Created 15 years ago2009-06-17 22:31:36 UTC by
I'm Thinking about making war here if Snarkistan does not give up a path to "Brotherhood of please fill my glass with beer punks"The Kingdom Of Varkovia kindly donates funds for construction of The Airport Of Lorenburg, thereby contributing to the tourism in Hotdog Valley.
Most of Hunteria is in nuclear winter, and the TWHUN has been dispersing refugees to various other nations.The Kingdom of Varkovia also kindly donates funds for extra evacuation and welcomes radioactived refugees into the Elvis Island while everything else goes back to normal.
The old members of the Cunt society came to this world and quickly recognized their favorite holiday's mascot already etched into the world's land.Certainly they would have also recognised the land south of it as own...?
Emergency troops are being readied to be send to hunter-country to clean of the fall-out mess.You're coming in to help us? Good. We need more men.
The Valliens decide after poor tourist visits on the last world, to build a shipping industry and plunder every corner of the new planet!!! HAHA!! (with little wooden boats????)The JeffMODia offworld peace-keeping contingent sends men to protect the smaller nations from these pirate scum.