Castle Disposed Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 17:41:41 UTC Post #270917
640x480 is for WON, I just made a custom splash today.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 17:56:57 UTC Post #270918
You can have one for each resolution. If there's none availible for the resolution set it will take the closest and stretch it to fit.
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 19:12:28 UTC Post #270920
Here's my final version, unless you need something changed. It's a BMP, so it's big.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 19:29:59 UTC Post #270924
Make a widescreen version.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 21:51:45 UTC Post #270931
I think I have something for this one, I liked the idea.
User posted image
I'll try to finish it soon.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 22:42:42 UTC Post #270932
Dangit, Penguinboy. The thought came to mind, but now that it's been finalized you might have to settle for a chopped 1024x600 version.

EDIT: Yeah, widescreen's not happening. I'd have to rework the entire image. I know that sucks, because even I have a widescreen monitor.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 22:54:57 UTC Post #270933
Well what resolutions do we need for the splash screens?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 23:04:03 UTC Post #270934
Why not just fill it in with black space? All you'd really have to do is fade out the edges of the image in to black and find the trash can you originally used and finish that off, or fade it out too.

Edit: Actually length shouldn't change, so just fade it.

Edit2: Since I just can't seem to make up my mind, simply, move the image completely to the right edge and make the left edge have a "menu box"
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 23:30:06 UTC Post #270936
I could, but it would look kinda shite that way. More than just a stretched image IMO. Would half-life even know to use a widescreen background vs a fullscreen background if it wasn't your exact resolution? Would it know to take a 1440x900 image and stretch it to 1680x1050, instead of using the 1024x768 version? Because if not, you'd have to include like 20 different backgrounds for every obscure resolution available.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 23:30:50 UTC Post #270937
or maybe the mod can "tell" half-life to center the image.

If half-life did know to look for a widescreen resolution, which i'd like to hope just by the ability to change to 16:9/10 modes. i was thinking along this line, although the sidebar can be totally different, or non existent.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 00:13:49 UTC Post #270939
Does this work? If you keep the largest fullscreen splash to 1024x768, then this should work for most widescreens, since they're almost always larger than that. But what I don't know is, if you have a high resolution fullscreen monitor, will it then use the widescreen splash simply because it's got a closer matched resolution? I suspect this is the reason Valve doesn't provide widescreen splash screens in any of their Goldsource games... and I've also never seen anybody use one.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 00:17:24 UTC Post #270940
i think valve didn't because no one used WS at the time. but i imagine it's just a matter of getting a few people to test it, no?
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 00:23:38 UTC Post #270941
Why are you uploading bitmaps? PNG, ffs!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 00:34:48 UTC Post #270943
Oh you people and your widescreen monitors. :rly:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 00:35:21 UTC Post #270944
hey guys, lets have a .bmp party at pengy's house! =D
in other news, we're way too concerned about splash.... lol.
srry's 1024x768 is good enough. we'll live.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 01:41:44 UTC Post #270945
Could I suggest something?
Why don't we use in this mod some entities of Opposing Force?
It would be very nice if we can use the weapons of OP4 and kill some Race X aliens...
Highlander has recreated a lot of the Opposing Force entities and released the source code.
It can be downloaded here:
I don't know anything about coding... If you are going to use the spirit.dll (like in Reissues), I think someone is able to add this OP4 entities to the spirit (just idea).
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 03:22:26 UTC Post #270947
I upload in BMP 'cause I like watching you bleeeed.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 05:39:26 UTC Post #270949
You know us Aussies have poor internets. Have some mercy.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 07:54:35 UTC Post #270952
This mod is to include zero coding what-so-ever.
All the disposed maps have been made for the original half life, and not a lot of people (that i know of) mod for Op4. The input is appreciated Jedi, But we're sticking to vanilla here.

For the splash screen, I made 2 versions of that crappy one before.
No matter what res I set my video mode to, it always seemed to use the 800x600 one. So I guess if we stick to a 16:9 resolution, that should work.

Just something bigger than 800 X 600 for sure, because it gets quite grainy.
And as for the Bmp links... leave those for when the splash is actually decided on. Give the aussies a break. (For Now)

I like saw's idea for a menu bar within the splash, but I think that'd be too hard to work with seeing as how when you change resolution, the font size differs. It'd be too hard to really make it flexible enough to look good on all resoultions.

Since I'm leaving the font white, we're not going to need anything more than a fade to black on the left hand side.
Other good news: I fixed all the errors that Compilator 2.0B seemed to cause. Aside from that, I might have to create seperate rooms in the castle for teleporting in from other maps. As I would like to have a cutscene or a narraritive after each emblem is collected.

"You've completed 'Block Hole' by HLife_Hotdog!'
"Access to the second floor has been granted."

Something along those lines...

Right now I have every seperate map linking up to the same info_landmark in the central hall. It works, but not the way I want it. I'll just change the landmark to an info_teleport_destination with an env_fade after each maps cutscene. Should prove to be a nice effect.
Map 2 is to enter dev processes in 8 hours.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 08:19:07 UTC Post #270958
PNG is a lossless format, but it is also compressed. BMP is lossless and uncompressed. This means that you shouldn't ever have a reason to upload a bitmap image to the Internet. A plethora of free (and not-so-free) image editors/viewers can easily open a PNG and save it as a bitmap if you need it for some reason (like old programs that don't accept PNG), but on the Internet it is a forbidden format!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 09:20:56 UTC Post #270960
FORBIDDEN!!!! :cool:

Also PNG has more uses than BMP...including masks and whatnot...
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 09:34:42 UTC Post #270963
Ok jesus-h-christmas....
Png it is..
You hear that srry?

Anyway. Hotdog, i'm gonna send you a completed version of your map i have set up for the castle. Let me know how you like it. If you want me to re-texture anything... any ideas you had. After all it was your map to begin with. I dont want anybody feeling as though i've killed your problem children.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 09:35:54 UTC Post #270964 worries...i'll have a look :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 00:58:10 UTC Post #271032
I understand, Tetsu0.
I want to participate.
How much time do we have to send the maps?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-23 22:43:49 UTC Post #272443
You are still working on this, right? Please don't give up on it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-24 02:58:13 UTC Post #272446
Yeah. I got it. It's been a while since i last worked on it. Just got off from a vacation, and i have 2 days left to prepare for the coming semester. Once i get back into the groove of things it'll start to run smoother.
Trust me ;)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-24 14:15:05 UTC Post #272461
I'll send a zip full of old maps your way later. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-28 00:22:23 UTC Post #272598
Do i smell an update soon? Maybe some media?
Yes... Yes i do..
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-28 02:10:45 UTC Post #272600
sniff sniff

Smells like breakfast.

...oh wait, that IS breakfast.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-28 08:20:35 UTC Post #272606
That's MY Breakfast!
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-29 12:20:24 UTC Post #272669
Crowbar of time ? I wan't it ^^

Btw why does everyone got avatars with that shitty mask ? did I miss some hype ?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-29 12:39:50 UTC Post #272674
Its from V for vendetta.
They'll be gone soon, I hope.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-16 01:02:47 UTC Post #272677
Seker :
And expect an update by wednesday.... I know it seems a bit far in the furure, but i still have lots of stuffs on my plate. Plus i recruited a school friend of mine to work some some of the minor stuff.


It's wednesday and no update yet, but yesterday i was stricken with a terrible head-cold and slept for 16 hours (4pm - 6am) and today i still have bad symptoms from yesterday and i'm gonna rest some more today.. just trying to take it easy.

Soon will come. soon :)


Sorry I've been hindered by a death in the family. Wake is thursday along with funeral and such. Going to miss a class, and i've been spending all week with my family.
Class is taking a heavy toll as i said earlier.

And the more and more maps i get for this mod, the more un-organized my mod folder becomes. I need to take the next few hours and get everything sorted out and organized. Then i can make some good progress.

So far completed:

Training Area
Captain Terror's
One of my dead ones
20% Atom's Mod
90% Skals -NEW!
Skals =[
User posted image
I found all your leaks, and i HAD to ditch the skybox.. really.. And you're missing the jinx/jinxfire.spr but that's ok i'll just use a default one.
Fixed your sprites, fixed your lighting (plus added some color in there as well) But i cant seem to get the level changes working properly. I'll tackle that some other day.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-16 11:10:03 UTC Post #273405
Tetsu, I'll one up your offer and assemble something working out of it for you. I'll have it by tomorrow.

I'm going to see if I can splice together HS3 a and b. Is including all of that series of maps to much?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-16 21:57:32 UTC Post #273406
Awesome. Thanks garg. Anything that saves me work is fantastic. And the more maps the merrier, so long as the level changes work properly, and all the materials are there. So go ahead and splice!

I think my next step is to consolidate the wads I'm using. I'm already up to my neck in custom wads and I think it's just gonna get worse. No worries though, I can always split this project into chapters. Episodic style. Keep the downloads relativley small as well.
As for skals's maps i fixed the level changes, and i'm just doing the emblem collect triggers now.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-17 07:03:06 UTC Post #273428
Make one big wad and wadinclude. What I'm doing for Colony 42, and it'll shave 9.49 MB off the download (or more, it's not done yet). For you, much, much more.
EDIT: I think the seiries of maps I gave you (Excluding the apartment) used spirit. Sorry for causing extra work for you. :(
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-17 08:19:17 UTC Post #273429
This cant use spirit jeffmod. It's vanilla half life... I apologize but i'm not changing the format of the whole mod for one map(s)
And if you wadinclude that one huge wad with each BSP it's a waste of space. You're better off having 4 or 5 maps share one external wad then include them in every single bsp.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-17 21:41:31 UTC Post #273451
Tetsu I have an update for you. Pretty much all the HS maps now work. And I'm just working on sewing together an initial map based on alot of different pieces.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-17 22:38:05 UTC Post #273453
Sounds good! Post up a link here, or pm me and i'll be sure to include it!
Either one of those pathways will work, i check TWHL many times a day, and i have this thread tracked. so i'll know when something's posted.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-19 19:57:59 UTC Post #273512
Nice to see this still going! WIN


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-19 20:06:25 UTC Post #273513
This cant use spirit jeffmod. It's vanilla half life... I apologize but i'm not changing the format of the whole mod for one map(s)
Yeah, I know. All the maps I gave you a link to but the apartement map use spirit, so you'll need to delete some func_breakables and replace some ents with vanila counterparts if you're gonna use those.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-19 21:44:32 UTC Post #273517
Ok jeff. so long as you're still willing, i can butcher the map to use vanilla. If there's any functionality that's missing from the loss of spirit, include the details of what you WANTED to happen in a README and i'll see if i can mimic it with regular ents. Else, we'll just have to cut our losses, and throw in an emblem.

And at Captain terror - YES it's still going. Slowly, but slow progress is better than no progress.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-19 21:47:56 UTC Post #273518
Uh, I forget what was going to happen... I don't think I had any scripted sequences exept for the guy hiding in the closet, who tells you go away. Just show me a screenshot of anything you're unsure of (in hammer) and I'll probably remember what it was.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-20 04:33:07 UTC Post #273524
If only I still had my orginial HL1 map folder.
I must've had atleast 50 in there.
Then again , they were more like tests than maps..
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-21 09:14:29 UTC Post #274714
User posted image
-Monthly Teaser 1
Work is being made. Fear not!
The map count is now up to 8!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-21 13:06:45 UTC Post #274719
hey, mind if i get in this?.. not sure what i can contribute.. prolly just splice some test maps into my old sven coop contest entry.. could be fun
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-22 08:19:11 UTC Post #274732
Of course! Just get something that almost works properly, and pm me or post a download link
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-23 09:04:55 UTC Post #274745
Alright, heres what i've gotten..

download link:

Lighting is kind of, meeh.. because it's just a hodge-podged mutation of several test maps into my old sven coop funmap i never finished.. also theres a lighting error in it (not certain where, i've been trying to solve it, claims it's near a platform.. i dunno :/)

besides that it works fine.. a grunt spawns a little close to a door, and causes problems coming back through it if he die's near it.. so you'll have to lure, prehaps move for the final compile.

anyways, heres a screenshot of where i thought the logo would go nicely
User posted image
hope you can use it ^_^ i litterally peiced all that together in one day and compiled last night
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-22 14:32:13 UTC Post #275930
Windows 7 - Bane of Goldsource. (lags on simple maps :( )
Luckily enough i have another computer at my disposal that's running a brand spanking new version of XP. So i'm going to install steam on THAT computer, transfer all the CD files, and work on Disposed some more.

Benefits - It's a lower end machine than this current one, meaning that any map i make that runs smoothly on that machine will DEFINITELY run smooth on any of your guys' computers. (It's a 3.0GHz P4 with 728Mb ram running a radeon 9550 card)
So it's not THAT bad but still, my system owns it in it's sleep.
-While stuff is compiling, i have a fully functional other computer to mess with.
-When i compile stuff into mod formats for release, i can just transfer the mod between computers to test compatibility and completeness.

Cons - I'll have to log out of steam on this machine in order to play it on that one, and i don't have a separate chair for that 'desk' so i have to stand up while mapping. (It's not a desk, it's actually resting on top of a bunch of drawers) I gave away my 15" LCD monitor with the new system i build for a friend, so i have his old CRT monitor :(
  • I hate slower computers
  • School is KILLING ME SLOWLY, i havent mapped at all in about a month
Fear not, i haven't given up. I just have to get my head straight.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-22 15:52:05 UTC Post #275932
Windows 7 - Bane of Goldsource. (lags on simple maps unhappy - :( )
I think your computer is just too slow to run win7 normally. I for one, have no problems with goldsource and win7.
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