm fairly sure it does... shrug

Oh, and whether it works for "CS + TDM" I couldn't say; I only know the HLDM entities... :-)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-02 13:13:47 UTC Post #269294
The idea for the map was this:

Both teams would have have the goal to reach the other side of the map and somehow disable the other teams spawns, therefore ending the round with a clear winner. In regular CS this would be pointless, each team would probably die before reaching the other side, so I would plan on running the map on a server running a team deathmatch plugin.

If I could figure out how to enable players to achieve something to disable spawns (like break an object to disable spawn), I thought it would be cool to have some spawns closer to the middle of the map (so a few players could get to the front line quicker) and have an object that could be destroyed that would disable the spawns near middle.

I just thought it would be cool to mix up CS's gameplay a bit, all while learning some crazy mapping stuff.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-02 13:26:06 UTC Post #269295
that sounds like a great idea. But a lot of times the entities don't reset properly in CS

BUT what if you make one func_wall_toggle for each spawn, set them to off, and when you want to disable a spawn, just turn on the toggle, and the player will be spawned inside the wall.

Not sure if that'll kill him/her or not, but you can also create a trigger_hurt with the same name as the func_wall toggle, and that should kill the player after they get stuck.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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