Looping animations? Created 21 years ago2003-08-28 11:00:14 UTC by Misty Misty

Created 21 years ago2003-08-28 11:00:14 UTC by Misty Misty

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 11:00:14 UTC Post #277
I am quite new to using the Valve Hammer Editor. I have version 3.4 and I have recently become very stuck-I am trying to get a scene in my map where a scientist is being dragged into a ventilation shaft by a zombie-but I cannot get the animation ventpullidle2 to loop smoothly-the scientist plays the animation once-and then when it is finished he stands up for a few seconds, and then plays the animation again. I have tried everything to make the animation loop smoothly without him getting up (like in the game) but it simply won't loop! I am using the aiscripted_sequence entity. I have tried using the scripted_sequence entity- it is the only way I can get the animation ceiling_dangle to play-but the scientist always plays the animation round the wrong way (facing inside the vent) and still won't loop. Could someone please tell me how to get animations such as ventpullidle2 to loop correctly and/or how to get the scripted_sequence animations to play the right way round-I have changed the angle on the object but it just won't seem to turn the animation round. sorry for making this so long. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 13:37:24 UTC Post #278
John_Crichon and I had the same problem in our competition entry, so we had to make a monster follow some path_corners instead - no help to you, though, sorry ;(
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 15:12:09 UTC Post #279
hmmm... setting the angle property should work
or try changing the yaw pitch roll property

to get sequences like these to work i usually do this, which in theory should work for you.

you have your sci. lets call him 'foggy' no quotes please
and your scripted_sequence call it puller for handyness sake.

check the 'prisoner' flag in the scientist, that'l stop him from pulling all the chickensht scientist stuff...

scripted_sequence next,
right, in the idle animation put in ventpullidle2
and in the action animation put on ventpull or whatever..
set the move to position property to Instantaneous

now the sci should start at the scripted_sequence and loop the idle animation untill the scripted_sequence is triggered by something, at which point the sci will perform the action animation... hang on a bit and check the example maps section, i'll have the map ready in a bit...
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 15:16:18 UTC Post #280
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-28 23:25:18 UTC Post #281
aaaaaah! Instantantous!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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