Help monkey make word bring hurt big sma Created 14 years ago2009-12-25 18:37:47 UTC by psilous psilous

Created 14 years ago2009-12-25 18:37:47 UTC by psilous psilous

Posted 14 years ago2009-12-25 18:39:58 UTC Post #276916
Someone can run me through this Windows 7 operations perchance?

To open (disable) the security blockers for programs such as bitlord/torrents and games of the like.

Thanks in advanced. (& Happy Holidays, if you haven't heard it yet)


forgot about the character limit.. title originally was

"Help monkey make words bring hurt smarty thing (Windows 7 Question)"
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-25 20:11:04 UTC Post #276917
"Help monkey make words bring hurt smarty thing"

You call that a Windows 7 question? It's not even a normal sentence, just a random set of words!
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-25 20:20:29 UTC Post #276918
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Anyway, go to Control Panel-> Windows Firewall-> Allow Programs
From there you can open or block stuff.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-25 23:44:16 UTC Post #276919
AWWW!! Thanks Soup!

Too most awesome where is be pal! That you are.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-25 23:47:44 UTC Post #276920
hmm.. follow up question

(++double post, btw)

I can use the same feature to allow processes from Valve Hammer Editor?

I can't seem to allow it into the list of identified programs through 'windows firewall'
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-26 00:39:30 UTC Post #276921
:quizzical: VHE doesn't need network/internet access... or are there any new features of Windows Firewall unrelated to network access that I'm not aware of?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-26 02:05:57 UTC Post #276922
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts
Change User Account Control Settings
Slide to very bottom ("Never Notify")
Click OK
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-27 01:36:39 UTC Post #276951

I TOTALLY have it already set on that..

yet it refuses to let hlvis run without prompting me about allowing it too

(which totally F'S up compiloators programmin.. which in my opinion, has waaay better clipping rendering than hammer editor's options)

I dont know.. maybe theres just some horrible error in the map/s somewhere that windows 7 will never fathom of recognizing.. i'll check back over my work and get back to you on the situation
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-27 09:29:48 UTC Post #276962
also,'s stopping programs like mugen from running as well..

it will start the loading screen, but cease as soon as it loads the actual game files.. claiming

"winmugen.exe has stopped working"

anyone know why this is?
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