Who doesn't like science?

Boooooo, get out of here we hate science!
Awww, come on, a little bit? A little little little little little bit?

I'd like to discuss about, well, experiments in this thread. Give ideas! Have you ever made something cool? Post the story here!
I'm really bored sometimes, and if we could share ideas on this subject I'd be happy. Please don't come up with suggestions as making a teleporter. Let's stay in the boundaries of practical, possible, home-made experiments.
Some time ago I posted this video about making oxygen. I want to use the same method, but with a little more complex apparatus to separate the liquid(water) into 2 containers(plastic bottles). One will represent the anode(hydrogenbubbling) and one the cathode(releasing oxygen). I'm mainly interested in hydrogen now, I want to collect in a plastic bag or balloon :).
I also discovered a weird, but fun, way to make KNO3([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kno3]potassium nitrate[/url]). It's a [url=http://www.ssrsi.org/Onsite/PrimNG/chem1.htm]medieval method[/url]. Smelly one I guess :D, as it involves animal waste. But I'd do it our of curiosity. KNO3 combined with sugar is an excellent rocket fuel(actually I wouldn't do this, but KNO3 is very hard to find).