I am a fan of Louis Armstrong.
This article may be of interest to you, Satchmo:
http://www.clinicaplanas.com/fundacion/articulos/articulo8/articulo8.htmIt outlines "Satchmo's Syndrome," so named because of a similar injury that Louis Armstrong, himself, sustained during his career, forcing him to sit out from playing for a year.
I'm a music student in my sophomore in college and I suffered a similar malady my last year of high school. This injury was on the lower edge of my upper lip, just left of center (where the mouthpiece rim rests). It became enough of a problem that I needed a surgeon to go in to excise the crappy bits and stitch the healthy bits back together, with some apparently good results. I think I have the surgery photos lying around somewhere, if you'd like to take a look at them (Hopefuly you won't be on your lunch break, either

). Neat stuff.
Anyway.. about my name.
I have a hard time remembering the actual origin of my name.. the only memories I have are of my brother and myself at young ages, stuck on long car trips, trying to entertain ourselves by coming up with as many oxymorons as we could. Rotator Splint happened to be (a crappy) one that stuck out in my memory, so when I registered, I chose it. I hate it now.
I usually set my Steam alias to "Aggressive Napkin" these days; yet an other nonsensical imagining after staring at a blank "Name:" text field for 20 minutes. At least that one is a little less bizarre.