Hiring a coder Created 14 years ago2009-12-16 10:51:19 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 14 years ago2009-12-16 10:51:19 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 10:51:19 UTC Post #276662
Im in need of a coder for my future projects, including Uplink Extended. Believe it or not, i still have some cool idea's i want to add to the mod, but that requires some custom new code.

I tried coding it myself, but i just can't do it, C++ is simply not my thing, it just makes no sense to me. So that's why im officially hiring.

I asked Highlander, but he left TWHL and i've never heard from him since. Major drag.
I asked ChickenFist, but he's currently too busy.

I have compiled a list of stuff i'd like to have:

Code List Version 1.0

It may be too much for one person to code all that, so i was thinking maybe we could have two persons (or perhaps more) code it.

I know we have just a handful of experienced coders here, and i know they're probably busy with their own projects, but im still hoping you guys find this a great learning experience.

Thank you. :)
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 11:32:38 UTC Post #276664
I know C++, but I've never coded for half-life. It would be quite interesting to try though. But I'll be busy with exams for another month :-(
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 11:51:32 UTC Post #276665
Maybe you can try something that should be pretty "easy" to do. The cleansuit scientist for example, or Otis, Black Ops, you know. Those can all be based off existing monsters (I know that much, but i can't do it :()
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 14:24:41 UTC Post #276667
Half of those things could, I just realized, be done just by using Spirit. :P
ChickenFist ChickenFist<Witty Title>
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 14:48:17 UTC Post #276668
I know, but i don't want to use Spirit, i want to add it to my existing source code which is used for Uplink Extended and my future projects.

Also, i tried it before, but failed miserably.

Spirit is a no-go.

Are you up for the task of programming one maybe two "small" things? I think if everyone does a little part, it should be finished much faster, and i can finally map the ending of Uplink Extended (in which i'd like to use the weapon_displacer...)
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 16:11:26 UTC Post #276669
Just like SpaG, I know C++ but I have never worked on any game. However, my last final is next monday, so...
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 18:33:36 UTC Post #276673
no more "Im going to have to leave you here, Gordon"
Done and done. Try the game, they no longer say that. :D
Sorry, I can't do any code...
Good luck, though.
Also, please, don't give Mr Friendly AI.
I'm sure I agree with most other players when I say I don't want to get raped when I play HL.
Now you know why he's called Mr Friendly.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 18:34:55 UTC Post #276674
I can help you if you want.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 18:35:59 UTC Post #276675
What? What kind of a pointless reply is that, JeffMOD. You're not adding anything usefull to this thread with that post.
You should'nt have replied in the first place, but it has come to my attention, you feel the need to reply to ANYTHING.

Edit: so you've editted your post. but your first lines are still pointless.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 18:38:04 UTC Post #276676
...I gave you links to the articles on the VERC revival section that have code that might be useful in an edit...
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 18:58:29 UTC Post #276679
JeffMOD, i tried those tuts plenty of times, and the cleansuit scientist still freakin heals me. Otis is still holding his deasert eagle, but it behaves and fires just like the glock. And when you kill Otis, he dropd his gun which turnd into the actual glock model. I don't know how to fix this issues and thats why im relying on an experiences coder to code these things the proper and efficient way.

Don't feel offended, those tutorials are certainly usefull for learning coders (not me), it's just your first line (your original post before editted) that is nothing more than plain nonsense.

At barneyinblue: what can you do?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 19:15:25 UTC Post #276680
I tried coding it myself, but i just can't do it, C++ is simply not my thing, it just makes no sense to me. So that's why im officially hiring.
And that's because you insisted too much on simplified languages. C++ is a language that tries to be very close to what the processor actually does.

If you want quality coding, I suggest you start preparing some dollars on paypal :lol: .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 19:19:28 UTC Post #276681
Anything, except some stuff you mentioned in your optional list - in case you're wondering, I don't ask for a payment.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 19:24:40 UTC Post #276682
Otis is still holding his deasert eagle, but it behaves and fires just like the glock.
cleansuit scientist still freakin heals me.
Hmm... I though the tut said something about making it unable to heal... I guess it doesn't work.
I could hack together a LD otis with a glock, if you wanted. If you really want a deagle, though, I can't help at all.
it's just your first line (your original post before editted) that is nothing more than plain nonsense.
Yeah... Sorry about that. Guess that was a pretty stupid thing to do.
Sorry I can't give any coding assistance.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 15:54:03 UTC Post #276683
That's ok, JeffMOD. Peace man! :)

@ barneyinblue: Sounds great! At this point, the optional list is at the lowest priority level so ignore that part for now. This goes for everyone.

How experienced are you? You must understand that i would prefer someone who knows what he's doing and he should have some experience.

Edit: I know SoHL could give me all those features, but the problem is that my current code already has numerous stuff added to it, including dynamic lights. How would i merge my sdk with the SoHL sdk without breaking it? I tried it before and all i got were tons of errors.

Code sucks.

Dear coders, please help me out.

Weapon_displacer completed!
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 17:56:33 UTC Post #276741
Cool. Does it teleport the player too?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 18:27:17 UTC Post #276742
You didn't make that in Spirit did you?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 18:27:39 UTC Post #276743
looks like a bfg, should have it kill everything around it if you miss the player with the teleport
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 18:28:09 UTC Post #276744
psilous have you not played Opposing Force?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 18:34:42 UTC Post #276745
I might have hopped through it..

It still looks like a bfg.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 18:59:24 UTC Post #276746
@JeffMOD: Yes it does. All you need to do is place one info_displacer_xen_target and one info_displacer_earth_target and you can teleport between those points.

No i did not. I found the source code on some russian forum and tried to add it to my sdk. It works, but i could'nt code it all by myself.

I just tried adding the cleansuit_scientist again. The son of a bitch still heals me, even though i have:
[blue]class[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist : [blue]public[/blue] CScientist
     [blue]void[/blue] Spawn([blue]void[/blue]);
     [blue]void[/blue] Precache([blue]void[/blue]);
     BOOL CanHeal([blue]void[/blue]);

BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal([blue]void[/blue])
     [blue]return[/blue] FALSE;
I don't get it. I don't get C++ anyway, so.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-18 22:30:30 UTC Post #276748
Tell you what, if you give me your working displacer code i'll help you out with a few things. I've been trying for ages to make a displacer in HL:SF with no such luck.

Sorry, i'm in the bargaining stage of frustration :P
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 00:01:02 UTC Post #276749
Can't you place a watchpoint in that line and wait for it to fire?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 07:55:07 UTC Post #276754
I don't get it. I don't get C++ anyway, so.
What you have there is a class. Classes are a collection of functions that have commune variables that are private for the class. This is the object-oriented programming.

And from what I see there, that's only the declaration, I guess.
But maybe I'm wrong.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 08:31:29 UTC Post #276755
Paste your entire cleansuit scientist class code. It might be overwriting the can heal flag in its base class somewhere.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 15:26:44 UTC Post #276758
CCleanSuitScientist seems to be an abstract class from which some other class inherits. So you might want to find that next class in the class tree. Just an idea.

edit: who is "Mr. Friendly"?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 17:56:46 UTC Post #276760
Yesterday i was trying to add the deagle into my projects. It works, but the gun doesn't play animations when i fire, reload. It also doesn't play any sounds. Ammo and hud works fine.

Here's my complete cleansuit sci code:
[blue]class[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist : [blue]public[/blue] CScientist
     [blue]void[/blue] Spawn([blue]void[/blue]);
     [blue]void[/blue] Precache([blue]void[/blue]);
     BOOL CanHeal([blue]void[/blue]);

LINK_ENTITY_TO_[blue]class[/blue]( monster_cleansuit_scientist , CCleanSuitScientist);

BOOL CCleanSuitScientist::CanHeal([blue]void[/blue])
		return FALSE;

[green]// Spawn[/green]
[blue]void[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist::Spawn([blue]void[/blue])
     Precache( );

     SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/cleansuit_scientist.mdl");

     pev->solid               = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
     pev->movetype          = MOVETYPE_STEP;
     m_bloodColor          = BLOOD_COLOR_RED;
     pev->health               = gSkillData.scientistHealth;

     [green]// position of the eyes relative to monster's origin.[/green]
     pev->view_ofs          = Vector ( 0, 0, 50 );

     [green]// NOTE: we need a wide field of view so scientists will notice player and say hello[/green]
     m_flFieldOfView          = VIEW_FIELD_WIDE;
     m_MonsterState          = MONSTERSTATE_NONE;

[green]//     m_flDistTooFar          = 256.0;[/green]

     m_afCapability          = bits_CAP_HEAR | bits_CAP_TURN_HEAD | bits_CAP_OPEN_DOORS | bits_CAP_AUTO_DOORS | bits_CAP_USE;

     [green]// White hands[/green]
     pev->skin = 0;

     [blue]if[/blue] ( pev->body == -1 )
     { [green]// -1 chooses a random head[/green]
          [green]// pick a head, any head[/green]
          pev->body = RANDOM_LONG(0, NUM_SCIENTIST_HEADS-1);

     [green]// Luther is black, make his hands black[/green]
     [blue]if[/blue] ( pev->body == HEAD_LUTHER )
          pev->skin = 1;

     SetUse( FollowerUse );

[green]// Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs[/green]
[blue]void[/blue] CCleanSuitScientist::Precache([blue]void[/blue])

     [green]// every new scientist must call this, otherwise[/green]
     [green]// when a level is loaded, nobody will talk (time is reset to 0)[/green]

@ DiscoStu: Mr. Friendly is an unused monster (no AI) but it can still be used in maps my just placing a monster_generic.
User posted image
@hlife_hotdog: what can you offer me?

User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-19 21:55:59 UTC Post #276772
I can give you a desert eagle (we already have one in HL:SF), I will develop a Shock Rifle (we want one in HL:SF) and i'll do the pitdrone and gonome monsters for you. (We have both partially working in HL:SF)
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-21 12:30:42 UTC Post #276785
Sounds great, but right now Daubster is looking at my code in an attempt to fix the cleansuit scientist and also trying to fix the deagle.
I think i can do the pitdrone and gonome myself (i did it before, i have the code somewhere else), so you don't have to do those.


Gonome and Pitdrone working:
User posted image
Can you do the voltigore and/or the shocktrooper?

As for the deagle, it kinda depends on Daubster. If he can't fix it, it's all yours.
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