Favourite Films Created 15 years ago2009-09-06 14:51:02 UTC by Striker Striker

Created 15 years ago2009-09-06 14:51:02 UTC by Striker Striker

Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 14:51:02 UTC Post #272991
After making the thread about music ( and thank you guys for the suggestions, maybe I'll post more questions there in the future), I'd like to share opinions about films. And maybe suggestions on watching :quizzical: something.

I just watched District 9 and I've gotta' say, it's totally awesome. Except for you ... expectations.
That film really makes you deeply think about our possible relationships with extraterrestrial intelligent life. It also made me be on the side of the aliens :biggrin:. About those expectations I was talking, you'll maybe expect to see some out-of-our-planet shots and interstellar scenes. All of the action is on earth, specifically "district 9". I would like to go in detail because the film is kickass, but would just spoil things :P.

Another film I've recently watched is "Death Proof", by Quentin Tarantino.
There are 2 car "death" races that are just kickass. The rest of the film was just boring :D. I also watched Pulp Fiction. Say what again !!!
I also like comedies, not just SCI-FI, Horror and Action. So I downloaded a film "You don't mess with the Zohan". It's great.

So, come with your suggestions in each genre( please don't mention "Psycho", I will not watch that film) and maybe the films you liked very much.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 17:57:02 UTC Post #272995
I thought Death Proof was atrocious. The last 20 minutes weren't enough to redeem it :nya:

Favorites? Well I have two clear-cut, all-time favorites but... well everyone and their dog and seen The Matrix, right?
I'll be annoyingly persistent at recommending Haibane Renmei, because it changed my life.

As for the others:
Pi - Sci fi/psychological
"The mathematician Maximillian Cohen is tormented by a severe migraine since he was a kid, and he uses many pills to reduce his painful headaches. He is a lonely man, and his only friend is his former professor Sol Robeson. Max has the following assumptions, which rules his life: (1) Mathematics is the language of nature; (2) Everything around us can be represented and understood from numbers; (3) If you graph the numbers in any systems, patterns emerge. Therefore there are patterns everywhere in nature. Based on these principles, Max is trying to figure out a system to predict the behavior of the stock market."
Pi is a definite recommendation if you like psychological films. I don't think films get any weirder than Pi.
Trailer here

A Scanner Darkly - Sci fi/political
In a totalitarian society in a near future, the undercover detective Bob Arctor is working with a small time group of drug users trying to reach the big distributors of a brain-damaging drug called Substance D. His assignment is promoted by the recovery center New Path Corporation, and when Bob begins to lose his own identity and have schizophrenic behavior, he is submitted to tests to check his mental conditions.
Worth a watch, if only for the really cool visuals. The story is hard to follow, though. Still a pretty cool guy, eh takes substance D and doesn't afraid of anthing.
Trailer here

No Country for Old Men - Thriller/Drama
Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon some dead bodies, a stash of heroin and more than $2 million in cash near the Rio Grande.
A really, really cool movie with a fucking terrifying antagonist. Also includes Tommy Lee Jones.
Trailer here

Twelve Monkeys - Sci fi/mystery
In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet.
Cheesy plot, but really cool executions makes this sci-fi movie really awesome.
Trailer here

Sorry, no comedy recommendations right now. I'll probably post some later.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 17:59:24 UTC Post #272997
One good suggestion for a comedy film is Dodgeball. I watched it recently, and I have to say, it still makes me laugh. Another good one is Johnny English.

Thats all I can think of for now.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 18:11:48 UTC Post #272998
Remember, remember, the fifth of November.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 19:01:15 UTC Post #273000
Seconded on Dodgeball.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 19:14:12 UTC Post #273001
I personally liked Death Proof, but I know very few feel the same way about it. It's probably just my fascination with muscle cars that allows me to sit through the boring parts. But I thought the dialogue was Tarantinoey enough to get me through it without any yawns.

Probably the best movie I have seen in a very very long time was Moon, which I made a journal post about. Thinking back, it was absolutely incredible.

My all time favorite movie is still Apocalypse Now. I've seen the three hour twenty-two minute director's cut probably upwards of ten times, once on a 2 1/2 inch MP3 player screen, and it simply never gets old for me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 20:21:06 UTC Post #273002
Sorry for the wall of text, but I recommend all of these movies.

Office Space
This is one of the most well put together movies i've ever seen. Its a comedy based on some of the most stereotypical office personalities you can imagine. I highly recommend it.

This is a very dumb but enjoyable comedy making fun of news teams. Its Will Ferrel's best movie in my opinion, but you wont want to watch it if you aren't into cheesy.

What About Bob
This is a great movie about a guy that drives a psychiatrist insane. There's not too much else to say about it, but trust that it's extremely funny and awesome.

Miyazaki Movies
There's Howl's Moving Castle, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Princess Mononoke, Or Spirited Away. Take your pick. They're all good if but a bit weird. (They're Anime styled if that's a problem.)

The Island
A pretty sick and awesome story about clones who are used to replace the dieing organs of rich people. Its a great story, and the setting is done extremely well (Futuristic). (It's the only Micheal Bay movie I like besides transformers, and thats only when I want to watch explosions.)

A physchological thriller about a serial killer approaching his deaths by the seven sins, with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman working against him. A great movie.

October Sky
An extremely good and well paced movie about a group of boys from a West Virginian coal town that have ambitions to base their futures on scholarly means as opposed to dieing whilst working in the mine-shafts. I highly recommend it.

Apollo 13
A great Tom Hanks movie about "Apollo 13". I'm sure you know the story, but its still a great movie.

Crank & Crank 2: High Voltage
These are great movies because they're so graphic and action-intensive. Dont watch them if you're expecting a story, otherwise they're awesome.

Funny Farm
A kickass movie about a guy that buys a house out in the country who quickly begins to hate it. Its a comedy that investigates a few country based stereotypes. Highly recommended.

Batman Begins
Its the first batman movie that you can take seriously. Screw Tim Burton's old ones.

The Dark Knight
Its the second batman movie that is also quite awesome. (You should watch both of them.)

"Triple X" is not porn, as the name might mislead. Its an action movie that is clearly exaggerated, but also thoroughly enjoyable. Its scened in some neat European places.

Fight Club
This is a kickass movie over a guy that turns from his safe workaholic lifestyle into a anarchy fueled terrorist. Its much deeper than that, but its a great movie that gets better every time I watch it.

American History X
Another very good movie exploring the lifestyles and regrets of skinheads. Its pretty good.

Almost All Pixar Movies
The Incredibles, Toy Story, Cars, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, Up, and Wall-E. They're all really awesome animated movies.

Forrest Gump
Another Tom Hanks movie about a 'slow' guy that does more in his life than any of us probably ever will. A great movie.

Cast Away
Yet another Tom Hanks movie about a guy that gets stranded on an island. Its a good survival movie.

Harry Potter Movies
Not everyone might like them, but they're pretty good movies. I almost look to them for their art department more than the actors themselves.

A Beautiful Mind
A great movie about a crazy mathematician. Its an extremely great movie.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
If you've not heard of this movie, damn. Its great brit-humor.

Pans Labyrinth
A movie about a girl living in a troubled time juggling reality and a fairy tale. Its a great movie, but dont watch it if subtitles disturb you.

Hellboy 1 & 2
Hellboy 1 sucked, but the second one is good enough to warrant the continuity I think. Two is actually a great movie full of action and humor. The first one is a bit weird.

Back to the Future
All of these movies are fun exploring the possibility of time travel. Highly recommended.

A Nicholas Cage movie about a guy that can see himself two minutes into the future. A highly enjoyable movie.

[b]The Rock[/b]
Another Nicholas Cage movie about Alcatraz island being captured by terrorists and re-claimed. An enjoyable action movie.

Star Trek
I thoroughly liked all of them because I love star-trek. If you're not a fan of Shatner or Patrick Stewart, then just watch the new one. Some are more watchable than others.

The Last King of Scotland
A great and scary (in the sense that it would suck to be the main guy) movie about a doctor that leaves to help people in Africa before becoming the personal doctor of a cruel two faced leader there. A really good movie.

A kick ass movie about a prominent general that gets captured and thrown into being a gladiator. A great movie with nice settings.

A shallow but very awesome action movie where an army of 300 arrogant people kick the armies of King Xerxes asses.

Die Hard With A Vengeance
A really fun to watch action movie of Jeremy Irons as a mad bomber who uses his bombs to manipulate the police into doing his bidding. Highly recommended.

Donnie Darko
A bit of a weird movie of a twisted kid. I dunno, I wont say much. It is a little depressing though I suppose.

A classic old movie where Al Pacino climbs the ladder of the drug cartels. A really good movie.

The Devil's Advocate
An extremely good movie about a lawyer who begins to work for a law firm in New York before running into a variety of satanic problems. Its another Al Pacino movie that I cant recommend enough. Its a great movie.

Groundhog Day
This is a thoughtful, hilarious, and deep movie about a weather man who relives the same day over and over. This movie I cant recommend enough either. Bill Murray puts on a great performance.

V for Vendetta
A great government satire. That's really all there is to say.

Children of Men
This movie is about a society of people that have lost the ability to have children, until one comes along. This movie has an extremely prominent Half-Life 2 vibe to it. If you see it, you should know what I mean. Its a good movie too.

A movie about the first black regiment of the union in the US civil war. Its a great movie.

Men of Honor
This is a really great movie about a black guy (in an oppressed time) that becomes a navy diver. It has great performances from Robert De Niro and Cuba Gooding Jr.

The Shawshank Redemption
This is another of those extremely highly recommended movies about a guy that gets wrongfully arrested and makes his way through prison life. You really should watch this movie. The ending is satisfying.

Enemy of the State
This is a Will Smith movie where a run-in with a guy wrongfully sets the pressure and tools of the government in trying to cover a scandal. Its a really great movie that you should watch.

American Gangster
This is a movie in which a guy builds an empire of 'gangsters' that surpasses the traditional mafias in Manhattan.

Independence Day
A great action movie where the stereotypical United States becomes the only hope for the world to repel a dominating alien race. Dont get me wrong though. I enjoyed it quite a lot, and the sountrack and art direction is great. The

I. Robot
A detective sort of movie based in a future where fully autonomous robots begin to revolt against mankind. Its another great movie with good art direction and a good story.

I Am Legend
This movie gives me another HL2 vibe. The story isn't too particularly awesome, but its a good zombie sort of survival movie. The ending will probably piss you off though.

AI: Artificial Intelligence
This is another robot movie (Steven Spielberg) that follows the creation and life of a robot boy. Its great movie balancing action, story, and great art direction. (The ending is very disappointing though.)

Dawn of the Dead
If you love L4D, you will love this movie. It explores several aspects of surviving a zombie attack in a highly enjoyable way. A great great movie.

The Last Samurai
This is a long Tom Cruise movie where he brings western guns and other weapons to Asia, before being captured and slowly adopted into a samurai lifestyle. Its a pretty good movie, except for the end where all the honor bullshit gets them all killed. Its a great movie with some great scenery and fight scenes.

Toy Soldiers
This is a movie about a school that gets seized by terrorist, with a group of mischievous boys trying to repel them. Its a pretty good movie, and you get to see "Sam" from the Lord of The Rings in a different setting, which is refreshing.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
This is another Bill Murray movie that's a bit weird to watch. Its pretty funny, and it has a weird but enjoyable soundtrack. You'll notice more every time you watch it, if you do that is.

Definitely, Maybe
Its one of those love story movies, only its actually good! Its got a lot of charm to it, and its actually very funny. I really liked it, at least.

The Legend of the Drunken Master
This is a great Jackie Chan movie ("Foreign", it wasn't filmed in English). Its funny and serious at the same time, with several action scenes that are great. I highly recommend it.

Titan AE
This was an animated film (doesn't fit an Anime style, although its cartoon) about a guy that searches for the way to save the human race (Earth was blown up). Its a pretty good movie, and has some high-profile actors voicing the characters.

Steam Boy
This is another animated film that involves a few people (who are great with steam and machinery) to stop a business from dealing technologically advanced weapons (for them) to various nations of the world. I liked it a lot, and some of the settings are pretty cool to look at.

Men in Black 1 & 2
These two movies are funny and action packed, although they have serious and deep aspects of them as well. I thoroughly enjoyed them both (First one more though)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 20:54:26 UTC Post #273005
I don't think you listed enough movies there, Grim. That's practically long enough to be a complete TWHL competition writeup.
Also, most definitely seconded on any of Miyazaki's films and Fight Club. Men in Black is classic fun :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 20:56:52 UTC Post #273006
Everyone Wait!

You forgot one!
What about 'Brave Heart' starring Mel Gibson.. fuckin' great movie! but not my fav... ...

1st choice; UNBREAKABLE
If you like anything comics, this is the movie for you

2nd choice; EQUILIBRIUM


Ah yes, I also recommend October Sky, thanks Grim.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 21:05:34 UTC Post #273007
To save space and time, anything on IMDB's top 250 list shouldn't be mentioned here. The vast majority of the list are actually very great films that will undoubtedly end up being posted in this thread anyway.

I encourage you to run down the list and watch anything that looks interesting to you.

IMDB's Top 250 of all time
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-06 21:50:00 UTC Post #273009
Heh heh, Equilibrium. Watch it if you want a laugh. Face chop!

I don't watch many movies but I strongly recommend Serenity. Just make sure you watch the Firefly series before it.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 00:50:53 UTC Post #273012
I like all Pixar films.

But here are my favorites: Moulin Rouge, Minority Report, Gattaca, When Harry Met Sally, A Room with a View
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 00:57:22 UTC Post #273013
anything on IMDB's top 250 list shouldn't be mentioned here
In that case, just delete the thread. We can start a new one called "Least Favourite Films"
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 01:07:00 UTC Post #273014
All I'm saying is that IMDB's top 250 are well known and pretty much self-recommending, so it would be better to suggest some lesser known favorites.
There's no way that you haven't seen a movie that you liked that isn't on that list.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 01:38:15 UTC Post #273015
You're right. I enjoyed Death Proof.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 01:43:02 UTC Post #273016
Maybe some classics like Vertigo, or even the 1939 Wizard Of Oz. How about Robin Hood: Men In Tights, or The Terminal? Anything really with a score by John Williams, you should at least watch them for the music.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 02:24:02 UTC Post #273017
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
My avatar gives it away, and so does the poster I currently have on my wall, but I love this movie. It's fantastic in respect to the way Johnny Depp portrays Hunter S. Thompson, just in his style and how well he does it. It's amazing.

Everything else I like is in the top 250, and everyone knows them.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 02:53:21 UTC Post #273019
[i]Boondock Saints[/i] is a pretty nice movie, it was recommended to me by my bro. Irish accents make movies great.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 04:07:15 UTC Post #273022
oh who cares about those movies


"i am a rocker, i am a roller, im an out of controller! yeahhh aha hha ha! i am the nightrider baby and we aint never comming back!"
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 07:17:33 UTC Post #273025
2nd choice; EQUILIBRIUM
I liked the idea of the story but some parts weren't so great. The action parts are pure win though. Most of them anyway (not the 'final showdown' though lol).

Other than that:
The Matrix (the only matrix movie - there is no such thing as a second/third part)
LotR (all 3 movies, I think they're very well made)
Minority report (probably the only tom cruise movie that I really liked)
Harry Potter 1-4 (5 was so-so, 6 sucked big time)
Bourne trilogy (haven't really seen all of it)
Gawn in 60 seconds
Scary movie 1&3 (some parts are really funny)
American history X
Star Wars

And many others. Mostly action movies though.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 09:05:03 UTC Post #273027
Jurassic Park
A fantastic film which unfortunatly became the opening to a terrible trilogy. The original is the best because the first hour or so portrays a simple holiday scenario in a believable world of fantasy. It then rapidly becomes a nightmare. I saw it in the cinema as a child and I had never been so amazed while at the same time genuinely terrified.

28 Days Later
Fantastically Horrifying. I mean come on! A handful of people against the entire population of Great Britain who just so happen to be so overwhelmingly murderously fucked off.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 09:41:47 UTC Post #273028
Harry Potter 1-4 (5 was so-so, 6 sucked big time)
hilarious. 1 and 2 were pure shit. 3 was awesome. 4 was mediocre. 5 was crap. 6 was amazing. learn to not fail.

though judging by the fact you have scary movie in your post, i'm beginning to think you may be trolling. if so i give you 7/10.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 10:33:17 UTC Post #273029
+1 for Donnie Darko, each the Pixar films, Children of Men, A Scanner Darkly (it's not that good, but it's interesting) and Serenity.

To add my own (some might be in the top 250, can't be bothered checking):

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Leon (aka The Professional), Good Will Hunting, The Prestige, Garden State, and the best of them all - The Happening.

Just kidding.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 10:55:02 UTC Post #273030
I know the talk is about past and current movies, but if I may, I would like to mention a certain upcoming movie that's been creating a strong buzz in the entertainment media. The name of the movie is "Avatar", from Hollywood director James Cameron. To put it simply, this Avatar movie is said to seriously raise the level of live action and CGI integration like never before, also pushing CGI realism to new heights never before seen in movies, or games for that matter. Normally I would not completely believe these kind of lofty claims, but since it is coming from the great James Cameron, who tends to raise the bar on movie magic with each new movie he makes, I would have to give the benefit of the doubt here.
User posted image
So, if you got the QuickTime player installed on your PC, check out the trailer: http://gamescom.gamespot.com/video/6215800/

On a related note, unsurprisingly enough a video game adaptation is being made of this movie, and it seems to be just as visually spectacular as the movie itself. Gamespot.com posted a trailer of the Avatar game showing "In game footage", so with that said, you be the judge: http://gamescom.gamespot.com/video/6215800/
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 10:59:31 UTC Post #273031
@trapt, ok, I'm not going to argue about the rest, I guess I can agree to disagree (I don't even remember the first two HPs anymore), but how was the 6th one amazing? They just threw out every part that wasn't a love story between the main characters. It ended up being more a romantic comedy than anything else.
Though it may have been that my lack of enthusiasm for it was also partially caused by the fact that I was sitting next to 5 kids under 8 who kept giggling during all the not-funny parts and talking out loud during the rest of the movie.

As for scary movies, yeah, they're pretty much crap. I just said they have a few good parts (though I can't really remember any of them right now).

Why only 7/10?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 11:11:49 UTC Post #273032
Trapt is right about the HP movies, number 6 was definitely one of the best.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 12:43:03 UTC Post #273033
Just remembered, A Knight's Tale is also a good one.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 13:10:59 UTC Post #273034
Trapt is right about the HP movies, number 6 was definitely one of the best.
If you say so, then I instantly believe it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 13:19:26 UTC Post #273035
Saw District 9 last night. It might just get a place in my top 10.

High Fidelity will always be near the very top.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 15:01:59 UTC Post #273039
Watched a trailer online for District 9. First I've seen of it. Looks interesting.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 15:18:01 UTC Post #273041
Holy Holy Holy Holy Shiiit..shit..shit...it..it..t.t.

I was talking about some favorite movies, never thinking you could be so generous in giving a truck load of movie names, plus giving descriptions !
This is somehow changing my way of thinking about TWHL.
Big thanks. You guys take the cake
User posted image
If I would consider every film only 90 minutes, I'd have 8640 minutes of film watching from now on ! ( that's 6 days in a row of watching films ...). Twhl has fucking succeeded in making the top 100 ( I counted 96 films from your suggestions, but Grim takes the cake ...)
To add my own (some might be in the top 250, can't be bothered checking):

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I saw this film(maybe the only film with Jim Carrey that's a drama...). First I didn't understand at all what's happening. I had to watch it 2 times. Well, even now I don't really understand what the fuck happened, but if I'm watching it I somehow understand. The thing I don't understand is how can the girlfriend of Jim Carrey( I don't remember his actor name) is becoming conscious about what's happening with Jim ( she's being erased from his mind), and then they're all good again.

Also, I want to ask about a film I don't remember at all its name. That film is incredibly cool.
The film begins by showing a woman giving birth in a medieval market, under a table full of fish entering into decay. All of the other babies had died, but this one started crying. That mother is judged and then she's killed for child murder. The "special" baby arrives in some help center for children, where he faces another threat : the other boys and girls try to kill them, but he's saved by a nurse( or what was that). The film then shows him as he's developing a strange pleasure to smell things. He's also the lonely type of guy.
When he grows he's being bought by somebody, then I don't know how he arrives in a perfume shop where he'll learn how smell can be stored for later. An interesting fact is that every guy that had an important contribution in his evolution dies after the boy leaves them. The boy will leave this perfume specialist(and he'll die) because his smell storing idea is obsessive, he wants to store smells of human bodies. I don't really remember what happens next, but I remember that he killed a woman and put her in some kind of apparatus to store her smell. He then succeeds in creating the perfect perfume. It's powers are so strong that in day, while releasing the perfume in the city, all women and men began to take their clothes off and had sex. This is an incredible scene. When they "wake up" from their hallucinations a total disorder is created in the entire city.
I don't know how he manages to have a depression, he releases another kind of powerful perfume, and then he is being eat alive by humans.

Does somebody know the name of this film ? Thank you.

Again, big thanks for the film suggestions, I'll have what to watch now.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:10:30 UTC Post #273046
Here's mine;

Pulp Fiction

Hands down my favorite movie

Nightmare before christmas

Yeah it's a kid's movie but the artwork and music is superb.


Best superhero movie I've seen along with Dark Knight

Sin City

Another movie that just looks so damn awesome

And of course..


Lawnmower scene, 'nuff said :D
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 16:57:33 UTC Post #273050

Lawnmower scene, 'nuff said
Ha, I remember that. I couldn't believe how insanely gory that became.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 17:45:48 UTC Post #273056
That's what's so great about that movie, it's so over the top it's hilarious :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 19:47:03 UTC Post #273062
If you wanna broaden your horizons and check out musicals, give Sweeney Todd a look. One of Johnny Depp's and indeed Tim Burton's best films IMO.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 19:59:17 UTC Post #273063
Oh, you know what else? Ronin. God, what a great movie. Too bad I couldn't figure out the plot on the first watch.

Also, Two Lane Blacktop and Vanishing Point are really good if you have the patience to digest all the spiritual/philosophical mumbo-jumbo. Or maybe just want to look at the cars.
Hell yeah. But the second and third ones kinda blew chunks, comparatively. #2 was just further exploitation of the original's chase scenes, #3 was just... yeah. It reminded me of Army of Darkness with its complete lack of respect for the original material. The only saving grace was the chase scene at the end.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 21:15:03 UTC Post #273067
I saw this film(maybe the only film with Jim Carrey that's a drama...). First I didn't understand at all what's happening. I had to watch it 2 times. Well, even now I don't really understand what the fuck happened, but if I'm watching it I somehow understand. The thing I don't understand is how can the girlfriend of Jim Carrey( I don't remember his actor name) is becoming conscious about what's happening with Jim ( she's being erased from his mind), and then they're all good again.
Heh, it fooled me at first aswell. What you see at the beginning of the film, with Joel and Clementine meeting on the train, isn't actually their first meeting. It's their 'second first meeting' after both having their memories erased. The start and end of the film show their new relationship, and the middle section of the film shows how their first relationship fell apart. Clementine has just had the memory procedure, and Joel starts having it done to him.

The Clementine you see in his mind is a bit different. Some of her appearances are just recollections, and some of them are a result of Joel trying to save his memories of her. He's dragging her with him 'through his mind', trying to hold on to her as the memories are destroyed. It's why she ends up in a memory of him as a child, funny scene too. I hope that makes some kind of sense.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 21:21:13 UTC Post #273068
Favourite Films
*Favorite films

I don't have any. Don't care much for movies.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 22:12:34 UTC Post #273070
Isn't "favourite" the British English spelling and "favorite" the American English? Like "colour" and "color"?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 22:33:09 UTC Post #273071

Best superhero movie I've seen along with Dark Knight
No offence, but I thought that movie was fucking stupid and senseless as hell. They killed the only good character in it anyway. Rorschach.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 23:13:54 UTC Post #273072
Don't blame the movie, blame the graphic novel that it was based on. The movie itself was a flawless adaptation.
And honestly, you didn't see why Rorschach had to die?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 23:16:25 UTC Post #273073
Of course Rorschach was killed, it was supposed to be that way. In the origional DC Comics graphic novel, Rorschach was killed near at the end of the story. So, to keep the movie's plot in line with that of it's comic book source, good'old Rorschach had to go.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-07 23:27:33 UTC Post #273074
Pan's Labyrinth (El Laberinto del Fauno)

In 1944 fascist Spain, a girl, fascinated with fairy-tales, is sent along with her pregnant mother to live with her new stepfather, a ruthless captain of the Spanish army. During the night, she meets a fairy who takes her to an old faun in the center of the labyrinth. He tells her she's a princess, but must prove her royalty by surviving three gruesome tasks. If she fails, she will never prove herself to be the the true princess and will never see her real father, the king, again.

Its in Spanish with subtitles. Its hard-fuckin-core and is a movie I enjoy every time.

Watchmen is the only movie since... I think Spaceballs... I would gladly see again. I'm not the type to watch movies multiple times, not by choice at least.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 00:04:50 UTC Post #273075
Dogma is also a very good film. I remember watching it a long time ago and loved it. I can't remember the story of it that well though.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 00:11:33 UTC Post #273076
Any of Kevin Smith's movies are pretty good. They get even better the more of them you watch, because they all tie into each other and you'll find yourself catching references to things all over the place.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 00:35:24 UTC Post #273077
NOOOOO rim already mentioned groundhog day. I just watched it, its my fav. movie ever!I was laughing so hard when the groundhog was driving I started crying!

EVERYONE must also watch FLCL its the best japanime iv'e ever seen.Amazing stuff, really! Just amazing!

And the best cartoon series was probably vash the stampede.If you haven't seen all of them go buy it! ! !

Oh yea saving private ryans a great movie too.

Ace ventura is freaking hilarious.

The latest star wars was really cool "The only one ive seen"

Yes manWas pretty good.

The new final destination was ok too, just because is was 3d. The only thing that sucks is that the 3d glasses have tint and its not the best thing to have in a dark theater, I don't know why there tinted it ruined the movie up because it was too dark.

Hmm i seem to have left outTHE LION KING and FINDING NEMO, what was I thinking

Oh snap, I just remembered my favorite gorry movie I used to always watch as a kid when it would come on tv. It had to do with this huge cotton factory or something that was haunted. People would get caught in the machine and squished and folded up and stuff. And the machine came to life and all kinds of stuff it was really creepy. Any one know what its called?
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 00:56:48 UTC Post #273078
rim already mentioned groundhog day.
I guess everyone forgot about me, heh.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 00:57:22 UTC Post #273079
Don't blame the movie, blame the graphic novel that it was based on. The movie itself was a flawless adaptation.
Yeah but not really. The graphic novel was interesting and even though it was violent in places, it wasn't nearly as sadistic as Snyder made it.

Honestly can't stand that guy as a director, his two big tricks are small bursts of slow-motion and throwing buckets of blood at people.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 02:55:34 UTC Post #273080
I just watched The Spirit. It's kinda like Sin City but I actually found it much more enjoyable. My collection includes:

Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Pitch Black
The Chronicles of Riddick
Mr Brooks
The Prestige
Edward Scissorhands
The Green Mile
Saving Private Ryan
Big Fish
Ace Ventura
The Illusionist
The Black Balloon
The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford
The Truman Show
Cube 2
Artificial Intelligence
and Paddington :biggrin:
Posted 15 years ago2009-09-08 08:52:59 UTC Post #273083
The sun is dying. Seven years ago the Icarus went on a mission to restart the sun with a gigantic atom bomb. They went missing and the mission was never competed. Now the Icarus II has been sent to complete the mission.

The trailers and the DVD box make it look like a cliched action movie, but it's actually a serious sci-fi movie. Although the ending is a tad fucked up.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
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