psiRAVEtest05 Created 14 years ago2010-01-21 21:41:30 UTC by psilous psilous

Created 14 years ago2010-01-21 21:41:30 UTC by psilous psilous

Posted 14 years ago2010-01-21 21:41:30 UTC Post #278253
File is 8mb and upload only accepts 2mb.. or this would be in the problem maps section..

[quote]Faces: 7463
Create Patches: 26694 base patches
Opaque faces: 0
Square feet: 515656 [74254592.00 square inches]
Base patches created: 26694 out of 65545 max. (40.7%)
Direct lights: 48

(8.24 seconds)
visibility matrix : 42.5 megs
(66.26 seconds)
(35.37 seconds)
(9.42 seconds)
Transfer Lists : 24426210 : 24.43M transfers
Indices :    22719652 :   21.67M bytes
   Data :    97704840 :   93.18M bytes
Warning: Too many light styles on a face(2054.981934,976.000000,128.009995)
Warning: Too many light styles on a face(2266.486816,847.722900,128.009995)
(3.64 seconds)
(1.13 seconds)

Also I was wondering if I should turn up the max viewable distance.. or leave it with the skybox poking through at those points.. (inside hallway, looking from bar towards stairs, or vice versa) kinda looks trippy
User posted image
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If this is good as is, I'm moving onto final compile and hosting
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-21 22:06:48 UTC Post #278258
Warning: Too many direct light styles on a face(coordinates given)

You have too many different kinds of light shining on a face(patch) of a brush: either differently named switchable lights, or flickering or strobing lights, or lights with a custom appearance. You need to remove some of these lights in the problem area (probably where you have the most such lighting), or combine the lights' properties into the same style. You can have more than one light shine in an area, but 3 styles maximum; but the lights should be the same light type/custom appearance/name(if any) if possible. The new switchable texture lights count as one dynamic style if they are all the same type/custom appearance/name.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-21 22:08:33 UTC Post #278259
You can post links to your maps in the vault.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-22 07:45:51 UTC Post #278260
Thnx Nefarious..

..but I know that already.. and have a general Idea where it is..

(either smooshed into the clipping block thats inbetween the secrete, the outside, and the arcade.. adding up to 4 lights) (or just outside the dance floor.. where pink meets a white, a green, and a yellow light)

either way, the map runs with lights even though theres that error, so i was just going to leave it, as of so far (about 15 minutes of test time) it hasn't really caused any in game problems


gawd i love that compiolator 64bit.. it will compile lights with nearly just about any vis error running on top of them


AWWW, seriously>!?!?!

I wanted a good few reviews/testers before I set this on final compile and went to sleep tonight..

I'll be up for an hour or two longer.. can ANYONE review this quickly and tell me if it's ready for final compile or should I put 'more' work into it?


F it..

out casted or not, final compiling, starting.. NOW.

everyone who downloads on a pentium 2 or equal to processor can just go F themselves. this is done and i'm not dealing with it
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-22 14:01:21 UTC Post #278298
have you tried compiling with circus? look it up.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-22 16:23:53 UTC Post #278300
sry, tetsuo..

you HAVE to admit (spelling and grammar aside.. because at this point i am.. VERY drunk)

compiolator... all.. the.. way.. for the win.

'N'ot to rass me/you, that's.. how.. it is. :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-22 17:05:48 UTC Post #278301
Its COMPILATOR, goddamn it!
Let me spell that for you:

C, O, M, P, I, L, A, T, O, R

You got that?

And the Compilator is not a 64 bit application, its still 32 bit, but with support for 64-bit systems.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-22 20:03:34 UTC Post #278305
Can you please speak so we can understand ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-23 12:44:21 UTC Post #278326
No i mean using the 'CIRCUS' compilation setting WITH the compilator.

makes your lights look all funky. i'm not exactly sure what it does, or how it does it, but it's sweet.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-23 15:19:32 UTC Post #278329
You know, you really ought to look into this alcoholism problem of yours. They have self-help programs for this stuff.

Plus. maybe then you could make maps without quite as many errors?
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