I voted.
Created 14 years ago2010-06-06 00:02:30 UTC by
Your so nice. On your period?
Your so nice.
YourNo. God dammit, no.
judges are supposed to be impartial.But rarely are. And how are you supposed to tell if a map is true to the book which it's based on, if you haven't even read the book? A map based on a book the judge hasn't read can be filled with lots of details and references to different chapters, characters and events without the judge even noticing, while another map based on a map the judge has read contains a few references and details, and gets a higher score because of them.
how about we pause for a second and think before we make stupid comments.I suggest you do.
judges are supposed to be impartial.
But rarely are.I resent that
On Tesco?s Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom of the box) ? DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN.I pissed myself.
On a Korean kitchen knife ? WARNING KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN.lol!
Your so nice. On your period?Actually your means something you own, or in your possession, you're means you ARE, which is the correct term in this case.
What, drug trips count as dreams now? You people.It does if it's DMT