Another Trigger_changelevel thread Created 15 years ago2010-03-06 10:54:51 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Created 15 years ago2010-03-06 10:54:51 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 10:56:23 UTC Post #279519
Hi people I know this has been talked to death but I have also problems with Trigger_changelevel.

I know there are other threads here about this topic but I didn't wanted to bring those old threads from 2007 back to surface so I'm making a new topic.

I have 3 maps. My problem is that when I activate the trigger the game constantly crashes.

This are my settings:

[b]1st Map Op4F0

name: Changelevel1
newmap: Op4F01
Landmark: S1

info_Landmark: S1
2nd Map Op4F01

name: Changelevel2
newmap: Op4F0
Landmark: S1
Flags: Use only

info_Landmark: S1[/b]

Then in the same map I have another trigger_changelevel with this specifications:

2nd Map Op4F01

name: Changelevel3
newmap: Op4F1
Landmark: S2

info_Landmark: S2

I don't see any error do you see any one?
I can't post any log errors since I'm on Vista and it just crashes with the message Hl.exe has stopped responding.

I haven't started the maps via Hammer instead I started via Opfor.exe (my mod is based on Opposing Force)

If it's help I can also send someone the maps and other required files via private message.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 12:03:43 UTC Post #279520
Have you compiled Op4F1, Op4F0, and Op4F01?

Do all the maps have corresponding trigger_changelevels in them from the last map?
Are the changelevels far enough away from each other so the game doesn't get in a "loading..." loop?
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 12:44:42 UTC Post #279521
So far I just tested the first 2 maps but I can answer everything with yes..
I added 2 screenshots showing how it looks in Hammer.
The info_landmark is here in the middle of the trigger.
The info_landmark is here in the tram. The Trigger is some units behind that since you're not supposed to get back I don't need it inside the train.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 14:09:53 UTC Post #279522
Upload the map to the Vault as a problem map, and perhaps someone can fix it for you.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 16:16:56 UTC Post #279524
I fixed it. I was looking in so many forums in so many maps and finally I was able to fix it. I just saved my maps under a different name Test & Test1 and it worked. Then I saved Test & Test1 as my Op4F0 & Op4F01 and it still worked. I have no idea why it didn't liked it the first time but it had something to do with the mapname that's for sure. I really hate Hammer with it's damn bugs all the time!

Well should someone ever encounter the same thing and you're sure your changelevel triggers are correct then do it like I did. After changing the mapnames you must ajust the triggers to the new mapnames to test it if it works. Then you can easily save back to your original mapnames but don't forget to ajust the triggers again back to the original names as well.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 17:44:16 UTC Post #279526
Just remember that the landmark goes after the trigger--if you are walking in a straight line and name it the same in both maps. I usually place mine like 24 to 32 blocks away from the trigger but you can always experiment with this. Just don't leave the landmark in the middle of the trigger-lol.

Trust me---this entity alone has caused me more problems than any other.

just remember the rule-landmark after trigger (24 to 32 units away)

ps. the triggers don't really need names under normal conditions unless you are triggering them from some other entity--which is feasible--not likely.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 21:09:05 UTC Post #279528
Yup thank for the info... I've learned a lot today what for special triggers they are... Glad it's finally working now. And no problems so far with the other maps I created. :)
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-06 21:21:10 UTC Post #279529
Also, if it's "USE only", you might as well make it tiny and put it in a corner out of the way.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-07 09:15:19 UTC Post #279534
Some more tips:

Move all the dialogs and panels to the left (provided that your screen resolution is sufficient). This makes the grid wdinows larger.

Your grid setting is a mess. You'll never able to place objects accurately that way. Enlarge it, and make sure that object always snap to the grid when you move things around.

Finally, it is not recommended to use capital character for entity strings (names, targetnames and all that). Use lowercase and underscores (instead of spaces) characters only.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-07 12:31:04 UTC Post #279536
I know this is prob another thread but why can't you use caps?

I don't but would like to know why this would effect ANYTHING.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-07 13:11:56 UTC Post #279537
It's just one of those things about hammer. It doesn't like caps.
Posted 15 years ago2010-03-11 12:16:05 UTC Post #279623
with caps you mean capital main letter A,O,E,I,U or do you mean to write a word big on the beginning for example : Barney but I should better write him barney in small letters?
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