new here + Q: actions sentences? Created 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:27:46 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Created 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:27:46 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:27:46 UTC Post #270186
Hi guys, I've been trawling through half-life websites, and I think that this website is the most helpful with it's great tutorials. I especially like the restoration of the VERC, except its a shame that there aren't any photos or example maps.

I am quite new to mapping, and I've been working on a simple singleplayer map for a couple of days now, which I would love to hear your feedback on, when it's completed.

I'm starting to work on scripted_sequences and sentences, and I was just wondering if there is a list of all actions and sentences of models, particularly barney, otis and scientists. Appologies if this question has already been asked.

All your help is greatly appreciated.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:33:28 UTC Post #270187
To see the animations of a given model, use Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer.

To listen to the sentences, you'll need Wally. Its a texture viewer and wad builder, but can also be used to play wav files.

You'll find the sentence names in the sentences.txt file, located in the sound folder in the pak0.pak or GCF file.

You can get the tools here:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:50:12 UTC Post #270189
Alternatively, you can extract all the sound and model files and bypass having to open the GCF/PAK each time, but only if you have a lot of diskspace to spare.
Wish you best of luck in your mapping ventures. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 10:54:41 UTC Post #270190
ahhhhhh yep, I think there was a problem when I tried to download Wally last time, it was a while ago, thanks for your help! :)

EDIT: thanks for your alternative method, Jeff, and for the encouragement :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 11:02:25 UTC Post #270193
Many useful programs, although I'm sure The Mighty Atom has all the best ones on his site.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 11:23:56 UTC Post #270195
oooo thanks for that, Jeff, some more programs there! :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 11:59:42 UTC Post #270196
hmmm, I can't seem to find the pak0.pak file anywhere.

I'm using the high definition pack, and im also using the extra high definition pack which only upgrades Oposing Force.

I managed to find the Half-life pak0.pak, but in the sierra folder. I'm mapping with Oposing Force, and through steam.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: appologies for not editing my previous post, its late and I didn't even see it there
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 12:23:37 UTC Post #270197
If you're using Steam you'll need to use GCFScape to extract the .pak file from the game's GCF file (located in your steam folder, in the steamapps directory.) GCFScape can also read .pak files, so it can be used for both purposes.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 12:40:03 UTC Post #270198
ohhh thank you!

EDIT: ahh I need to download the latest .NET framework 2.0

sorry if i sound stupid, but what exactly is it??
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 12:49:40 UTC Post #270201
A note: If you're mapping for Half-life, Opposing force content will have to be included with your map, and no code or weapons/entities from Op4 will work in a HL map.
EDIT: The NET framework is what allows many custom-coded C++ applications to run on your computer. Trust me, it's worth it since The Compilator, GCFscape and Twister all run off it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:11:18 UTC Post #270205
ohhk, well I downloaded it, and I'm using GCFscape with no problems, and I've found the appropriate sentence I want to use, but there is no trigger_once entity!?! :|

I'm mapping for Oposing Force, with the oposing force fgd file

there is a trigger_auto, trigger_camera, trigger_changetarget, trigger_relay and trigger_playerfreeze

Any advice?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:22:07 UTC Post #270206
Wait, last time I checked HLMV (the model viewer) had .wav playback. :confused:
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:37:45 UTC Post #270207
There should be a program that can do all that:
  • Browse textures in wads
  • Create wads
  • View models and their animations
  • Playback sounds
  • Create pak/gcf files
  • View sprites
  • Create sprites
All in one app. :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:52:01 UTC Post #270209
but there is no trigger_once entity!?!
It's a brush-based entity. make a brush the size and shape you want it to be, texture it with aaatrigger, and press ctrl t. then select trigger_once from that list.
[quote]There should be a program that can do all that:
  • Browse textures in wads
  • Create wads
  • View models and their animations
  • Playback sounds
  • Create pak/gcf files
  • View sprites
  • Create sprites
All in one app. [/quote]
You could call it "The developator"
In the words of Charlie from Colony 42: "Oscar, don't break that!"
Wait...The line I was thinking of was "Get to it!" :walter:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:55:40 UTC Post #270211
Not me, i have no idea how to read/write pak, gcf, mdl, spr and wad files. :/
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 13:56:57 UTC Post #270212
Who wants team up with me and write The Developator? :biggrin:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 14:06:33 UTC Post #270217
Not me, i have no idea how to read/write pak, cfg, mdl, spr and wad files.
Who wants team up with me and write The Developator?
I know nothing about C++! :crowbar:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 14:09:58 UTC Post #270219
Aw, too bad... anyone else?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 14:26:43 UTC Post #270222
Bah. Im in the learning phase of C++. Not me. :nya:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 15:04:48 UTC Post #270224
Jed's Model Viewer does have .wav playback when browsing .pak files.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 21:55:27 UTC Post #270255
C++ is too much of a pain to write in. Maybe if you were using C# or even plain C, I'd help a little.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 22:32:18 UTC Post #270256
[quote]There should be a program that can do all that:
  • Browse textures in wads
  • Create wads
  • View models and their animations
  • Playback sounds
  • Create pak/gcf files
  • View sprites
  • Create sprites
All in one app. [/quote]
Crafty can do some of these things. You will be better off checking the rest of Nem's tools for other functions.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 22:57:20 UTC Post #270258
C# is fine. This will be fun. There'll be some research to do!

This has gone somewhat off topic. May a moderator move the relevant posts?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 23:27:58 UTC Post #270261
Big thanks to Jeff for his answer, man I should have known that! :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-15 23:28:44 UTC Post #270262
DiscoStu: Just start a new topic.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 07:18:59 UTC Post #270275
Oh man, I've tried to finish the scripting today, but with no success!

Depending on the search radius I set the scripted_sequence, otis will either start using the retinal scanner as soon as the map is loaded, or not at all. Not only that, but he does not say anything, when he has a scripted_sentence to make him say "if only we had more soldiers like you". BUT the door, lighting effects work jsut as they should, when i walk into the trigger_once zone. This is all controlled with a multi_manager

I am following the "Creating a Retinal Scanner" by Chris 'autolycus' Bokitch from the VERC, but I am mapping for Opposing Force with the Half-life HD pack and Opposing Force Redux pack.

Is there any chance that the problem could be that I don't have the required sound files in the right directory? Otherwise the problem will probalby just be something small like not filling in a field in the properties window, or doing it wrong, because of being a n00b and there being different file names etc.

If anyone else maps for Opposing Force, their imput would be especially appreciated.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 07:26:17 UTC Post #270276
I have had the scripted_sequence bug before, where they do their sequence on map load.
Do you have an idle animation set?
Tell us what values you're using.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 08:37:05 UTC Post #270279
umm what do you mean by load?

If I open otis in HLMV, he has 4 idle animations, idle1, idle2.. etc

monster_otis has the 'pre disaster' flag ticked

func_door has 'name': door1

func_button has 'name': scanner1

trigger_once has 'target': opendoor1

scripted_sentence has 'name': speech
'sentence name': !OT_of1a1_ot04
'speaker entity': monster_otis
'sentence time': 3
'search radius': 512
'listener': player
aiscripted_sequence has 'name': ss_retina1
'target monster': monster_otis
'action animation': retina
'search radius': 50
'move to position': walk
'AI schedule when done': default AI
multi_manager has 'targetname': opendoor1
ss_retina    0
speech       0.5
scanner1     2.5
blip1        4
kachunk1     4.5
door1        5.5
At the moment, I'm getting the message, "note graph out of date" when the map starts, and otis just stands there, and is unresponsive to me, but the retina flashes and the door opens, and I am able to push otis around.
Hope that info helps!

All help is greatly appreciated!!

This is my view in Hammer right now
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 09:23:13 UTC Post #270280
umm what do you mean by load?
when the game loads the map and plays it.
aiscripted_sequence has 'name': ss_retina1
Use scripted_sequence instead, and in the "Idle animation" value in the Scripted_sequence, put in idle1 or some other animation that fits.
Node Graph out of date Is something that makes the game stop and update the nodegraph. This is caused by AI nodes in the level, and most designers (or maybe just me) only add AI nodes near the final compile, as it's very annyoing for the map to pause every time you try to test something. Make sure you play the map before distributing it, and include the nodegraph files in maps/graphs so the player won't need to do it on their end.
EDIT: you may want to name your monster_otis Otis and update your scripts to match, because if you have more than one monster_otis in the map, HL will get confused and sometimes make the other otis(es) play the scripts.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 09:37:48 UTC Post #270281
hmm okay I've changed his name to oscar, changed to a scripted_sequence, and made his idle animation: idle2.

But he doesnt seem to be performing the idle2 animation, and I can still push him around. Also the main problem remains, as soon as the map starts oscar walks over to the retinal scanner and uses it but nothing happens, the retinal scanner and door work, when i walk into the trigger_once zone. Oh and he still doesn't say anything. Annnnd he is unresponsive, I want him to say something like "hey catch me later, I'll buy you a beer" but still not move from his post.

Sorry for all the info
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 09:54:51 UTC Post #270282
Try the "override AI" and "Non-intteruptable" flags.
I'm not quite sure what else you can do.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 10:03:19 UTC Post #270283
:( nope, still exactly the same

do you know of any opposing force mappers on here?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 10:12:56 UTC Post #270284
I've mapped for Opposing Force...what do you need to know?? (sorry can't be stuffed reading the entire thread)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 10:25:27 UTC Post #270286
haha thats cool

how to make a retinal scanner scripted sequence, where otis says things that relate to shephard, and uses the retina animation, instead of a barney

buttt he wont say anything, and he starts using the retinal scanner as soon as the map loads, but the door doesnt open, once you walk into the target_once zone, the lights and sounds of the scanner start, and the door opens

I am following the "Creating a Retinal Scanner" by Chris 'autolycus' Bokitch from the VERC, but I am mapping for Opposing Force with the Half-life HD pack and Opposing Force Redux pack.

the situation, properties of my entities and a screenie of my Hammer view are all detailed in my above posts

thanks in advance for your advice
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 21:25:54 UTC Post #270328
Okay. In this case, the fact that you are mapping for Opposing Force, while the games do have differences there shouldn't be too much difference to affect a scripted sequence despite that Gearbox did modify it slightly that I know of. Ok, so I'll ask a few questions and tell me what you have done in regards. First, is Otis following you or is he standing at the door waiting for you to approach? Second, which entity are you using for the sequence (ai_scriptedsequence or a scripted sequence). Third, what EXACTLY have you put in the sentence name property of the scripted_sentence entity?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-16 23:45:37 UTC Post #270339
ok Otis is standing there waiting for me - he is also unresponsive, but I can push him around, and he doesnt seem to be performing the idle2 animation

I'm using a scripted_sequence, I was using ai_scripted sequence before, but Jeff told me not to

The name of the scripted_sentence is "speech" and the name of the sentence is "!OT_of1a1_ot04"
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-17 00:40:57 UTC Post #270341
Ok, first the speech as thats the easiest to solve. You had the right idea but you used the wrong format. I'm assuming you know about the 'sentances.txt' in the gearbox/sound directory? If not have a look. You had the right idea but used the wrong part:

OT_FINDMORE otis/of1a1_ot04 <-- This is the line that tells Half-Life to make Otis speak this line. The bold hilighted part is what the game looks for and the other part tells the game what sound to play. So you want to use '!OT_FINDMORE' in the sentance name property.

Ok, now the best thing to do when a sequence isn't working is to restart. It's a very delicate chain and fiddling should only be done when it's working. When it's not it becomes impossible to properly identify why it's not if you fiddle with it. So we are going to start from scratch. Create a scripted_sequence entity and place it near the retinal scanner. Now open up its properties and give it a name (I will call it seq1) and in 'Target monster' put the name of the monster_otis. Don't put an animation, just tell it to 'walk to' and face towards the retinal scanner. Now create a 'trigger_once' that the player will walk into but make sure it doesn't touch Otis or the scripted sequence. The trigger_once will target the scripted_sequence (seq1) and now compile that and tell me if that worked
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-17 02:43:17 UTC Post #270348
ohhhhhhh, yes I've heard of it, but I didn't actually know what to do with it thanks!

Okay I'll try that now!


EDIT: yep that works fine! thanks! whats next?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-17 04:41:16 UTC Post #270351
Ok. Next step is the animation. Do you have a model view?? If not, find and download 'Jed's Model Viewer' as mentioned above (i think it was). Now in the scripted_sequence entity. In the action animation property, put in the animation name EXACTLY as it appears in your model viewer. Also, if you want an idel animation, put that in the idle animation property now. If this works right then we will add the retina scanner effects next, but that involves a little reworking so thats why im not covering it now :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-17 12:49:13 UTC Post #270365
ahhh I've put "retina" as the action animation and "idle2" as the idle animation, but now hes gone back to doing what he did before, he walks to the scanner and does the retina animation straight away!

name: seq1
delay before trigger: 0
target monster: monster_otis
action animation: retina
idle animation: idle2
search radius: 512
repeat rate ms: 0
move to position: walk
no flags have been checked

this is all default except for the things that you told me to change, very frustrating :P sorry for all the questions
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-17 13:38:50 UTC Post #270367
Does otis have a targetname?
I can tell from your post that you called it monster_otis, the same as the classname. This may cause problems. Rename him to m_otis or something, anything but the classname.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-19 21:54:12 UTC Post #270418
ok, thanks! :)

EDIT: btw, the trigger properties have nothing filled out except for delay before trigger = 0 oh and none of the flags have been ticked.

and noooope hes doing exactly the same thing!:(

BUMP: ahh hlife_hotdog or someone, can you please tell me whats wrong with my otis! :'(
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 00:27:50 UTC Post #270548 out of town right now...i'll be back late tomorrow so i can help you more then...I'll try to recreate the sequence and find out why its doing that :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 01:57:59 UTC Post #270550
haha ok thanks mate :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 09:15:30 UTC Post #270566
Try the sequence with a regular barney first. If it works, replace barney with otis, keeping all the properties and flags the same.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 09:30:19 UTC Post #270567
Also, it would be a good idea to note that Op4 does not have predisaster scripts, as Shepard only arrives after the resonance cascade.
I think the closest thing was the boot camp, but I don't own it myself, so I may be wrong.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 09:44:31 UTC Post #270568
hmmm thanks, Atom, I'll try that when I get some time, we go back to school tomorrow :(

Hmm good point, Jeff, when I tick the "predisaster" flag the security guards for example just stand there and dont respond, but in bootcamp the drill sergeants shout at you if you try and talk to them or stand near them, so theres gotta be a way to do it

In my level, the resonance cascade has happened, but it hasnt really hit the section you're in, so the guards are still on their posts and civilised, and the area isnt destroyed.. yet, sooo the guards prety much need the pre disaster script
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-20 09:50:26 UTC Post #270569
...You could make an Op4 mod and add predisaster scripts, see if that works. Try using the barney scripts from HL and putting them in the mod's sentences, and then add them again and change BA_ to OT_.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 07:30:27 UTC Post #270611
ahhh I've never made a mod before, I'll have to read a bunch of tutorials, and I'll probably stuff it up :P, hmm I'll have to do it over the weekend, ive been snowed over with homework :(
thanks for the input Jeff :)

EDIT: hmm just thinking, what programs will I need to make the mod, and what about the SDK?? I've never used it before.

and also, whats a good map decompiling program? I don't really like the one I have, is there a way to extract an RMF file?? the program isn't as good as hammer to describe the entities in a map

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-21 08:00:31 UTC Post #270614
Well, to make a mod of Op4, you need to copy your Op4 directory (I think it's called gearbox)
And change the liblist.gam using notepad. It should look something like this:
// Blue Shift resource listing file
game "Blue Shift"
startmap "ba_tram1"
trainmap "ba_hazard1"
url_info ""
url_dl ""
version "1"
size "101809713"
svonly "0"
cldll "1"
type "SP Mission"
mpentity "info_player_deathmatch"
gamedll "dlls\hl.dll"
// gamedll_linux "dlls/"
This one's for Blue shift, so it's a bit different. But just edit your mod's liblist to have the game be "[insert mod name here]" and the startmap to be "[first map name]"
you can change the trainmap to be the HL hazard course by turning it into "t0a0".
Then it's just a matter of editing your titles, sentences, and including maps and sounds!
(but you may not want to include both the HD and SD models, because that's an unessisarily large download)
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